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Everything posted by ArkZeroPrice
Hey guys fully painted and assembled my e-10 blaster for my costume I think I'll aim for just lvl 1 approval since I like the spring in it. But may be something to consider replacing later on for lvl 2 but overall here it is let me know what you guys all think my friends : ) https://imgur.com/a/WawgYqg
Hey guys currently at an armor party was wondering how the trimming was doing I can see the indents line and I'm getting close to it as I've marked it but what do you guys think is it getting around the right height https://imgur.com/a/Grrfq7f
Yay! I finally got my blaster kit from imperial arms in the other day and now I can't wait for the next armor party. It'll take some time and a lot of effort but that's the fun part. https://imgur.com/a/wyhcnKA Also while I'm here , I know there's a vendors list and all but I'm curious as I've been looking at three different vendors. 850armorworks, Jim tripon and imperial surplus as potential sources for my armor in the future. And just wanted everyones opinion on those choices or if there would be another vendor that would be good to look at as well. 850 has a mudtrooper kit around 475 now and comes with front and back plate, shoulders, biceps, belt boxes, straps and basically all the hard parts. I've heard the Jim tripons stuff is really great but also hear that his kit may have small inaccuracies plus if possible I would like to get a lighter kit being in USA Florida. But Ive always liked how his stuff looked. I intend to get the uniform from him either way. And then there's imperial surplus which comes with a lot of things. Comes with the armor, all abs vacuum formed, comes with rigging supplies and a lot of other things for 750 plus shipping. But I'm not sure if I could afford it but I like how their stuff looks and what they all include in the kit and is told that they have a pretty accurate kit. What do you guys all think? Imperial surplus: https://imperialsurplus.com/product/icat-mudtrooper-armor/ Jim tripon: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b2bgpwmpkwk20km/Jimmiroquai Mudtrooper ICAT Aldhani 2023.pdf?dl=0 850armorworks: https://850armorworks.com/Mudtrooper-Solo-Transport-Driver-Juggernaut-Driver-The-Mandalorian-Armor-Kit-p145019981
Hey there after contacting 850 and working with a specialist I was able to see the issue I was having. I learned that the trim line is actually higher up than expected since the mudtrooper helmets are a bit shorter than expected like with the original trilogy's being bigger. So crisis averted https://imgur.com/a/a1IKWOJ
Hey guys after discussing it with another ( a specialist that's been helping me on Facebook) we found some concerns about some of my new pieces that I recently got commissioned by 850armorworks for me. It's most in regards to some of the vacuum formed pieces and found that it may have been dented and malformed in vital areas especially on the skirt. And was wondering if anyone else thought it could salvageable or if I should try and contact the vendor about getting either it fixed or given a replacement part. I'll provide pictures and such to show. But I wanted to get everyone's opinions. I wasn't sure at first since I'm new to vacuum forming but I've been told it's not normal for it to be like this so what should I try and do? And there was also the concern surround vacuum formed goggles and if they would be actually be able to be used. Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/PPg9W7m
Which does bring me to another question is there perhaps anyone out there who'd like to make a deal to have one made for me or perhaps a trade of sorts? : ) For the large goggle buckle that is.
Thanks there hopefully we will hear from them soon. Though I may have to end up replacing it either way. Was also told it's durability might not be the best and was pointed to mudtrooper.co.uk's free files. I would love to use those as I've known about them for a while now. But unfortunately I don't have a printer to print the main buckle that most people use.
A small update on the buckle learned from the mudtrooper builders group, that it was actually from the Fletcher files found that's the kind of files 850 must be using for their kit.
If I trim it like this I may be able to get it to look more like it and position the pieces a bit better: https://imgur.com/a/hiZRXcR and here's what it looks like with straps https://imgur.com/a/JIsOvFP
Hey question again I was recently working on my various head piece straps and I started to think about the large buckle for the goggles I got. Looking at I think could it be possibly a new andor army troopers buckle. Here's a picture via imgur. Cause I know the one listed in the crl looks different. If this is alright that'd be nice if not I wonder if there would be anyone interested in a trade for the large goggle buckle. https://imgur.com/a/F5H6ruN Talking about the large buckle with the beige square in it.
Thanks again there I'll be sure to give it a look!
So just got surprised with a bit of a late valentine's gift from my mom. She gifted me some black dye for the plash Palatka. So I know you have to use basically a bunch of water, soap and salt to remove the wax layer right? However how would one go to do so? Is as simple as putting it into a bucket or is there some kind of procedure?
Thanks my friend I'll take a look there
Also just found what jafo used in his build on Amazon as well: https://a.co/d/72r9yIW
Hey I had a question but what did everyone do for their visor for their goggles? I know of a German source (https://www.etsy.com/listing/606975961/ople-props-imperial-mudtrooper-lense) to get one off Etsy. But I was also thinking of just trying to get a sheet of translucent film to cutout to use for the visor of the goggles. I also found this on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Jackson-3002810-Polycarbonate-Shield-Unbound/dp/B002A65LYM/ref=asc_df_B002A65LYM/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=344004969583&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14432349852340449345&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9012363&hvtargid=pla-756875051230&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=70729706393&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=344004969583&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14432349852340449345&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9012363&hvtargid=pla-756875051230 But other than those are there any other recommendations?
Thank there as well my friend. And I hope to keep everyone updated as much as I can. I'll be a bit of a slow build but I'll post progress updates when I can
Nice to see ya again my friend. And aye I looked around for a while I had a lead to the everglades squad who had a mudtrooper for a time but that mudtrooper moved out of state. And nice I'll try my best to make a good impression hopefully as the first mudtrooper but gotta work my way up there first!
Thanks there I'll be sure to reach out if I have any questions, been thinking about starting a build thread for a month now that I have some of the stuff actually arriving my next goal is either to seek out the rest of my smaller parts. The Hoses, belts, (I know of a few options but I'd like to hear everyone's recommendations) and so on. Then gotta decide on the next big buy whether that be the uniform from Jim tripon or the armor kit from 850armorworks. But that'll be down the road either way things go. But other than that I'm always glad to make another friend and hang out
I have also considered seeking out a mentor I'd like some one local to Florida if possible but I'd also be willing to work with anyone I can cause while I feel like I've been doing well on my own with acquiring and researching the stuff necessary for the build I feel like I may need help with the physical aspects just to be safe. I,e. Learning how to trim, paint, and rig the armor, etc I have attended an armor party already and learned a lot about that stuff but I'd like the wisdom and advice of someone by my side that I can actively meet up with as I progress through my build
After some consideration and some considerable progress I finally started come up with a build thread to not only keep track of progress but also to see everyone's thoughts and advice. But first I guess I should give a bit of a short introduction: Hi my name is Jared and I'm a recruit down in Florida with the Tampa Bay squad and for my first costume I'm actually going to construct (as much as I can anyways) a mudtrooper! Which I've enjoyed sourcing and putting together so far. I started back in September and I've been actually pretty productive with the smaller aspects of my costume and got some big parts already. So here we go. So far I've made a build list detailing all the sources and progress of each piece. (Though as of this time may have to update some sections) which can be found here on Google spreadsheets: Build list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xm7CzaMV0mxR93jHqh2Rs414NGwTuGT1pwktepv3kz0/edit?usp=drivesdk So far I've focused on smaller parts as financially speaking this will be a rather slow build as I don't often get much money to spend freely on this kind of thing. But just gotta take it one step at a time. Here is a list of stuff that I have so far of things that I've ordered and have come in so far: - 850armorworks: ( To give a real big and quick thank you to them, cause due to their recent upgrades they've been upgrading their kits with new parts and gave me the upgrade for free. Which mostly included a lot of new 3d parts and buckles they didn't include before. So if anyone is interested in the 850armorworks route know that they are upgrading their kits. Offering parts which they didn't provide before. Also this was after I had already ordered some parts before so if you see doubles that's why. So yay spare parts! ) Respirator, respirator straps, respirator face mount. (3d printed pieces) Helmet (vacuum formed) Goggles (vacuum formed),goggle greeble Code disks (3d printed pieces) Various buckles Telemetry unit (3d printed) Large goggle buckle (3d printed) - philoprops Found them on Etsy their work is really nice and shipped all the way from Italy. Metal code disks - Imperial trader co: Want to say thank you as well as I know they go by Jafo/Darren here I wanted to say thanks for the great service and choices which helped me a lot as he helped me get the ever so elusive yugo buckles and buckles and straps that I'll need. Telemetry unit Yugoslavian buckles Respirator buckle set Goggles buckle set Mesh Webbing Ebay: Plash Palatka Gloves Boots M65 ammo pouch Other than that still working on getting more pieces and the costuming supplies I'll need to assemble, paint, etc. I do have a blaster ordered and in the way that's being made by imperialarms3d. I know the blaster is optional but I still like to think it's a big part of the costume for me. But that'll come in a future update. Got ideas for paints and such and an armor party around the corner in a little more than a month. So might post an update after then if I can get it to work out. There's a bit of a conflict on that day but I'll be hoping to attend it and get my helmet all fancied out. I hope to have some more progress to give an update on but we'll see my friends. In the mean time here's some pictures via imgur https://imgur.com/a/1C6Hqfi (First time using so let me know if there's any issues or if there's a better way to display them. I Know that in order to save space pictures can be limited)
Also ran by the behind the scenes shorts on youtube. and while there were scenes of the battle of mimban, i found that in those depictions there mostly only the e-10's being shown in those scenes. and/or it was scenes in which had already been seen. So at this point I'm pretty much convinced that there may not be any visual depiction of the SX-21 being used by anyone else (At least in solo, I know there's a scene in obi-wan where a person has one) except Chewbacca. It's s shame cause i though it'd be cool to add. but i understand that if there isn't any good sources or evidence then it can't be acted upon. So i just want to thank everyone for all the suggestions and the guidance, as well as just coming to see my case on the blaster. Cause I figured id throw it out there to help out. Maybe we'll get another chance to see the mudtroopers in action someday. but until that day comes keep fighting and surviving mudskulls And I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for anything if anything changes. But for now that's all i got for now. checked with some of my friends who usually collect literature as well and unfortunately they didn't have any of the written sources mentioned before so i'm at the limit of what i can access as of now. it was fun to research into. and I hope I wasn't too awkward or overbearing by bringing this topic up but i just wanted to give it a try as a means to help out Other than that take care my friends cause that's all I got for now. As a means of what i've used to this point if anyone wants to pick it up from here i used mostly: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/SX-21_pump-action_scatter_blaster (A wiki which is used by a lot of starwars communities, I used it to find the necessary sources) sources and appearances based off that wiki/website: Appearances Solo: A Star Wars Story (First appearance) Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition audiobook Obi-Wan Kenobi (television series) Sources Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide (First identified as SX-21 blaster rifle) Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide (First identified as SX-21 scatterblaster) Gadgets and Gear (First identified as SX-21 pump-action scatter blaster) Rebel Troopers Unit Expansion StarWars-DatabankII.png SX-21 Blaster Rifle in the Databank https://www.starwars.com/databank/sx-21-blaster-rifle (My one and only true source that mentions the use of the SX-21 by Mudtroopers, albeit a small one.) and well that's where my sources ended. hoped that'll help anyone if they decide to pick off where i left off but that's all i have my friends. I hope everyone is having a nice day and that if someone does pick off where i left off that they have good luck and hopefully be more successful in finding the right material needed
ended up finding the deleted scenes, putting them into slow motion i didn't find any thing, however do we know if chewie ever fired the sx-21 blaster? the reason why i ask is because during the battle of mimban i started to see a specific set of reappearing particles/effects coming from the side of the imperials that come off as sparks. I know the projectiles which take down the AT-DT's are what appear to be rockets and give off similar effects. but some of the effects are also small like in a picture ill post separately in the next post as it's too big to include in this one. also finally got a clearer picture of one of my suspected blasters i had mentioned earlier. it is in fact a turret, and got a pretty nice shot of it. but not what i was looking for but I'll include it anyways in the pictures as it could be something else. But as far as the SX-21 if anyone can find a moment where chewbacca fires the sx-21 and matches the blaster fire to the ones in these scenes it could link the two together. But i know that'll probably not be enough. just trying throw potential links. could just be mortar fire as one scene i found looked like a mudtrooper was operating something in a ditch that fired off the suspected blaster fire i was screenshotting. which would be another good find i think for someone who may want to do like a mortarman mudtrooper. but I'll leave it up to the experienced members to decide what means what.