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    Edinburgh , Scotland
  • Interests
    ummm Star Wars , the expanse and sci-fi in general , gaming , NFL and MLB

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  1. Initially as practise building props I built a R1 style e11 as also seen on screen during " the eye " so may as well add the pics eh. Should mention has since had the "bolt" painted silver Also realised that I have no weathering pics so will get and add them
  2. Sure a lot of us have seen the trailer now and wondered who these lot are. See elements of army , mud , shore trooper , death armguards so questions are.. who are they and where is it gonna go?
  3. Now itโ€™s a waiting game. Mostly for the jacket and pants to to the v1 cleared and also the wtf armour
  4. MP5 being redone and just for kicks printing a R1 E11b
  5. Got more appropriate curly cable for the power 5. Got it secured at the din plug end but having really difficulty finding where the other end fits on this one.
  6. Power 5 also done Awaiting delivery of a curly cable to complete which is why hasn't been shown here.
  7. As in my WIP Ive got an order in for Walts armour but I'm a little bit curious / worried about the chest plate. On the CRL is shows the greeblies , the red and silver in the recess and the angled one to the side. For anyone that ordered the WTF kit and didn't print theirs do they come as part of the plate or are they included with the kit and need to be fitted or will I have to source them myself. Dont wanna keep peppering Walt with questions unless I have to Thanks in advance
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