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  1. Can't wait to see it. It's been a pleasure assisting with this.
  2. These are awesome! Are there any that show the baton holder on the belt? We need that
  3. It’s totally principal. Jason found a very accurate STL for it. Both he and I have printed it out. It’s an awesome looking weapon in person. Very fun. I think Jason printed his prong with a flexible resin. I want the old school 3-D print route with PETG.
  4. I would definitely allow the zap rod as an alternative to the baton as we have established beyond a reasonable doubt that it was used on screen and by more than a few troopers.
  5. https://www.cap-that.com/ is the place to go. I also can use Topaz AI to clean up and sharpen images to an extent. Did that on the Fett Repaint CRL but haven't had to here.
  6. I could only think of only one IST that was carrying the zap prod on Rix when they formed the barricade to quell the riot, so good reference posts. The rest were batons. I imagine we are going to allow either/or for the costume?
  7. Did we ever come to a resolution on the weathering for the boots? I'm not seeing anything right now. Also, for the CRL page, are you going to use the fully armored version as the main image? I would suggest that since Aldhani is not, and the armored version is primarily what we see on Ferrix. Just my two cents. Jason has some great armor put together (having seen it in person) and I think he will kill it as the model. I'm a few months behind him in completion. This has been an extremely fun build working on it while also providing input on the CRL.
  8. Wow... for some reason I was not getting email notifications about posts on this thread. OK. Seems like things are moving along well. I personally think the belt boxes are matte black, but thats just me. Either way, looks like we are getting close.
  9. None of the troopers carry an E11 on Ferrix. Also, In my opinion, the backpack should not be included. That trooper is a completely different look. No armor, etc. I would go as far to say it would be a completely different CRL, as he wears no armor at all. But also, as far a I know, we only see half the backpack, so completing it might be nigh impossible as it is. If it were me, I would keep this armored security trooper separate from the soft goods only variant. It's not quite as interchangeable as the Aldani troopers are, who are seen in many forms of dress. Here they are either fully armored, or in soft goods only. Just my two cents.
  10. Barring any further screenshots (which I see unlikely at this time) I think we have all we can get for the baton and holster.
  11. Found another random photo where it appears there are two "flaps" for the baton holder. I'll post it when I get a chance.
  12. I saw an image where the ribbing was very pronounced but I can't remember where. Might have been this scene but actually on video. Can't recall.
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