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501st Reserve[501st]
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Everything posted by Evilboy

  1. So here is from the Wookieepedia: Army surgeons wore turquoise blue uniforms and helmets with breathing filters that partially covered their faces. They utilized a wide variety of operating gear and a small network of medical computers that aided in monitoring the patient's condition. AND HERE: "The Surgeons was a Republic Special Forces black ops squad that operated during the Great Galactic War against the Sith Empire. Originally a Republic Army unit under the command of newly-promoted Sergeant Fideltin Rusk, the other members of the squad were recruited by General Garza after their first mission to become part of the Special Forces' black ops division." (Emphasis added by me)
  2. I have officially started this build. I will have pics in the next few days...
  3. I have corrected my original post to reflect my error. My apologies.
  4. Ii have edited this. I was mistaken, and I apologize for any issue it may have caused for the seller.
  5. You look outstanding Brother!
  6. RUN, do not walk, away from that armor and that site in general. You will pay about three times what you would for a kit, and it will cost nearly as much to get it approveable. also, the materials are famously flimsy. Find a Trusted vendor here, or one that does Black runs on FISD (www.whitearmor.net). Check with TupperwareTK here for the new and improved AM armor.
  7. That is what I was thinking. The Field/Combat Surgeon would be a part of any SpecOps Deployment. The US Navy Seals and the Israeli Mossad, amongst others, have assigned Combat Medics that travel with them as part of their support team, along with their Pilots, Gunners Communications, Intel, and other staff. I have a friend that was part of a SOCOM Support team while in the Navy, and he was not the guy kickin in the door, but he was there when the team went out and came back in, and was no less a part of SOCOM, even though he was in a "Non-Combat" role...
  8. I was re-reading the SW Comics series Trade Paperback "Empire vol 6" and came across these guys: Has anyone looked at doing this, and if so, where would this one fall? Under us, or another detachment? Just curious...
  9. Hey, sorry for the late response...I have been really busy...I am 6'0" 225-230lbs and the AM kit from Mightytank/ TupperwareTK fit me perfectly (Except for the bobblehead AM Helmet, which I eventually sold) with minimal trimming on the legs and arms, and the usual snipping for comfort on the butt and ab plates. But from what I have seen and heard, you can not go wrong with the ATA...
  10. You can not go wrong with a bucket from ARAKYEL. And for a first timer, the lite kit from Mightytank is a good choice. Those are what I have, and I love them. If you ask ARAKYEL, he will send you your helmet with the gold unpainted but MASKED for painting, so you can use the same gold paint on your helmet AND your Armor. Mightytank is also in Garrison Tyranus, so you can't go wrong there. Plus, go in FISD (www.whitearmor.net) and find TKRestonva, Brian our XO. He was an enormous help to me in my build...
  11. Worky, work, Busy-bee! I will post some pics soon, I am just rushing to get ready for CVI and this thing has mostly sat on the wayside...
  12. I'll post some pics later. It is functional, but not as nice as i would like. I am going to do a second one with some improvements taken from what I learned doing this one...
  13. Hope so! I'm running out of time before I have to ship everything down to Florida for CVI...I am running out of nails to chew...
  14. I just re-submitted with the suggested corrections and they are being reviewed...wish me luck...
  15. Yeah, the more I look at that one on the left, the more I see wrong with it...
  16. No, already have mine, but these look good...
  17. hey all, I submitted my membership app today, Wish me luck...Here are the pics along with some fun extras...
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