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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by TrooperPX

  1. We had a Squad photoshoot on Saturday, and I took the opportunity to take a full spread of full-body pics in every configuration. Once the photographer uploads them, I'll get them forwarded to Blackwatch.
  2. Howdy! For my build I went with 2" below the shoulder seam for the patch. On this real military garment, the armscye is off the shoulder, while in the references it's drawn at the top of the shoulder. This puts the patch visually in the correct place on my arm as a whole, IMO. I will also move the buckles closer to the pistol belt as seen in the one reference. I will take new reference pics with the loose harness strap behind (full body pics and detail pic). It may take me a weekend or two.
  3. Okay, I understand the shape we're going for now. Thanks!
  4. Would these goggle frames work for the helmet?
  5. Yea, it’s an odd shape because of the bottom pleating, making it more of a cone. An in-curve at the bottom helped it lock into the back corners. I made several because I know I’m going to sit down at some point and crush it... ?
  6. Made a shaper from some styrene sheet for my last pouch. This way it will look full, and can keep other items in there...
  7. Painted my boots today, and weathered the pouches a little. No vendor currently has the patches in stock so I printed my own. ?
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