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The blackhole trooper cometh!!!

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Hey everybody! Thanks for all the suggestions and info you guys gave me concerning my future bucket purchase. Here is my next question..... I just ordered my AM armor from a reputable dealer in California and it should be here by next week...I hope!!! Since this will be my first armor I have no idea what I will need to do to it to make it fit. I was hoping for a rough idea of what is normally done to a new set of armor so I know what to prepare for, also I do not know what tools will be needed. Honestly I do not even know what order to put it on in or how. Well as soon as I get it I will take some photos...I hope it comes with directions!! Any help here would be hot. Thanks guys.

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congratulations on your armor purchase Marcus. Be sure to take a look around the section on blackhole stormtroopers. There's a lot of good information and build threads there. A lot of fellows recommend you start with the biceps. Lucky for you, Peter just posted a great bicep tutorial complete with a supplies list. Check it out. Also, you'll need to order a bunch of snaps, elastic, E6000 glue, clamps, rare earth magnets, etc. That should get you started.

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Congrats bro ....yea your gonna want a couple of red bulls too...lol :teehee: Trooperbay will also be a good friend. Take your time, and post pics so we all can help you achieve your goal. All the best my friend.

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here is some basic info for ya ....Some of the links are over on the FISD - same kits of the same material being constructed ... ours just look better ;)



Basic Tools:



Terry / Panadtrooper's AM build:

Great info, and he's using the AM kit (note it's in white - his practice run before his black kit ... haha!)



Basic Tutorials:

hosted here: http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/69-tips-and-how-tos/



hope that helps.

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Read, read, and read both here and at FISD. If I knew what I know now when building armor, all of my TKs would have been built to Specialist/Centurion standards. I've spent a lot of time and money undoing/redoing things simply because I didn't read enough. Waiting for armor is the perfect time to become an expert researcher.

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Read, read, and read both here and at FISD. If I knew what I know now when building armor, all of my TKs would have been built to Specialist/Centurion standards. I've spent a lot of time and money undoing/redoing things simply because I didn't read enough. Waiting for armor is the perfect time to become an expert researcher.

you hit that one on the head bro-hammer :teehee:
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Pete is in the process of a bicep tutorial so it is a great place to start. First thing I would do is lay out all the pieces together on the floor where they belong on your person. This will let you know just how much trouble you are in :). Seriously, though, just take it one piece at a time, but be conscious of what pieces go together or overlay each other.

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