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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by therealtotty

  1. Thankful for all of your help this year! I cannot wait to be trooping! I am still waiting on my helmet and belt so that I can finish strapping and have the base of the build finished. The upper body is good and fits nice! (I will get pics after the holiday) -Michael
  2. Hey! What armor supplier are you using? Like @Diet_Evil said, most suppliers and files include the hand plates. -Michael
  3. Awesome. I was finding the same thing, that's why I wanted to ask. Thanks! -Michael
  4. @Chaos @nanotek @Lt. Dan I was looking at the back paint scheme on the CRL, and I wanted to follow up on it. In the picture for the back armor, the entire recess is flat black, but in the guide, only the deep recess has flat black marked. Is this just preference? I studied the reference photos from the weathering guide and any others that I could find online. -Michael
  5. Had a pretty good paint day today! https://imgur.com/gallery/sJH7vkw Tomorrow will be more! @Chaos Yeah, I don't doubt it! The resin cast wasn't great, I'm hoping these will look much better than I could do with the casts. -Michael
  6. @Chaos I'm so sorry! ? I read that as only parts for the E-11D. I have that page open ALL the time haha It is an awesome tool. -Michael
  7. I am not liking how the resin forearm rockets turned out very much, and I want to look into aluminum ones. Anyone have suggestions? -Michael
  8. My bad! I misunderstood the original ask. @Chaos Thank you for clarifying. -Michael
  9. So I have been building an ArmoryShopProps kit myself, and I will say that the detail is great. I have had to fill in things and fix a few things here and their, because it is a 3D print. I have seen the 850s and personally, and I don't like the vacuum form of DTs because the edges can't get sharp enough for my taste. Example: https://imgur.com/a/keIL2Ay The leg detail can be really sharp with 3D prints. This is the same leg on 850s site https://imgur.com/a/xW5eWDC I am no spokesperson for ASP, but I love my kit. It is going to be far more work, but I think it's more rewarding and accurate. -Michael
  10. Yeah, it is the only piece that has been in the sun. I used it for some testing since it was a bad print (was sent a new one) and I didn't really care about it. I just want to make sure that I don't go out on a hot troop and and up a slime-trooper. I've already finished almost all of the exteriors with filler primer and/or puddy. So I can do the insides if you recommend it. -Michael
  11. So I wanted to put this out there. @Chaos @nanotek @Lt. Dan and anyone else I have been rockin' away with primer and puddy and sanding (everything but one stubborn leg are close to paint day). This morning, I am touching up my breastplate and I notice that my old kidney plate (that was a botched print) had been sitting in the sun (84 degrees outside ) for about an hour and was not shaped the same as it was when delivered. What are the recommendations for a 3D print so that this experience doesn't happen while trooping. Do most of you use resin on the inside? Fiberglass lining? Or once it is finished with a clear coat, there shouldn't be any issues with that? Thanks! -Michael
  12. Hi there! I highly recommend ArmoryShopProps armor if you are going to go with a kit that you want to finish yourself. Denis has great designs, continues to improve upon them, and is a good communicator. Also, the armor is printed to YOUR size measurements. I'm a super skinny and tall guy, so a 'one size fits all' kit would mean so much more work later in the game. On the gun topic, I went with the inverse approach because armor can be approved without guns, but as the post talks about below, YOU choose what's best for you. If you want to DIY, then you can go that route; if you want to spend a little more and buy finished, then you can do that! If you want to start with guns and then get into armor, then do that! ? @nanotek (as well as many others) has a wealth of knowledge and advice. He has many posts and topics that have been a huge help to me. The post below is a great place to start and find what path you want to take. Check out the vendor lists too! I found many places that make 'better' parts there that I never knew existed. -Michael
  13. @nanotek Thanks! I hadn't seen Endor Finders, so I will give them a look around. I read a few threads about strapping, and a few local DTs said they were willing to help. That's my next big research project. As you know (from our past messages) I've been taking my sweet time haha. It's always the first time I do each step that I am super cautious. But the last few weeks have been the most productive that I've been in 2 years. Most of the armor is primed and sanded (repeatedly), ready for paint. -Michael
  14. Hey Everyone! I will do my best to keep this updated and will probably have a few questions, as this is my first build. Helmet: Armory Props Shop (Russia) received Denuo Novo (Anovos) received Armor: Armory Props Shop (Russia) received Undersuit: Armory Props Shop (Russia) received Pauldron: Armory Props Shop (Russia) received Belt Pouches: Armory Props Shop (Russia) received Gloves: Ender Finders received Boots: IB "Killer" (HK) received Belt: Armory Props Shop (Russia) received Belt Pouch: Trooperbay (US) received SE-14R holster: DarmonsProps (US) received E-11D blaster: Imperial Arms (US) received SE-14R blaster: Imperial Arms (US) received DLT-19D blaster: Premier Props (US) considering Helmet Audio System: researching Helmet Cooling System: Henry's Helmet Fans (US) received Chest Rig: researching Shoulder Ammo Pouch: researching Stormie: handmade Tote: DEWALT Tough Chest 63 Gal: recieved (Credit to @Lt. Dan for the list structure) -Michael
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