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  1. Fantastic build! I was curious how you attach your shoulder bells to the chest armor strapping?
  2. Hello all! So, I'm a first-time builder here for the 501st. I'm currently working on my Aldhani trooper build and have a few questions. I've included pictures below for reference. Also, the buckles for the chest plate are not attached in these photos, and I might sew some stirrups on the pant legs to help keep the blousing down around the knee/thigh area. 1) I've just finished dyeing the soft parts (from KeepTrooping) and they look good in person. But was someone curious if someone could weigh in on whether this color is correct? For reference, I used Dylon Olive Green, per a post I stumbled across on the forums here. I'm not sure which thread exactly. 2) My jacket has rank stripes on the left shoulder, so I was curious if I would be able to achieve level two approval if I sewed Velcro over the rank stripes to attach the shoulder armor. If not, how can I attach the shoulder bells without using Velcro? Any recommendations aside from my questions would be great! Thanks in advance!!
  3. Yes! So I was able to fix the issue. I bellied up and bought a bambu p1s and smooth sailing now. Will be posting a WIP shortly. Thanks!
  4. Ah, I see. Unfortunately, I cannot recall all of the settings, but I'm quite sure I ran the print with a 1.6mm wall thickness (4 walls) and 15% infill. Would any other setting cause the finished product to feel lightweight and easily crack able? I'm using esun PLA+, maybe this print just needs PETG to really feel durable? As for the strength of the print, I have included some photos below to better clarify how it came out. Maybe I'm being too critical, considering how thin and wide the file itself is. As it is, I don't have anything else to compare it to. In the print, I'm seeing what almost looks like perforations throughout the walls. The top has already cracked near the "J" area, and the top edge has a visible space between the "outside" and the "inside" of the two walls, whereas the bottom of the print is completely solid. Like I said, this is my first run at this, so I'm hoping I can dial in the printer. I have the soft goods coming from KeepTrooping and would love to get this build going. Thanks in advance for the help! https://imgur.com/a/UiaUZAR
  5. Ah I understand! No worries on the delay. Thank you for the link and the information! very much appreciated. So I went to the mudtrooper website and printed one of the biceps off. Unfortunately I'm not sure if my settings are off or something but it came out very flimsy. My printer settings had a 1.6mm wall thickness (4 walls) with 15% infill. Not sure what I did wrong. If you have any insight that would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
  6. This is fantastic! I am building an Aldhani Trooper as well. I was wondering where you got the files for the shoulders and biceps? Looking and can't find one that fits exactly what you have here. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
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