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Wasrovv Slociw

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Wasrovv Slociw last won the day on July 18 2023

Wasrovv Slociw had the most liked content!

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  • 501st Garrison
    Florida Garrison

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  • Location
    Saint Petersburg, Florida
  • Interests
    Star Wars Cosplay, Star Wars Galaxies, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Running, WW2 Reenactments

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  1. Hey everyone! So are we going to be updating the CRL to add in the helmet version of the trooper as well as add the text for the E-11 and DLT-19?
  2. I have an E-10.5 complete if you want to use it. I'm planning to make another one.
  3. Like what @TeaJay did for his uniform. Used it with hot water to dull the green to make it less green saturated and have a more worn-look.
  4. My bad, that left one waa painted that green by the original designer. The right one was painted by Kenyon using the greenblack that you used.
  5. What do you mean by the black end of the spectrum?
  6. Softgoods: KeepTrooping Dye: Originally Dylon then Removed and now Rit Olive Green with Oxyclean Stain Remover Laundry.
  7. Update so far on the armor! My buddy Kenyon is currently painting the shoulders/biceps first. Next week will be the vest and the rest of the attachments! Using the Greenblack paint similar to the helmet!
  8. Will you guys still need my Version 3 Photos when it's ready?
  9. Thank you! Cause I almost gave up and had to bite the bullet to buy another uniform set.
  10. I have made consistent improvements on dulling my green uniform! I am extremely pleased with the result. Thank you @TeaJay for the Oxyclean Stain Remover Suggestion. Now all I need left is my armor!
  11. Hey! If you need the 3D Print File! Send me a PM and I can square you away!
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