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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by MKE-Trooper

  1. I am in the same boat. I ordered a finished Helmet and Armor kit from ArmoryShop in December. I am not upset in any way and completely understand the situation. Just wish I knew if I should try and get a refund from PayPal or just wait and hope ArmoryShop can get back up and running.
  2. Great Updates! Thanks for posting the details and pictures of your progress!
  3. I think the answer is yes, but here are a couple close up pictures incase I am misunderstanding the question. https://imgur.com/a/IsaVWbw https://imgur.com/a/PpKWQsN
  4. I got my undersuit from Jim Tripon and am super happy with it. His communication was great and it came way faster than I expected. I just posed a picture in my WIP thread.
  5. Man I can't wait to get my Armor from Armory Shop Props. Just putting on the undersuit and boots is exciting! Gloves: Endor Finders Boots: IB "Killer" Undersuit: Jim Tripon via Facebook
  6. Welcome and thanks for posting! I got my undersuit from Jim Tripon and am super happy with it. His communication was great and it came WAY faster than I expected.
  7. Wow, you got your Helmet and armor from Armory Shop Props already?! When did you order them?
  8. Other than the body armor harness from Ukswrath which is temporarily out of stock, everything on my shopping list has now been ordered! My wallet really hurts, BUT I am so excited. And now I wait, lol.
  9. Keep us posted Michael, very interested in your progress. Were you wearing your Death Trooper undersuit when you did your measurement's?
  10. Thank you Dan, I really appreciate you taking time to reply.
  11. I am hoping to get some guidance from those of you who have ordered from Armory Props Shop. I ordered the Finished Death Trooper armor and after reading through the forms I am super concerned about having to do modifications when it arrives. When taking measurements I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Now that I have received the undersuit should I resubmit them while wearing the undersuit? Thanks, Nick
  12. Hey Michael, I just placed my order for ASP armor last month. What did you decide on for strapping?
  13. @ScottishSith You ordered your Finished armor set from Armory Shop in March and still haven't gotten it yet? I just ordered my finished set last week hoping it would only be 3- 6 months
  14. Thank you very much @Chaos I really appreciate you taking the time to respond, this is very helpful. While it was exciting to place my order yesterday, the reality that I won't actually get it for 3-6 months has now kicked in. Hopefully I can use that time to work on my blasters and obtain the other required pieces.
  15. Hey Everyone, After a lot of research, I finally pulled the trigger and purchased a finished helmet and armor kit from Armory Shop Props! I decided to put this WIP post together after seeing it recommended in other posts. Hopefully I can get some feedback from others who have purchased a finished kit from ASP and point out any other parts/supplies I may be missing. Here is my shopping list and current progress: Helmet: Jimmiroquai Armor/Jim Tripon - Ordered 6/1/22 - Received 6/17/22 Armory Shop Props (Russia) - Ordered 11/14/21 - https://www.armoryshopprops.com/shop/deathtrooper/death-trooper-helmet-mk4-rogue-one-finished/ Cancelled and refunded via PayPal 5/7/22 Helmet: ANOVOS 2018 Disney / Lucasfilm Ltd. licensed product. - Ebay - Purchased 2/15/24 - Received 2/23/24 Armor: Jimmiroquai Armor/Jim Tripon - Ordered 6/1/22 - Received 6/17/22 Armory Shop Props (Russia) - Ordered 11/14/21 - https://www.armoryshopprops.com/shop/death-trooper/death-trooper-armor-rogue-one-finished/ Cancelled and refunded via PayPal 5/7/22 Belt Kit: Rubber Belt Material - KB Props - Ordered 6/2/22 - Received Belt buckle, hip boxes, and pouch covers - Jimmiroquai Armor/Jim Tripon - Received Leather pouch and 3x canvas pouches - A&J Projects (Facebook) - Received Armory Shop Props (Russia) - Ordered 11/14/21 - https://www.armoryshopprops.com/shop/soft-parts/death-trooper-belt-kit-rogue-one/ Cancelled and refunded via PayPal 5/7/22 Gloves: Endor Finders (USA) - Ordered 11/21/21 - Received 11/26/21 - https://www.endorfinders.com/shop/rogue-one-trooper-gloves Boots: IB "Killer" (China) - Ordered 12/06/21 - Received 12/22/21 - https://www.imperialboots.com/product/killer/ Undersuit: - Ordered 11/21/21 - Received 12/10/21 - Jim Tripon via Facebook: www.facebook.com/jim.tripon Armor Straps: IB EZ Strap - Ordered 1/8/22 - Received 1/26/21 - https://www.imperialboots.com/product/ezstrap/ Rubber Wrist Bands: A&J Projects (Facebook) - Ordered 2/15/24 _________________________________________________________________________________ Blasters: E-11D blaster: Imperial Arms - Ordered 12/15/21 - Received 9/2/22 (Finished and Built) https://www.imperialarms3d.com/product-page/death-trooper-e-11d-blaster-rifle-prop-with-functioning-light-and-stock SE-14R blaster: Imperial Arms - Ordered 12/15/21 - Received 9/2/22 (Finished and Built) https://www.imperialarms3d.com/product-page/star-wars-custom-se-14r-light-repeating-blaster-pistol-prop SE-14R holster: A&J Projects - Ordered 12/18/21 - Received 1/31/21 - www.facebook.com/ajprojects/ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Helmet Add-Ons: Helmet Audio System: Ukswrath - Ordered 12/18/21 - Received 12/23/21 - Death Trooper Audio System with PTT Cable Helmet Cooling System: Ukswrath - Ordered 12/18/21 - Received 12/23/21 - Cooling System (non bracket style)
  16. Thank you very much Ken! Really appreciate your feedback. I think I am going to pull the trigger and order from ASP today or tomorrow so I can get in their queue. @Diet_Evil It looks like the straps are not included in the ASP kits and I don't see straps listed in the "Death Trooper Parts Vendors as of: 25 Feb 2020" pinned post. Where did you get yours?
  17. I am really interested in becoming a member of the 501st and rocking some Death Trooper Armor in my local Wisconsin Garrison. After doing some research I am a bit overwhelmed. I would really like to purchase a finished kit as I don't have the tools, space or desire to start with a raw kit my first time around. Looking through the forums it looks like I have 3 options. 3D printed from ASP - https://www.armoryshopprops.com/shop/death-trooper/death-trooper-armor-rogue-one-finished/ ABS Plastic from 850 Armor Works - https://850armorworks.com/Death-Trooper-p371298553 Fiberglass from Plastic Arms Dealer - https://plasticarmsdealer.com/collections/death-troopers/products/finished-death-trooper-armor-and-helmet-v2-custom-fit-and-painted-with-straps I am leaning towards the 3d Printed finished kit from Amory Shop Props as I understand that the level of detail of 3D printing is better than what vacuum formed ABS can do for the Death Trooper. My concern is that it sounds like even with purchasing a finished kit from ASP, I would still need to reinforce the inside of the armor with fibreglass lamination / epoxy resin? Not trying to be lazy, just more of a perfectionist and would rather buy something finished rather than trying to figure it out and wasting months in the process. Any help would be appreciated!
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