I have also used Velcro and pops as well but I prefer the pop snap system as its more sturdy and reliable.
There is really no simple way of doing this its basically what you are happy and feel comfortable with. There are various systems out there that people use but not all are suited for everyone. Iwould probably scan a few foums like ours and maybe FISD and see what you like that's gonna work for you.If u get stuck or confused by all means post up here and we can help you out.
nice work on the build so far. Yeah that glue is a nasty thing if it gets on your skin I think most of us can say that we have all done the same thing at one stage during a armour build.
Nice work on the helmet Doug, Yeah those pesky bolts can be a pain in the backside if not trimmed down or covered up. You could also try a bit of E6000 glue on the end of them as it sets like rubber when dry.
Hi Doug
* What it means is you have the option to have the back part of the Shoulder strap to free float or you can attach it the same as the front of the strap.
*With the sides of the armour if you have a wider girth and there are gaps on the sides between the kidney plate and the Ab plate you need to close these so there are no visible gaps.
If you go to the specialist area on this forum there are a few application photo's that you can view from some of our members which should give you a bit of a idea on what to expect if your going to submit your armour for the specialist program.
If you have Any more questions don't hesitate to post them here.
Need to get me a Sealing iron one day....
Any how good luck with the build and as you can see there are a lot of members here who are willing to help you out.
looking forward to seeing the end result.
How did i miss this thread.. Nice piece of armour you have there Scott, Good luck with your build and if you get into a pickle just post up here in your build thread and we will help you out.
Remember to post some pics of your build cause we love pics
I can vouch for what Toddo said about the suit as mine is AA armour and whilst it is a pretty smick nice fitting suit I did pay a arm and a leg to own it.
I think your gonna beat me in this task Jim. I have the elastic and cotton webbing and some of Mike's decals as well. Just need to get the time to make a start.
I contacted that person about the nose plate Jim but still no reply.
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