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  1. then both sets of boots go in then the side arm and holster then the tote ..and a hundred items only half i have a bit of everything in this .super glue,black ties,scissors,glue gun,lens cloth ,hack saw,other dress shims,tx m.w.g. cards to hand out,band aids e-6000,spare ab buttons black cloth duck tape,bag of random replacement back up batteries for helmet ,and a fix kit--rivet gun,black rivets,Velcro,double sided tape,round Velcro,black electrical tape,epoxy , mix cups gray 2 part ,safety pins, razor blades strapping snaps and snap tools im sure there's more my id card ,contacts,aspirin,tx spec ops pin tattoo sunblock personal stuff then my phone,camera,neck seal,balaclava then heat gear/cold gear under armor gloves and belt compression gear and spec ops shirt then into the Stanley it goes parts of the dc-15 then the pauldron and the other dc-15 part then the wipe down kit and lens cleaner /defogger and that's it ready to troop .. UNLESS ... I NEED TO TAKE MY PILOT ALONG ALSO ....... then the soft parts and dl-44 fir in there also and the armor and helmet and boots fir in a duffle i strap to the top and it two costumes in one day .... i missed tho open into the helmet from above shot . dur
  2. wo neck seals .same thing ones thinner one looks better - soon to have 3 the next just looks exact for like when i wear my shiny boots 2 holster one right one left which we all know is right , but sometimes its easier to be wrong - right - confused ??? guns again 3 e-11's 2- not pictured . ones apart ones i have new plans for .. and one dc-15 long shot .. why not right and my pauldron and 3 sets of under armor gear ,a full one piece a set of t pice cold gear a set of two pice warm gear and a sleeveless compression shirt and shorts i usually wear under them for padding and warmth when cold ..oh and a spec ops shirt so i can always represent !!! i do prefer the champion two piece sets .. but nice thing is depends on how cold it is ill wear it all and troop anyways then the pack up ..i can fit all this and more in my Stanley job box !! seriously here we go ......drum roll please ...empty i always put a towel down so keep the abrasion of abs on abs parts to a minimum .. i don't line it with foam -i need all them i have the top bell and upper arm thingy the arm thingy goes into the shin the top bell is outside the shin the forearm goes into the forearm thingy inside the shin thin all that goes into the thigh . same with the other side parts L+R then those parts go into the body opposite ways one up one down then i wrap a huge beach towel around the whole thing and angle it diagonally on its thermal side down -ab/belt side up as so then the hand plates i didn't picture -you all know what they look like -yes- go into the helmet oh look there they are and the helmet goes into a nylon bag (from a home theater projector of sorts ) and then into a pillow case then i wrap the chest and back in clone wars towel and but the helmet inside that ,then all that goes in front of the body as such in the Stanley
  3. i blew the top seams . walking a bit farther than i should have in them . at fcbd .. and they will have to go in for repairs .. these boots only attach at the front nothing in the rear ..note: these are really not to comfy but look great !!! and the marching boots a whole different monster ... NOTE: these do not fit into the shins at all out of the box these are deer stags -fully loaded ? they are oil resistant and water proof ... and exceptionally comfortable !!! yet they don't look as good and don't have a nice shine even buffed ..like the patent leather ..but they look nice and are presentable and last July i marched at least 8-9 miles in them on two different days . and did 10+ hours at relay for life on the first day also a size 13 but have more room in them ..i got these at gordmans and not cheap either nor are the caboots .. these are the boot shims for the shin shims again say that fast 3 times these snap to the back of the boot tabs and then snap into the shin shims . so i can walk .. they allow enough stretch to allow my ankle to move enough to walk without pooping the boot out of the back of the shin and thus getting stuck as i walk ... they allow for movement and keep the boot into the shin while the front velcro keeps the shin from twisting in or out while marching ... i tried velcro front and back -- NO GOOD -- locks your ankle solid no flex= no movement if you step wrong timber or ankle strain or sprain . and forget marching her is the boot elastic shims in place .. i had to make boot top straps inside and out at the ankles to make them small enough to fit inside the shins as i said out of the box there way to big around . this way they size down to my ankle size and the velcro on the front of the boot holds them in place . but wait i forgot the upper parts you say i did so the shoulder bells and the ~~i dont know what the correct part name is i just call it the upper arm ?? same strapping adjustable 2 way height only no 3 way on these relly no need to adjust i just thought shorter arms then me? ok then i went this far right ... so top snap connects under the top strap of the chest and back armor , then the strap is velcrod to he shoulder bell and snapped ,then runs down and snapps to the upper arm part/piece/ring? assembly .. lol idk <_<its really late which can be adjusted up or down depending on height or what im doing at the time if im doing parades i raise it if im standing around i lower it so there is less pinching between it and the forearms:( .....which always always pinch the crap out of me :angry:m bruised up for at least 2 weeks every time i dawn the armor -but it is worth it every time for arms are glued one side velcro on the other standard .. i also have three sets of glove depends on weather, troop, and my mood what my hands will be doing i guess ? also 2 balaclavas same thing one breathes better one ones warmer one looks cool one is warmer t
  4. anything .. or check to see if anythings moved or adjusted .. once its on .its on ... and i have Velcro at the bottom of the but plate for rear thigh straps the side plates are abs sheets i cut to my size ..then double stuck to the ab plate and riveted top and bottom ,and Velcro to the back/butt plate but it pinched me while marching so i added the soft Velcro side seam over the panels on the ab plate solved that ... some nice welts . like get snapped with rubber bands .the tape would flex enough to create a gap between the material enough to get me when it closed back .. the whole core mid section .. now for the hmmmm tricky parts.. .worst at the bottom .. this is the belt for the garter set up web belt slide buckle and snaps to keep everything where it belongs the thigh loops slide onto the belt then i snap them in place . buckle the belt and the excess snaps in place so i know im fit right also to keep the belt from sliding out of the buckle causing the thighs to drop and keeping me from bending at the knees --that's bad news-- timber !!!!!! the thighs on the garter belt slide on and snap in , the rear elastic strap connects at the bottom of the uncut but plate there are 3 snaps that can be raised or lowered evenly spaced depending on who is wearing it or what im doing while wearing it .. also the thighs are a bit big so i padded them took a few ways before i figured out what worked best . to minimize rubing and making walking look and feel more easy the rear strap helps with the back of the thigh support to keep it from sagging and to also aid with them turning in or out with tho connections i can walk/mark much farther easier . with less stress on my body .. as i have issues .. with a little ms ,and nerve damage in my leg and muscles from my back now the fun parts ... these are the shins these are very versatile for me .. as i can do a lot with them depending on what shoes i wear ..i have 3 sets . really two one set is total crap squreish toe--all wrong so glued up the front velcro up the backs .i have 2 sets of shims for the shins ..say that fast 3 times any way i have a set of parade/marching boots and a pair of dress boots .. and a set of shims for both the ones pictured in the back of the shins are my parade boot shims wider shim snap at the bottom .. the other are thinner no snap . they velcro in and there is a small elastic strap at the top . this is to keep the tops together as you know they separate at the top and work their way down till your open at the back while walking . this gives me a little play while keeping the shins connected to the shims on long marches or troops . something as easy as piece of mind . as i cannot bend down to fix them .and don't want them coming open ... the snap at the bottom hooks to the back of my marching boots .. and the inside front bottom has soft velcro patch's to adhere to the ankles of my boots thus holding the shins down and not allowing them to twist on both sets of boots .. parade boots .. black size 13 caboots .i had the rear seams fixed when i got them from a m.w.g. member who was generous in selling them to me.. and in my size 13
  5. the Velcro is to keep it all on solid as far as the belt goes . he had kinda the same set up i just replaced it made it look better and lined it up a bit better .. i also screwed the thermal detonate r to the belt aside from its Velcro .. i just don't want to have to go searching for it ...ever.. as you can see it was completely assembled wrong ..and the tape is all wrong as far as the old fx were assembled back then ... i didn't think with the amount of glue and really not being able to get to it id just leave it this was instead of destroying it completely trying to fix it right (besides joe public has no idea how its supposed to be anyways ) i also chose to do the garter method on the lower half and the suspenders on the top half ..... i made the thighs,drop box's,and section below the shoulder bells above the forearms adjustable ...for others i may suit up,or weather i was marching -parade-ing or just standing around ... the back plate i had to velcro the sides for the filler plates on the front ab to connect to .. and i had to cut out and reinforce the holes for the suspenders .. also on the back suspender clips i had to use cloth velcro tape ..as im soooo tall the clasps stick out from under the back plate when i move ...and i had to redesign the rig that connected the cod and but plate .. so it would move up down and in and out as i need when moving while still being comfy and holding the cut from the ab/cod from allowing the cod to swing around freely -i could sit but never try to .. im a stander these are inside shots . and front ab shots .. the fist is the cut cod ,and drop box.s the ab buttons are e-6000 and hot glued on the back the velcro on the cod still has the plastic tape on it ..im waiting to get some of the thin plastic material that is in the helmet face to stick onto it .. i had the drop box's on the garter but it proved to be problematic i couldn't adjust them right and they slid around getting stuck when i walked this proved to be a great solution . they are velcod to the inside of the ab and snaps at the top are adjustable up and down and snaps at the box itself is adjustable up and down so there is a lot of height possibilities depending on what is needed ,, and the don't slide around or get stuck or flip over. also the side filler plates are permanently mounted to the ab plate and close at the back plate via Velcro .. so i undo one side and basically walk right into the body pull it up close the side and swing the suspenders over me and clip them to the front ... SOLID FIT . to me not to tight not too loose . nice and snug im holding it to me .. and i don't have to adjust or hold onto
  6. OK this will be long , and im long winded also .. but ive had a lot of inquiries on how i strapped my tx kit together .. so here goes . i got this kit second hand ,, so a lot of it was pretty bad off .. i did an OK job restoring it .. and its pretty solid now . it fits me good . and i can troop in it all day .. did over 10 hrs in last year at relay .it was a breeze its an actual old school fx kit . thick black abs . trimmed all the bells and whistles .. all the original fx details it had a lot of really thick yellow industrial glue holding it together i had to slice away at it with razor blades to get it of and separate parts . some parts i just left alone. and it was all meshed together with stretched out elastic .. i have certainly over complicated it ... but i can adjust it when and how i need to .. for whatever weather-or type of trooping im doing with it . well her goes i hope this works ? its a lot of pictures...sorry this is me at fcbd 2011 im 6'2 and about 200lbs in this pic ..so fairly thin in the arms and legs .. although the belt was a tad tight im slowly shedding some of that this is me and tom and rick at fcbd - a portion of the spec ops presence here in the m.w.g. i used a heavy weight seat-belt material i got from a bunch of car seats my wife said i had to cut apart for disposal . as they had expired and were no longer safe for use .so i thought hmm? i might need these some day so i saved them like the pack rat i am i guess ill start with the helmet .. work my way down through the body to the legs which are the most confusing and extensive .. well here is the out side .. standard fx tx abs helmet - shadow version . i did my helmet off of toms magma .. id seen it in the forums spec ops trooper listings before he was so hugely lucky to obtain it .. i love to see it every time he wears it out !! im a big fan so i did the standard Grey tk sticker kit . (toms may be properly painted?) i left he ear caps black and did the frown with a chrome sticker material i got at the auto parts store ..and did the lenses out of motor cycle shield. standard fx ... i did a lot of work on the ear caps to make them sit right .and i did leave the crappy aerators for the chrome ends but taped off around the sides with black tape . and did the black black tube stripes ,i did have to remove and reinstall the brow, again auto material for motor Holmes i think? and i removed and moved the chin where it should be placed i think its ok looking and then i went to work on the inside .. i removed the helmet hard hat that was inside . and i had to disassemble and re-glue the entire helmet as it was hot glued together and that had begun to let go .. so the whole thing was moving as you tried to wear it . it not only was assembled wrong it was glued wrong so lucky for me ...:Dso once it was back together . and solid ...... i put in the lenses .. which was a pain they would not bend ---at all they would snap and break . heating them didn't help it just warped them or made them un-see able to view through ... so i had to cut them out of the rounded parts of the face shield so they basically fit in . and gooped them in . tinted them and the black taped around them to keep light from getting in or out .. close up they look ok inside looks crazy ...but i don't care ..im the only one looking through it . then i used frown material(which is actually speaker grill cloth ) and a soft playable foam sheet material from the craft store for inside the face ..keeps the sweat from building up inside the helmet ...and i made my own foam and padding where i needed it to be .. then i installed the electronics which for me is the most fun to figure out how to make fun stuff work .... i did a skullworx basically ... with modifications .. i got hold of a old one and rebuilt off of what i thought it did .. i used a radio shack amp and all parts are radio shack , and bits and parts from toys and odds and ends i sourced .. and a target storm troopers from last years Christmas i dis assembled .. i ended up with 4 9v+ two double AA's two fans and a set of odd speakers that came with the stuff in the box the last owner donated .. i do wish i could find more of the tiny speakers he had gotten mini 8 ohm fit into the aerators perfectly !! so one switch is on off. on either side as normal and the center is a momentary in out i can hit with my chin to make the storm trooper talk .. all the normal white tk/td sayings: open the blast doors/close the blast doors / look sir droids / let me see your identification / stop that ship blast em / move along / the death star plans are not in the main computer / move along / there's one set for stun / you can go about your business ... i have the toys speaker mounted behind the frown with a white headphone mounted as the mic works great small size.. and when im not hitting the button i can talk through the mike .. and i have a splitter installed so if i want i can plug a head set mic in and i can talk instead ..next to my mouth / it has great volume .ON A RADIO SHACK WHITE AMP WITH 2 9V+ INSTEAD OF THE ONE . but all the gear makes the lit a bit heavy .. but im tall and stretched out so it works good for me and keeps the bobble effect from happening .. and i have 2 9v+ on the fans so the defog appropriately... not much for keeping you cool but that's not what i intended them for .... or i would have done a bit bigger fans and up higher ....maybe ? so on to strapping i made all the important parts adjustable .. in case i needed to put somebody my size in it with longer or shorter limbs as long as thier core size is close it do able .. i have a lot of multiples for different temperatures and different style troops ..etc the chest and back are one piece . as the previous owner glued them together with now support for the top straps ..(i also have a second assembly i use between this and my heavy gunner that is not all one piece ) under the top strap is soft sided velcro . in the center between the abs strap and the soft side is another velcro square one side holds the snap for the shoulder bell assembly and the other side holds it together for the weight of the assembly so the soft side does not sag under the weight and so the top abs strap isnt holding all the weight of everything ..in my mind anyway ? and at the waist the standard elastic strap ..i did use much much smaller elastic than the stretched out mega elastic that was used the full size of the velcro ...which is all hot l glued to help keep its placement in heat situations ? so on to the mid section as i said i over did it a bit ...
  7. do we have any back pack threads ? id like to try my hand at one. cannon or not lolol
  8. lol sorry i was trying different photobucket links to see which was the right ones to use ... im not tech savy but i got it eventually
  9. well i tried this earlier .. epic fail .crappy lapy top .. erased my 4 gig card . of troops yet to be uploaded alot of shots waiting to be uploaded for mine and others t.o.d. frack the whole day has been for not.. fail after fail after fail ... but lets give this a shot.. maybe end the day on a good note perhaps? if i can figure this out? so here goes
  10. mines similar to iz's with a skullworks style setup ,,,ill have to take a few pics /// i did away with liner and sewed pads .etc i have alot of electronic gizmoes etc.. so its packed pretty tight in there .. batteries etc . ill see if i can get that done this weekend ?
  11. i have an older set ... back when they were cutome made only --and even then were a only a set at a time if they would do it . size 13 i got them second hand but as far as stitching those are exactly the same as mine . loops are all black on those though... not mine .. i cut off my front loops also ..to reduce shin ride up .. but they look good . and bet the soles are better than mine .. i dont march in mine there only for dress ocassions i wouldntmind getting a second set though .. but $$$ pricy i dont think theses were that much new ??
  12. 138 - is lurking in the shadows

  13. welcome aboard :)

  14. i actually dissembled . the 2010 Christmas tk statue from target . that says all the white tk sayings .. standard --look sir droids,let me see your identification, open the blast doors -close the blast doors etc..... and wired it into my skullworx sound i can hit the center button with my chin while the buckets on ... no one really knows what a tx says .. but kids love it .. its great on parades !!! and it transfers great ..
  15. Souds great I'm glad your fixed up !! Yes I hear ya it is a bit of work to get my snaps on after I have my belts and thighs on but yes the comfort and no worring of parts below causing problems after being completly dressed,and not able to bend down and fix myself . Is way worth the extra time !! Just for the piece of mind alone . Plus it befomes a fall hazard if the boots catch on the shins !!
  16. Yes that was my initial problem also ... I forgot to mention ..my boots are too wide around the ankle shoving them into the shin caused them to rise up while walking same as you.. I corrected this with snap straps. The stretchy material on the boot at each corner at the top where the elastic starts I put snaps (both sides of the boots). Then I made 4 straps with a snap on each end .. Then I just simply fold the learther togerther tucking the stretch back and snap on the straps. So when there on the boots are sinched around my anlkle . And my shin slides richt down snap in the back on the shim and boot tab, press down the front onto the velcro and I'm off to march a 5 mile parade !!
  17. Well I tried the weather. Strip also but sady as I'm fairly thin it didn't work for me I used industrial Velcro to adhear a thicker foam inside my thighs around the bottoms and at an angle at the top .. My shins I had the two issues they were tight and fit right on my legs thus causing them to spin and rise above the boots So I used spare abs from the extra belt material ( fx kit) and used itvto make shims !! Which allowed extra room for the shins to stay down on the boot ( but they still ocasionally piped out and would still spin) so since my boots have a tab at the top of the back of the boot I added a snap to the tab . And the other side snap into the shim between the shin then I took a small piece of elastic about an inch or less and put a male and female snap into it so the elastic snaps to the boot then the other end snaps to the shim . So I can walk and the shin can move up and down without piping out over the boot and getting stuck !! On the front of the boot I added Velcro hook side and on the inside of the front of the shin I put the loop side this keeps the shin inplace also keeps it from spinning left or right . I have 3 sets of boots I have a squared off toe (axcess) I sewed Velcro on the sides and used industrial front and back !! 1st try 1st failure = A solid stay for the shim to the boot ' but did not really allow for comfort - or walking couldn't bend at the ankle or do stairs at all but looked great ^ not praticle 2nd try. (deer creek ) great fit ' great look a tad dull even shined up these I troop parades ( 4 or more miles ) in with the afore mentioned snap modifications comfortable !!! Bendable, plyable, usuble. This modification works great for me ... I haven't seen anybody else do it ' but I cannot be the first to have thought of it ? And then I have a set of all black patent leather ca-boots custom made for another garrison mate ( beautiful boots ) I wear. For cannon esque apperances birthday parties and the casual event not as comfy as the ( deer creek) but cannon and thin around the tops as the fit like reg TK boots the juststay inside the shins on there own ?? I may add a Velcro hook square on the front as a just for good measure ??? I haven't decided.
  18. ill try to get on ;later as i am going back to work from lunch i too had this issue and have cured it also ..with some work .. some velcro and a snap and a shim .. and no problems since ..not only did my shins turn so did my thighs and my shins would pop out over my boots and now im good.... the boots were key ... but more later gotta go
  19. Still verry sweet .. On my phone it looks a tad dark .. But still well done ... My only thing is god forbid you get something or somebody pushed against the paint ? Auto paint and a nice clear you may be ok but krylon is iffy.. I have white marks from another tk or something behind me marks (possible photos?? ) So I'm assuming somebody has black marks ?? And that's abs on abs .. !
  21. ROCK ON ... IT LOOKS GREAT !!!!
  22. i soo love that !!! if i get a night on here with some serious time im gonna put up our relay for life -my fisrt and toms in our tx's i in my shadow and he in his rockin magma ... i was so jelous the whole day hopefully he will find his way over here i will send him the new link ..
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