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Everything posted by Jankes

  1. On October 15, 2022, I participated in "FUN FEST - the world after the apocalypse" - a festival of comics, games and cinema lovers, organized by Fun Fabryka and Cinema City Kinepolis PoznaƄ (Poland). In addition to the classic trooping, I have prepared a Nerf SW shooting range.
  2. There's new topic about Andor units in Cantina. I'm also interested this character, but this is not a place to discuss about it.
  3. Hello, it's very nice to see so much new IA Troopers in neighbour country! My coverall there's velcro-closure, and in real it's very helpful, I recommend it.
  4. I consider this a very important point. Special Operations Detachment gathers non-obvious characters whose sources are not commonly known in the public consciousness. Every time I troop I have to explain what character this is, where it came from, that it only appears in three comics. Even members of the Legion, people with knowledge of Star Wars, are not familiar with the IA formation. The reason is simple - IA has not yet been screened. Mudtroopers are in a better position. It is only by the coincidence that a person was reading comics that he remembers "that something like that was there somewhere". Among my friends, at the moment, only one person sent me the cover of "To the last man" when he saw my character. This is the strength of "Spec. Ops." - gathering characters from the deep depths of the SW universe in the squad.
  5. You should add buckle for the strap. It looks good, and works when you wear the gogles just on face. Head is smaller than helmet.
  6. Last Saturday, I took part in the Poznan Game Arena fair, a games and multimedia fair, in which cosplayers also actively participate.
  7. Let me (despite my short internship in Legion and in Detachment) also speak on this matter. In the above considerations, I see four solutions and I will refer to them directly. 1) Skipping "Spec. Ops. Det." and the creation of a new "Det." - I do not agree 2) Giving a different ID shortcut, instead of "TX" some other - I agree, although I consider it unnecessary 3) Transfer to IOC - I absolutely disagree 4) Establishing a subdivision in the existing structure - we all have our own section in the forum, where we are discussing it right now. I believe that this is our sanctuary and it is completely enough to exchange thoughts and opinions. I notice a general disproportion in the Legion in the mutual treatment of each other by "Armored" and "others". The "armored" ones are obviously much more expensive, more complicated, and probably that's why they feel superior to the others. As a researcher of military history, I know that in order for "elite units" to shine, they must have the support of these less exposed figures. Only together they testify to something.
  8. I believe my WIP has been completed. I have achieved the status of a specialist. Thank you very much for the support and advice I have received here. The posts in all this Forum have been very helpful in achieving all of this. Thank you for being here! The last thing I still want to get is a TK belt. I hope that my path and the solutions that I have applied will be useful for new recruits. I will try to support new people in the future. To the glory of IAT!
  9. Another charity picnic for Liliana Nowak, this time in Oborniki Wielkopolskie (Poland) 2 X 2022. Raising money for an operation for a sick heart in Geneva. https://www.siepomaga.pl/serduszko-lili Online fundraising. We are getting closer to saving Liliana's life, we are racing against the time we have less every day.
  10. 24-25 IX 2022 I attended in The International Festival of Comics and Games in Lodz (ƁódĆș, Poland) in Atlas Arena. It was another opportunity to present my IAT character, especially since it is a character that appears only in comics.
  11. Last weekend I attended in The International Festival of Comics and Games in Lodz (ƁódĆș, Poland) in Atlas Arena. It was another opportunity to present my IAT character, especially since it is a character that appears only in comics. This time my impression was enriched with an E-11 blaster with a holster that I made myself. Additionally, for the first time I presented my character in "version two", in a cap with a visor. Please give me your opinion, can I apply for the Level two certification at the moment?
  12. I promised a photo of the current WIP from September 11, 2022, here it is:
  13. Charity picnic for Liliana, Opalenica (Poland) 11 IX 2022. Raising money for an operation for a sick heart in Geneva
  14. Be careful when painting the goggle frame. My paint did not stick to the rubber.
  15. Thank you. I have not modified the mechanisms of this toy. You can still fire nerf darts from it
  16. This time I would like to present a replica of the blaster that I made based on the hasbro toy: I also started patinating the equipment, including the helmet: Next Sunday, I'll put the kit on and post pictures of the entire character here.
  17. Due to living in Poland, it is much easier for me. I just searched the shops and it turns out that they are nowhere to be found, probably because of the war in Ukraine, everything was sent there. The only option is to buy from a private person, I also did it myself. If you wait about a month, I can try to get them for you and send them by traditional mail.
  18. Recently, I decided to modify the viewfinder in googles. As with Stormtroopers, I made the view green. And the most interesting. When the goggles are on helmet and the light does not pass through, the goggles still appear black: To achieve this effect, I used a deep green self-adhesive transparent foil which I stuck onto the factory sun visor of the goggles. This way we see in green and the goggles appear black.
  19. @SirCalcium GOGGLES: check out my WIP. In it I showed the goggles which I am very happy with. They look great and can be adapted very well to the needs of our CRL @Blackwatch Please explain to me what is the difference between a TK belt from ROTJ and that from NH? I have spoken with Polish equipment manufacturers and no one can help me. They refer to their belts as NH, they don't know what the ROTJ version is different
  20. Farewell to holidays, Museum of Land Forces - Bydgoszcz, Poland, 20 VIII 2022. An event for children, on the occasion of the end of the summer holidays, during which you could meet members of Polish Garrison and befriended cosplayers.
  21. Tkank you! How about goggles and collar button in previous posts?
  22. I support you very much, I keep my fingers crossed for this project!
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