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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by trooper

  1. Thanks guys will post pics soon of before and after.
  2. Guys i have one of the rubber resin pistols and was wondering what is the best way to paint this little baby. Being rubber do you need to use speciel paints or will a normal undercoat then flat black do the job.
  3. ha,ha love the pic where your stealthing in on the chook.
  4. No izzi i had to sell one to pay for the other. Will post up pics of the new one when it arrives
  5. UPDATE.... Incoming transmission... KS armour has been sold to another squad member for spare parts..... SC armour ordered and will be deployed for construction around 21st of this month. Seriously guys KS make a nice helmet but the armour is completely different. If you have time to spend on modifying every piece well then i say go for it but i was not happy with the pull and to be honest with you it basically sucked. So i bit the bullett and have sold it onto a local for spare parts and just ordered a lite SC kit. Once it arrives which should be the end of this month or early October i will need to crack the wip and get my arse into gear and build it as i am off to Melbourne for Armageddon to catch up with the other Shadow Scout members in Oz. around the 20th October. .... End Transmission...
  6. Guys, i need some advice about the strapping that goes in between the boxes. When you attach the black plastic snap pieces to the webbing are you allowed to join the webbing by using some sort of rivet/snap or do the ends have to be sewed together.
  7. With the belt is it allowed rivets in between the boxes like the white armour
  8. Not sure mate will have a look this weekend.
  9. Did some trial fitting yesterday but still need to do some major mods for it to fit properly. should have put my Balaklava on Still got a little way to go yet, the chest is sitting up to high so need to bring that down a bit.
  10. Howdy Folks, I am still alive just been busy with work and normal life. I have some questions regarding the Helmet and how it should look 1. What is the best way to have the helmet looking for approval (decals which ones) 2. What colour should the snout be? grey using the decal or black. Do need to paint the nose piece a different colour ( pics of approved helmets would be great to use as reference) 3. My lense that KS supplied broke so i need to find another which i will do locally but what is the preffered shade. 4. With the drop boxes on the side should they be indented so they sit on the thigh properly( half moon cut out) Pics to come soon Thanks
  11. Okay no worries i will try and find some at the local store, what width should i be looking for.
  12. Yeah i have spoken to a couple of them and am catching up with them in October when we go to Melbourne for Armageddon.
  13. Standard issue for all Australians.
  14. I am getting there. I have trimmed all the arm pieces, knees and i am about to attack the chest and back pieces. Can anyone tell me more about the webbing that holds the boxes and belt on. Need to know thickness and what material should i be using either nylon webbing or cotton. Also need to know how to assemble the helmet properly, if someone has a scan or a link that would be great.
  15. Got this in the post yesterday. Tailor made so i look extra stealthy
  16. Okay started on the helmet over the weekend and managed to trim out the face plate the dome section and the visor as well. Got home tonight from work and trimmed the knee pieces. Can anyone tell me what thickness is required for the elastic that goes on the knees, elbows and forearm pieces. Also need to know what thickness webbing is required for the belt and boxes.
  17. well done on the build.It looks great.
  18. The waiting game is over.Got a lovely brown box delivered today and yes finally it was my Shadow Scout Armour. First thing to work on will be the helmet. Will post pics as i go along on the build.
  19. I hate playing the waiting game with any luck i should have some parcels starting to roll up this week then the fun begins
  20. Thanks for the info. I nearly went this way when i first did my TK because i fell in love with the armour but ended up going AM due to the cost and the way the Aus $ was 12 months ago. The black does look preety nice though, I also read that he does ship the armour and helmet unmade as in no strapping and you basically build it the way you would do with a AM or AP etc. I need to finish start my Shadow Scout first and then once that is finished i may go the Black Armour. Thanks for the input guys.
  21. Hey Guys, I was over at the Shepperton Design Studios website and noticed that he sells complete Shadow Trooper Armour. What are people's thoughts on this armour and is it as good as they say it is. I have seen his white armour very briefly on a troop but i thought i would get other opinions from those who know best.
  22. Nice Gloves... i thought they looked familiar. Just got a pair myself about a week ago.
  23. I bought some nice black thick vinyl the other day from the local craft shop and proceeded to cut out the templates from the BSN website. All i need to do now is get my backside into gear and find some boots to stick the pieces on
  24. I think its quiet cool as well. Good for hiding things in.
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