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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by trooper

  1. Very nice work jim its coming along nicely, need to get a contact from you for the Greeblies on the TD .
  2. I want to party.... I heard that Party was your middle name IzzI
  3. Nice build buddy and yes like the rest of us I can't wait to see the end result.
  4. Definitely go a 2 piece suit and stay away from the racing suit only because of the weather we have here in town. I may have some spare stuff in my kitbag which I can help you out with. Will catchup with you at Comic Con and discuss it then.
  5. Hey mate welcome to the best Detachment in the Galaxy, If you need any help with your build just post up here or If you really get stuck I can pop down and see you(40 min drive)
  6. Nice work buddy keep the ship steaming along.
  7. Yeah i have that same problem with my left shin riding up over the boot as well, need to try the velcro trick. Nice tip Robot
  8. Mine is SC with the KS bucket and had no problems what so ever with the assembley.
  9. Nice work Toddo it looks rally sharp. Congrats man.
  10. This is a damn fine build you got going mate. Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see the end result.
  11. nice one Toddo. i like how all the costumes are on the one banner. hmm need to redo mine i think
  12. Okay guys thanks for your input much appreciated. I decided to go with no loops and fixed it permanantly to the belt like the one in Jim's picture.
  13. I recently purchased another hard leather holster to go with my armour. I had one already but I used it for my TK and TX and got sick of swapping it over all the time to the suit i was wearing on the day. The desicison i have is do i fix it to the TX belt permanently or do i loop it ? what is the preference amongst others and what works best
  14. Awesome pics, Congrats on a great job well done. The black always looks good when flanked by 2 whitey's
  15. You could probably remove the return which will make it easier to slide your wrist in and out as well. Good work so far.
  16. Itys nice to see the big brown box arrive safely. Good luck with your build and remember to post pics
  17. Tailor made. Did you not get the Cumberbund made as well??
  18. Good Luck with the build and most of all enjoy whilst building.
  19. Coming along nicely. Looks like you went with the undersuit that i pm you the details with. keep up the good work
  20. Mike does a superb job with his decals. I buy all my supplies from him and highly recommend his services.
  21. Spot on Boss. Made a few mistakes when i built my TK but made sure i didn't make the same mistake again when i assembled my TX. As Izzi said you wont need any padding straight up. After you have trooped in the armour you will find places that may need padding and adjustments.
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