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Everything posted by Panzerjunky

  1. You blaster look Beautiful Great Job on painting the Heat discoloration very Nice
  2. Thank for the Reply Blackwatch. Take a look at the dims also does the geometry look correct ish
  3. While waiting for my DT armor and helmet to show up I printed a Tie pilot helmet .. Got her all done and glued up Just looks a bit Large . Looking over Pics on this board and others it look like this helmet is sorta bobble headish . But how much is to much . Is there any dimensions out there from someone with a good fitting Proportionately with the armor Tie pilot helmet that I could compare measurements with. I know body type etc. plays a bug part in proportions . I'm just looking for a basic guideline . ( did I print it way to big or is this the correct size) Thanks Jerry
  4. Yes sir and That is my Problem with this CRL. No one Knows what they are never seen them lighted up in rouge one or in Mando. '"Yet" they are called " light like" in the crl so if you don't know what it actually is then why assign a specific CRL requirement To get Level 2. your asking for a feature that may or may not be correct and I am leaning more to the incorrect . If I was a betting man I would suspect them to be targeting devises. Most likely some kind of FLIR, That dose not project light , if they were infrared then the IR illuminator would be red. So I feel that Level 2 Req to be lighted should be retracted until They know for sure. one less thing to figure out for level 2 . The boots are bad enough . Just a thought Jerry
  5. Looking at the newer CRL it shows the Level2 DT DLT9-X must have functioning spotlights. Anyone do this yet and if you did ..... how did ya pull it off. Does the light have to be for lack of a better term flashlight like . Or just emit or show light behind opaque white lenses. Not necessarily project light ? Thanks Jerry
  6. On Ebay VMCmusic store has many machined aluminum parts for the dt blaster including the laser targeting device. Basicly the whole Blaster if ya got the Cash
  7. I'm sorry should have added this to the last question but..... what color is accepted for the lenses on the AUX barrels ( This is what its called in my STL file anyway) The lights or what ever they are that hang below the main barrel. I was seeing Gloss white ? as well as the main Optic can the lenses be white or clear any preferences? Thanks Jerry
  8. Searched DLT19-X really found nothing Am looking for a couple pics of some finished examples that are currently being trooped with. Main question is....what is the actual accepted base color is it gloss black , flat black or gloss black weathered down . Thanks Jerry
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