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Everything posted by TheFireAwakens1807

  1. Just popped in to show a peek of how painting is going https://imgur.com/a/rPJnteP Please ignore my messy place, but I think the gloss black areas came out looking pretty good, gotta finish the rest of the armor and then remove the tape off the helmet to get the other colors in ?
  2. It doesnt have to be those specifically since I used them for the SE-14R, but I am looking to see what other people used.
  3. I am currently sanding and will soon be priming my armor. So far I've followed what lancer used on his armor which is a 150 grit then a 400 grit in preparation for the priming. And on June 7th, the local Squad Leader is helping me out and we are using a paint booth to get the gloss black on the armor. I also wanted to see, if anyone had recommendations on spray paint for the flat black and weathered silver. I currently have used these two spray paints https://imgur.com/a/zexsidU https://imgur.com/a/u030WYn for my SE-14R but could they be good enough paint for the armor as well? Thanks!
  4. Omg, i apppreciate that! I am actually looking for a place or recommendations on strapping for the death trooper armor. I want to start on rigging either a harness or whatever is comfortable for me before I seal the inside the armor with plastidip. So any recommendations would be appreciated from you or anyone for that matter. I contacted Ukswrath but unfortunately his Deathtrooper harness is temporarily unavailable so he recommended me to Geeky Pink. Still waiting on a reply tho.
  5. https://imgur.com/a/jJDnwZJ Just got this in not too long ago. Came in super quick! Cant get started on it just yet as my place is being worked on at the moment so I have no space. I will be looking thru @lancer deathtrooper build as he also had a Tripon kit. Thoughts?
  6. Hey can I ask what you used to connect the flashlights? Whats your setup? Do you have a button thats closer to the grip?
  7. It stops at that line that seperates the reciever and the butt stock.
  8. Made some minor adjustments to the thr DLT-19. I used two aluminum pipes (i forgot the dimensions) to run thru the barrel and give it some stability as the front part of it was sagging from the middle. Now it just needs to he painted black and also drill in some holes for some anchor points. https://imgur.com/a/4f1a5j4
  9. His is a fiberglass resin. So lighter and more flexible. But I failed to mention before for the shimming of my current armor is how I needed to shim some pieces for my body is near impossible for me, where as Jim says he can make pieces for me custom to my proportions. Like for my calves and forearms which the PAD pieces do not fit properly.
  10. I got a partial delivery on my order from A&J Projects. It took some time but I am glad some came in. https://imgur.com/a/6P1lqu1 I got their Pauldron, Holster, 6 H&K magazines, and one leather pouch for the belt. They also put in 3 grenades by accident but they gave it to me as a gift. As far as my armor goes, I have decided to put up the armor for sale as the shimming of the fiberglass armor is too time consuming and way outside my noobish expertise. Certain piecesdo not fit my body and to shim them to my size would be a difficult task for me. Therefore, I will be moving forward with remeasuring myself with the undersuit and getting armor thru Jim Tripon. Hes willing to make pieces custom sizes if need be.
  11. Here @Lt. Dan i took a couple pics. Tried my best to show the stitching. Sorry it took me so long. https://imgur.com/a/wSuDrCH
  12. What I can say before I get a picture of the undersuit is that Jim's undersuit ribbing is stitched and not stamped like how the darksideclosets undersuits are. Will post photos soon
  13. I have the undersuit from Jim Tripon already. I ordered from A&J the accessories like the MP40 shoulder pouches, belt pouches and boxes, and the magazines for the chest rig.
  14. Hello everyone! Has been a while. I haven't given up, its just that the DT armor took a 2 month hiatus at one point but I am resuming again! I worked on putting together and painting my SE-14R https://imgur.com/a/gi3oeuL https://imgur.com/a/KEYeI5K I forgot to take a picture of it fully painted black, so I will get back to you on that. https://imgur.com/a/h7xGPT9 Other than that, I sprayed the inside of the armor with some plastidip (2 coats) so no itchiness for me. Still considering lining it with 2mm eva foam whenever I get to the painting on it. Only issue with armor is that my forearms are tight especially when I flex and the calf armor can't fit around ny calf (go figure). And the items I ordered from A&J projects have still not arrived /: been waiting since june and of course I've contacted them multiple times. Still holding out hope for now.
  15. I just wanna say @Lt. Dan that I am loving the progress. I can't wait to see it completed.
  16. It has been a while since my last post, but I was moving to my new place and unpacking lots of boxes. I do have great news!! My Deathtrooper boots custom made by Giovanni at Crowprops was delivered and I am very impressed! http://imgur.com/a/05bjkcw They are 14 US and the only thing I need to do is compare the shoe cover with the one Jim Tripon sent me to see which one matches with my undersuit better.
  17. I'm gonna be doing the belt myself. I bought the belt material from TrooperBay shops etsy and the belt buckle I have it made from metal from Phoenix Props on facebook along with metal rocket forearms. That way you don't have to modify a Vader belt buckle.
  18. JC, where is this E-11D from? Does it fit alot of wiring/electronics?
  19. I would definitely like to see how that works out for you. Would like to know how you strapped it using his system! Good build so far!
  20. Thats what I like about the fiberglass. Its durable and you can fix the fiberglass if a mistake is made. I have never built with fiberglass before, I was lucky that the rough trim was done by Andrew McClary but in actuality its just cutting out the excess fiberglass. Check out the other builds on the forums but it all depends on what you like and what you are planning to use it for.
  21. Update! Well it has been awhile since my last post because I was on vacation 2 weeks ago in Vegas, Arizona, and Utah. Plus a few other priorities came up when I returned, like work (with the Surfside Condo in Miami) and the fact I will be moving to a new place at the end of July, so I had to get things prepped. But I was able to get something done with my helmet. A month ago, I was checking my helmet when I found a soft spot on the crown. I felt it and I created a hole in the spot. http://imgur.com/a/suJlXIm I ended up expanding it further and got a fiberglass resin kit to fix it. And I finally did that today! I did the inside first with about 4 to 5 layers. http://imgur.com/a/QPW0ZBv And with that I then proceeded to do the outside with 2 layers since the inner layer sticks out of the hole and its harden pretty well. http://imgur.com/a/mU3nc6g I just need to sand it and throw some bondo over where the hole was and and again, but I felt I did pretty well with the repair. What do you think? Not bad for my first time.
  22. I'm finally beginning the fine-trimming of my fiberglass armor and helmet but I wanted to ask if anyone has any general recommendations and also wanted to ask what is best to used to clean off the armor once the trimming is done (pesky fiberglass flakes). I am using my dremel tool to fine trim off the excess that did not come off with the rough trim that was done to it prior to my pick-up and then finishing off by sanding the edges that were trimmed off. Thoughts?
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