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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by troopre

  1. Good idea, hadn't considered that. Too bad it's lacking in the detail category.
  2. Too bad they don't sell to the US, would love to get closer look at that E11 they're selling.
  3. Buy a shoe shine/polish kit. The gloss is not of the same quality as the armor, but it's good enough for government (or Imperial) work. There is also leather luster. I need to get some of this and try it out. Supposed to leave a decent shine on the shoes. As far as the creative means to keep the calf armor held down, I rigged up some nylon straps with velcro that operate similar to stirrups. The straps attach to the inside of the calf armor with velcro and loop down under your foot. It does the job and keeps the shin pieces from climbing up over the tops of the shoes.
  4. I guess it depends on the undersuit. Personally, I prefer the moisture wicking under armour, or some other varient (starter, nike, etc...) . It really comes in handy when it's hot, and you REALLY dont want anything else than the armor you're already weraing to hold in that heat (and that black armor is an oven). Another thing I've noticed over time is you want the tight fitting (compression) gear, maybe a size larger than what you may normally wear, or the loose fit stuff, but a size or two smaller than what you would normally wear. The reason why is I hate having any loose material flapping out of the gaps in the armor (elbows, arm pits, knees, hips, etc..) It helps when slipping in and out of the armor and in general just looks better, not to mention helps you deal with the heat. Another thing to keep in mind, when adhering velcro to your armor, always have the loop (soft/furry side) of the velcro facing in towards you, while having the hook (hard/plastic side) facing away from you. The reason for this is that hook will grab a hold of your undersuit and will ultimately cause damage. BTW, I'm not saying to put velcro on your undersuit, I'm refering to the velcro you put on the armor, where velcro is necessary to hold pieces together. Just throwing those things out at you.. but I suppose the first thing is to get what you can afford, then upgrade to the better gear when you can afford it.
  5. Good info.. but does anyone have any info on the Hyperdyne electronics upgrade, which I have, but never took photos. It is a really nice visual and audio upgrade... if you have the cash. Caesar
  6. Good point, no need in spending money prematurely. The decals should fit, but if they don't, Testors makes a dull coat spray that will significantly lessen the gloss.
  7. Two items I noticed are the flat-black crown and cheek indents versus the glossy ones depicted in the above link. There are also the flat-black tube stripes on one and not on the other.
  8. I must have missed that post, but then again, I'm still unfamiliar with the new forum layout. That'll be awesome! If they do ship by that date, then they should be on the door step before we all leave for C5
  9. AH! Porch screen, the plastic variety from the looks of it. Thanks for the offer, but I may have some already (bought it to re-screen my back porch
  10. Hey Izzi, what kind of mesh did you use for the air intakes for your helmet, and where did you get it? It looks pretty good with that helmet and I'd like to do the same for my SC-SS that I'm working on.
  11. Just got an e-mail regarding my eFX shadow stormtrooper helmets that I ordered, to include tracking numbers. This leads me to believe that the helmets will be shipping soon. I know there was some concern about the helmets not making it to their destinations before C5, but I'm thinking that this should give all of us renewed hope.
  12. Working for the weekend...

    1. troopre


      Hidden in the shadows, we lay in wait..

      From the shadows, your demise will come..

      To the shadows, we return victorious.

    2. troopre


      The Shadows fortell your demise...

      From the Shadows, we strike...

      Into the Shadows, we vanish...

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