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Everything posted by Shade

  1. It's http://www.tk1336.com/tdtrooper.html . I only ask because I was hoping that you had and that he was all legit. Was thinking about getting a backpack, pauldron, and some ammo pouches from there, but I hsvent emailed him or anything.
  2. Lol did you look tk1336's site for the pauldron or ammo pouches?
  3. Oh wow, didn't realize what kind of out of box shine that black AM had, lol. Did you paint the pauldron yourself, or did it come gold?
  4. Wow, very nice job Geoff! Did you paint it with a high gloss black, or just put a nice clear coat on it (or both)? Looks like it has a nice shine to it!
  5. Tej, I know exactly how you feel about working on a deadline. I'm still trying to secure some armor for dragon*con cominng up on memorial day weekend. And, Joshua, can non 501st members even gain access to the forums where the armor is being sold? If not, then I don't think that would help me or Tej, lol
  6. Update! Well, spent the afternoon playing with fiberglass resin and cloth. It got kinda dark, so I had to stop, and the pictures aren't as good either, haa.
  7. Wow, that's really great! Nicely done for sure!
  8. Well, just spent a good few hours working on a difficult paper project, haha. Wasn't sure where to post it, so I just put it here. Printed out all the templates and whatnot on 34 sheets of paper (could and should have been less, didn't use the structural support pages.) Took forever and there could still be a few things here and there to correct. Comments and advice/suggestions would be great!
  9. Soo, never really looked into any unapproved costumes before, is there a thread on how they are approved or is it just make the armor from as many references and use for support in submitting?
  10. So, would it be easier/more able to get approved if it was the game version or the action figure/t shirt style? Would be a really fun project
  11. Haha, thought the same exact thing when i saw it, and in reality, he kind of is xD
  12. Some nice progress there...wish i had set, lol
  13. Good job collecting all these reference pics! I wish I could find a reference for some abstract ideas I have, lol
  14. is thinking about making a custom build in the future, like a custom color scheme or something

  15. He's got the voice for the character too, lol. Someone asked him who he was supposed to be...he was like are you such and such or this guy or...? and he said "I'm Darth Bane" He seemed a little frustrated at the guy
  16. There was a Darth Bane at Dragon*Con You think it might have been him?
  17. Man, I wish I could have gotten the honor of seeing Weir in person! >.< The pics look great though
  18. I think I might just go with a kit Thanks everyone, for all the advice! It helped a lot to make a better decision
  19. Nice one Joe! you could even make a video of a stormtrooper doing everyday things and turning around after using the urinal and getting mad at whoever is videotaping and whatnot, lol
  20. Have you possibly seen "Field Of Dreams" ?
  21. Awesome!!! Good luck at your job
  22. If or when (lol) i become a TX, I think I might actually be the only or only one in my state or garrison. Around 60 TKs though
  23. I want to be the first to say_ Congratulations!!!!!! Glad you got accepted, we now have another TX in our midst. I know you will love being in the 501st and going on numerous troops! Enjoy being TX and... cliche, yes, but "may the force be with you"
  24. Wow! This helped ALOT! Awesome post Iz
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