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Everything posted by Skywalker

  1. Omg thanks Griffin, I'll pick a pair of those up too! I really appreciate it!
  2. 3-4 weeks isn't too bad, I remember putting my screen accurate Jack Sparrow costume together not long ago and some of the pieces took months for me to get my hands on. I've just sent them an e-mail on how I can order a pair to recieve them here and hopefully I can get a response and buy them asap.
  3. Awesome, I'll look into e-mailing them to see how I can get a pair or two for my TX. Any idea how long they usually take to show up?
  4. I'll definetely look into the bodysuit ideas thanks! Iz, my feet are around a 10-11.
  5. Hi everyone! I'm on the verge of ordering my full kit for my first Blackhole Trooper, and I have a couple of questions concerning the rest of the build for the costume. Where on earth do I get the accurate boots for the costume, and what would you guys reccomend I use for the undersuit? I'm going to order a pair of the gloves off of TrooperBay, but I'm stuck in the other two places. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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