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Starting to do research on TX armor...

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I definitely want to do a TX trooper, and I've contacted some of the folks who were recommended on this board. Here's my issue: I'm a short guy (5-8, 170ish), so another 501st member suggested I look into AP armor. But I don't have a contact? I have an ATA quote and waiting to see if there is black kit from the AM guy I was given.


Can anyone offer suggestions? I realize it's a preference thing, but I just want to make the most educated decision, when the time (and the funds) come...

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i got my AM from mypropcollection on ebay, im sure a lot of us have. its the same guy. im about the same in terms of build as you, and theres a build thread that shows how to trim it down to our size. doesnt come with a helmet (and for good reason) but we're here to answer questions!

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I got the same Kit as Dizzy in the mail as we speak look up mypropcollection here it is genuine AM TX Armor, but I like many others have opted to buy the kit without the Helmet and go for something more accurate there , I've actually Ordered Two from highly recommended guys here one complete finished from ARAKYEL http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/1366-fs-at-anh-stunt-buckets/ and the other for a Future Nova build from Scootch http://forum.501stsp...h__1#entry31342 . They did have a thread over at www.whitearmor.net telling you how to contact the different Armor makers but for some reason I just can't see it tonight, maybe it is gone or I am tired. Anyway Im sure someone here will steer you in the right direction



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I saw the thread from arakyel, and his helmets look awesome. My only concern is if you get the padding, is there still room in the bucket to make the mods you need (fans, mic, etc.)? I thought it might be a good idea to get the bucket first and work on all that extra stuff, since there is a long wait time for the full armor.

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AM is a nice looking kit ... Clean lines, and can really be tweaked in terms of sizing down.

I got mine through a guy on the boards - will pm info. He is a great guy to deal with. And I happen to know he's around his computer today.


I and a female trooper (5'6") both wear the AM in our Garrison. She loves the kit. Just took a bit of trimming.


In terms of helmet sizing read Izzi's thread on bucket sizing - Arakyel's isn't included but I'd guess it's in the Medium group. And what will determine what fits in a specific buck it's so much the bucket or the electronics ... It's the size of your noggin, and what else you want to put in there.



EDIT: and just going forward please remember to not discuss pricing openly - Thanks!

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Hey Doug, i agree with Matt but just measure your head with a tape measure and give the info to Arakyel. I promise you wont be disappointed. It fits a little snug but very nice. Im getting ready to order a death trooper one from him....oops, did i say that out loud? Anyway, i ordered the kit that you want from Mightytank and its awesome. Comes packed really good and iz very shiny. Another you wont be disappointed. Im almost done with mine, its just work got really busy. You can check out the build thread under shadow blackhole build. Good luck my brotha....

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The Arakyel lid is a great helmet. I got mine without padding and then added my own style of padding. It has plenty of room for fans, mics, or whatever you desire. It's similar in size to the CAP, AP or RS style helmets.

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I have a Arakyel Lid. The only draw back ( a small one) is the wait time from when you order. BUT you have to understand this guy is all the way in poland, and most likely has a real job, and makes them to your specs, not just some cookie cutter helmets. His padding is TOP Notch.. even my buddy who is not on the boards and super picky aboutt stuff, was like this is LEGIT. I took it to a work thing this week, for a 70s party. Just the Helmet and Gloves, and a had a Lady chase me down the hall to find out where to get it. Told her it was Fan made. ;P

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