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Everything posted by LondonValient

  1. Useless update: Going to apply for a job, time to start saving baby!
  2. @nanotek Alright, I’ve already contacted him in DMs once about a question I had and he helped me out a lot. I might ask you questions about the group it’s self if I have any since you’re the CO. But thanks for the help.
  3. @therealtotty Thanks for the advice Michael, I will take all that into consideration. I’ll assuming that nanotek is the CO of this detachment which is why he knows so much as well. Thank god I have this forum with like 20 people who can help. So that’s good at least.
  4. First things I’ll post are the links of vendors I’m most interested I using. Armors: https://www.etsy.com/listing/714801695/death-trooper-costume-armor-kit-star https://www.etsy.com/listing/725668729/death-trooper-finished-armor-3d-printed Guns: https://www.amazon.com/Custom-Designed-Accurate-Trooper-Functioning/dp/B07NSGBMHW/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2X65CJ3387SLW&dchild=1&keywords=e-11d+blaster&qid=1630771670&sprefix=E-11D&sr=8-3 https://www.amazon.com/Custom-Repeating-Blaster-Working-Mechanism/dp/B07NDMN6XN/ref=mp_s_a_1_29_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=Your+Custom+Stuff&qid=1630772335&s=handmade&search-type=ss&sr=1-29-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzRFUwNVFQNVBNMjYmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA5NjMxNDFYS0RZN1lFVFkxVzUmZW5jcnlwdGVkQWRJZD1BMDg1MjM0ODFLR1VZVlVDVURIQSZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX3Bob25lX3NlYXJjaF9idGYmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl#gestaltPopover_1630772405668 I’ve decided to use Amazon for the guns because, I trust them more and have used it before a bunch of times in the past. Again if there’s any objections please let me know!
  5. Yo wassup guys, This’ll be a thread where I post my Death Trooper stuff as I progress through the journey of that. To start off, turns out I already got around $500 in my savings. I think the best bet for now is get the gun, then over time I can save up for the armor and by the time I am 18 I can get the armor and attempt to become a Death Trooper in the 501st! If there’s any objections to me getting the gun first please let me know. I’m open to any and all advice.
  6. @Dropkick Thanks for the advice, One of the kits I saw said that it was easy to adjust to any size in the description. I don’t know how legit that is, but at the end of the day I’ll probably get the kit when I’m closer to 17/18 since I need a job and money. But I will keep that in mind. I appreciate the help everyone, have a good day.
  7. @Chaos Hello Chaos, Firstly, holy cow thank you so much for the long essay of advice. Luckily I have a good amount of time to research and a group of people that can help me out. I do see what you mean by it’s the way you build it, the kits are in pieces (I guess you can say that). So if you know how to build it properly it’ll have a higher chance of being approved, of course if you do a terrible job you’ll have less of a chance. On the bright side I have a idea of two vendors that will be great for buying kits from. Of course the assembly will be the harder part, thank god I have the internet and you guys to help. But anyways, I saw on your profile you had a email set up today. If I ever need any help in the future maybe I can email you so it’s easier to stay in touch. If that’s ok with you of course. Anyways thank you so much for the help and I hope I’ll be able to join the 501st sooner then later.
  8. Hello everyone, My name is London, I’m 15 (meaning I must wait till 2024 before I can join). I want to get a Death Trooper armor kit so that I can try to apply for the 501st once I am 18. Of course I must do some saving first before I can do so. I found 2 vendors that I am interested in and I have already emailed someone in my local garrison about the kits, they said they would both be approved if assembled correctly. I am not quite sure what he means by assembled correctly, but maybe someone can help me with that. Here are the links for the Armor Kits as well, maybe you guys can help me figure out which one is the best to get as well: https://www.etsy.com/listing/714801695/death-trooper-costume-armor-kit-star https://www.etsy.com/listing/604813828/death-trooper-armor-kit-v3-gel-coated Thanks in advanced to anyone who is able to help me. Have a good day everyone!
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