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Everything posted by BananoPower22

  1. I don’t have a lot to update, there are still stone unfinished details I need to adress before submitting my ICAT, but as we speak, my Mudtrooper helmet is it’s way here and all the remaining details that are needed are in hand, just need to sit down one day and get everything ready. Here’s how the armor’s looking so far: I had the opportunity of wearing it at a local con for a few hours and everything was smooth sailing except the shoulder straps sometimes popping out of place (rubber, Jim’s kit) Will try to update this once my helmet arrives
  2. Hey there everyone, hope all is doing well. I‘m ready to go towards “Phase 2” and purchase the armor kit. I’m going with Jimmiroquai’s kit (also an ICAT troooer helmet). I I also need to buy the correct sized rubber hoses, plash palatka (pre-dyed, preferably) and most importantly, the correct paint for the armor. I’ve got most of the things sourced out but I might still be missing a few. How many paint cans of each color should I get? x2 Greens and x1 Grey or perhaps more? Any good E-10 Blaster kits out there? I’ve heard scary stories about 3D printed blasters bending and losing shape and, since I live in the Caribbean and it’s always hot, I really want something that can last. I still haven’t figured it out how to upload pictures, but once I do, I’ll make sure to do so because I’ve got tons, and I’m just getting started. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
  3. Thanks for the warm welcome! That is definitely good news then. I’ll be looking forward to be getting both sets of helmets along with the armor. It looks like a lot of work, but I’m sure with the help of the forum and you excellent people I’ll get it done in no time. I took my first step into a larger world… bought an olive wool scarf for the Mudtrooper. This is getting exciting. Any tips or pointers on where to find the correct shade of paint for the armor and helmets? Also, any pictures that you can share that shows what kind of buckles are used in the build? I’m thinking there are several that need to be tracked down
  4. Hey there all, hope everyone is having an excellent day. I’ve been reading quite a lot about the Mudtrooper and I’m very interested in its roughed up look, weathered and all, but not too muddy. I’ve done some research and I’ve made a list of some possible suppliers of each individual item I’d need for basic approval. I still need to source the accurate buckles for all the places that need buckles (there’s a lot!), the vacuum hoses, and the paint for the armor and helmet. Random question, is it totally possible doing both Mudtrooper and ICAT Trooper with a few extra bits of different armor? I haven’t read much into that particular CRL but if it’s something that can be done I’ll definitely give it a go as well! Any help will be greatly appreciated!
  5. Good! Nice to see some updates! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. It's totally a matter of personal choice but going full black does look badass
  7. Try to space the pouches a bit towards the edges of the chest plate and leave about 4 to 5 inches in the middle. While wearing the cummerbund the ribs should be visible.
  8. Thank you very much, this helps a lot and clears up some questions! Looks like an option here is to paint the decals in black that my friend's kit brought Thanks Jim, you're a life saver!
  9. Hey there everyone! I've been looking around the forum for a bit but I haven't been able to find any 360 degree shots of the Shadow Scout helmet. I've been doing as much as I can helping him getting things done online and he's already got a good grip of how things work and he's got himself approved with a Shadow Guard. My general question is the decals of the helmet or pretty much the areas where the regular scout's got decals and areas such as the chest rectangle and the snout. I read the CRL and said such areas needed to be a different shade of black to create contrast but pictures will definitely do some great justice to this confusion! I've already built 3 regular scouts so the armor building isn't itself the problem... it's the darker side of the dark side of the empire that's got me quite confused (and definitely inclined on purchasing one in a near future ). Any help will be very much appreciated!
  10. Nice to see you've got a thread already set up here! Let's get this done and suit you up brother!
  11. I've been looking at different pictures and I am in love with the both of them (Swamp trooper looks nice too..) and i got a little question about the armor and soft parts... IF I get to do both shadow scout and gen. weir, would I be able to use all the soft parts and most of the armor? I know the belt is different, lens (interchangeable lens, perhaps?) and the t bits, or would I have to buy a whole new armor just for weir?
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