Ah, I see. Unfortunately, I cannot recall all of the settings, but I'm quite sure I ran the print with a 1.6mm wall thickness (4 walls) and 15% infill. Would any other setting cause the finished product to feel lightweight and easily crack able? I'm using esun PLA+, maybe this print just needs PETG to really feel durable?
As for the strength of the print, I have included some photos below to better clarify how it came out. Maybe I'm being too critical, considering how thin and wide the file itself is. As it is, I don't have anything else to compare it to. In the print, I'm seeing what almost looks like perforations throughout the walls. The top has already cracked near the "J" area, and the top edge has a visible space between the "outside" and the "inside" of the two walls, whereas the bottom of the print is completely solid.
Like I said, this is my first run at this, so I'm hoping I can dial in the printer. I have the soft goods coming from KeepTrooping and would love to get this build going. Thanks in advance for the help!