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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Vracasson last won the day on August 25 2024

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  1. Hello, thanks for the explanation. And you are right It should be a challenge to make his costume Upgrade to L2. I was just a bit discouraged, but I'll see what I can do.
  2. Jim Trippn is the only one who has these special parts. Here in the picture you can see the parts you can order from him. Now it says "no longer Approved" on the TD Does anyone know what that means? Would something be changed? I think it's good if you can get as close as possible to the original. But... I think it's slightly exaggerated... especially for a character from a computer game... With these extreme changes, you should also be able to buy the parts somewhere....but that's becoming very difficult. Isn't it all supposed to be fun...with CLRs like this it's going to be difficult. It's also interesting that there is still no Del Meeko specialist!
  3. hello, I'm thinking about making my "Del Meeko" a specialist. in the CLR for level 2 there are a few points that I don't quite understand to the belt: OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable): The rigid front portion of the outer belt is made from the game's 3D model and scaled to the wearer. The box is smaller than a typical scout box, is curved, the back is closed with a back plate, and features a rectangular depression near the bottom out facing side of the box. The standard shadow scout thermal detonator is not accurate and is not to be used for Level 2 approval. why are the dropbox and the TOD smaller than the Scout? I can't find any pictures of this.
  4. Hello, I have a question. Can the droid ID10 "Dio" be used by Del Meeko? Can I wear it as a cosplay on or with me? According to some internet sites, Del and Iden can use it. "Dio was a heavily modified ID10 search droid used by Agent Del Meeko and Iden Versio of Inferno Squad during the Galactic Civil War. He was programmed to faithfully serve Iden and Del during their service to the Galactic Empire and their subsequent defection to the New Republic."
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