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That one guy

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    Military equipment, Star Wars, and the marine corps

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  1. armor kit just got here. now I can finally start assembly
  2. so my WTF army trooper stuff just got here and I have absolutely no idea how to assemble and trim the armor. any help would be appreciated
  3. Alright I will fix the images. I’m just making one for fun and thank you I will check out the mudtrooper forums
  4. Hey I’m back. I know it’s been a while but while I was waiting for my hard armor to come from Walts trooper factory I discovered some really cool fan art of an army trooper that I think I will make my kit off of. The trouble is that I can’t ID the chest rig the guy has on and I can’t really find where to buy the mudtrooper looking shin guards he has on. Any help would be appreciated.(currently trying to fix the photo link)
  5. I love the military and the equipment they use. I have quite a few uniforms and ballistic vests sitting around in my house. I don’t currently own a M1 but I might get one someday
  6. Well that sucks. I guess it will have remain a unofficial costume
  7. Well shoot it sucks that we can’t make it an official CRL but like you guys said I could just build an army trooper and wear the armpit with it if my local garrison will allow it.
  8. Hello guys. I am currently putting together an army trooper kit. So far all I have done is ordered the walts trooper factory armor kit I will update if I order more parts
  9. That is a serious bummer your rebel CRL got denied I’m really sorry about that. I might actually have a picture of a npc that looks similar to this from some PS1 game. https://awakening-of-the-rebellion.fandom.com/wiki/Army_Trooper_Platoon I’m feeling hopeful about this one. I just need to confirm that awakening of the rebellion has a license with lucasfilm or Disney
  10. Well that’s good news I would still be able to use chest pieces. Thanks for the help boss
  11. Hey I also have ballistic vests! I love military equipment my personal favorite vest is the Interceptor body armor vest. And thank you for the tips I will do this.
  12. ok so I think I have found a reference image that is canon. this comes from fantasy flight games which as far as I know has a license with Disney http://www.erikstormtrooper.com/imptroop.jpg
  13. ah ok. thanks for letting me know. I had better keep looking for some better references
  14. Thank you for your service. We’re you ever issued the PASGT armor system? Those M1 pot helmets look uncomfortable
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