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I was told by Redback Garrison to come here because you people can help me :) They have been real helpful and the told me the problem about the Shadow Stormtrooper Armour is it's out of rubies. Is there anything i can solved this problem? Do i have to build Shadow Stormtrooper to join the 501st? I spent $1200 on it and they told me it's way expesive :(


Any help would be great, cheers :turned:


Here are the pictures of me in Shadow Stormtrooper. :)





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Oh boy, a Rubies kit. Is it possible to return it? Because I can tell you that you want absolutely nothing to do with that kit. I'll just say, welcome, and best of luck to you. Leave this one to the experienced members who can tell you best what you should do.


- Master Tej -

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Oh boy, a Rubies kit. Is it possible to return it? Because I can tell you that you want absolutely nothing to do with that kit. I'll just say, welcome, and best of luck to you. Leave this one to the experienced members who can tell you best what you should do.


- Master Tej -


In luck, I can get full refund phew :laugh1:

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Hey Brian, welcome to the spec ops site. Depending on your budget, there are a couple of reallly good armor makers on this site and White Armour. Try to read up a bit and do not buy from ebay unless you know what your looking for. This site and its people are a fount of knowledge so if you have any questions, please ask first, so your armor build is successful and accurate. Take your time and most of all...have fun bro.

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Hey Brian, welcome to the spec ops site. Depending on your budget, there are a couple of reallly good armor makers on this site and White Armour. Try to read up a bit and do not buy from ebay unless you know what your looking for. This site and its people are a fount of knowledge so if you have any questions, please ask first, so your armor build is successful and accurate. Take your time and most of all...have fun bro.


Look like it's time for me to research good armour makers on this website. Righto will ask lots of questions laters. Cheers! :)

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Hello I was told by Redback Garrison to come here because you people can help me :) They have been real helpful and the told me the problem about the Shadow Stormtrooper Armour is it's out of rubies. Is there anything i can solved this problem? Do i have to build Shadow Stormtrooper to join the 501st? I spent $1200 on it and they told me it's way expesive :( Any help would be great, cheers :turned: Here are the pictures of me in Shadow Stormtrooper. :)20130414_194352.jpg 20130414_194836.jpg


Welcome to the Spec Ops site! Glad you got this worked out and are returning the Rubies armor. Although it could be modified for approval, you're better off getting a real armor kit. Take a look around the site and let us know if you need any help.

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Welcome Brian ... And welcome to the learning curve!


As you have questions please feel free to ask, but also please read as much as you can on the boards as there is a tonne of info and a lot (no all) but a lot of the questions you'll have will have been asked before so the answers should be out there.


And congrats of getting the rubies returned, and making contact with your local Garrison. They will be a huge help during your build!

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In terms of good armor makers, Spec Ops has a policy, for the sake of privacy, to not directly post the contacts of armor makers. The only one I can post is that of mightytank, who has put his armor up in the Junkyard.




To my knowledge, he is still selling these. As for other armor makers, I can send you the contact of the one I know. To help us get a better idea of which armor might fit you best, can you tell us your height and weight? And don't worry, no judging here. :turned:


- Master Tej -

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Welcome to the Spec Ops site! Glad you got this worked out and are returning the Rubies armor. Although it could be modified for approval, you're better off getting a real armor kit. Take a look around the site and let us know if you need any help.


Thank you! :) Aye, did lots of looking around but I'm abit confused, what is HIPS and ABS? Which one do i buy?

Thanks, Cheers


Welcome Brian ... And welcome to the learning curve!


As you have questions please feel free to ask, but also please read as much as you can on the boards as there is a tonne of info and a lot (no all) but a lot of the questions you'll have will have been asked before so the answers should be out there.


And congrats of getting the rubies returned, and making contact with your local Garrison. They will be a huge help during your build!


Hello and thank you, yes i read loads of forums on boards and i guess it can't hurt it ask this question :turned: I really don't much about HIPS or ABS, do you mind help me out? :thumbsup:


In terms of good armor makers, Spec Ops has a policy, for the sake of privacy, to not directly post the contacts of armor makers. The only one I can post is that of mightytank, who has put his armor up in the Junkyard.




To my knowledge, he is still selling these. As for other armor makers, I can send you the contact of the one I know. To help us get a better idea of which armor might fit you best, can you tell us your height and weight? And don't worry, no judging here. :turned:


- Master Tej -


Cheers! Will 100% check it out! :laugh1:

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HIPS and ABS are 2 types of plastic, the most common used in making armor. In fact, I've never heard of armor made of anything but HIPS or ABS. They are just thick plastics, and which one you end up buying will depend really on which armor maker you choose. I've read that ABS is typically stronger than HIPS, but that HIPS can hold details from the armor casting process better than ABS. I can't confirm either of those, though.


- Master Tej -

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HIPS and ABS are 2 types of plastic, the most common used in making armor. In fact, I've never heard of armor made of anything but HIPS or ABS. They are just thick plastics, and which one you end up buying will depend really on which armor maker you choose. I've read that ABS is typically stronger than HIPS, but that HIPS can hold details from the armor casting process better than ABS. I can't confirm either of those, though.


- Master Tej -


They also use pvc and hdpe. I'm not sure anyone but rs uses those. As for not posting armor makers names, that's a little ridiculous considering the fisd has them in a post for public viewing and ours are all the same as theirs I don't think that really applies to this detachment.

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What... wwe cant post armor makers?



I've read that in several instances on this forum. It makes sense from what I understand, since there is a record of seizures of armor by Lucasfilm in the past, so it is done to preserve the privacy of armor makers from those dangers.


- Master Tej -

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What... wwe cant post armor makers?


On this board we strongly prefer to keep any contact details, and pricing information off general forums at the request and preference of the makers involved.


Thanks for understanding.

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HIPS and ABS are 2 types of plastic, the most common used in making armor. In fact, I've never heard of armor made of anything but HIPS or ABS. They are just thick plastics, and which one you end up buying will depend really on which armor maker you choose. I've read that ABS is typically stronger than HIPS, but that HIPS can hold details from the armor casting process better than ABS. I can't confirm either of those, though.


- Master Tej -


To piggy back on Tej's post, HIPS generally holds detail better because it is a thinner plastic than ABS. The ABS pulls are thicker and in turn, stronger (and maybe a little bit heavier). HIPS is more likely to stress crack over time, but holds up well in that many troopers have and wear HIPS armor consistently.


What... wwe cant post armor makers?

As for not posting armor makers names, that's a little ridiculous considering the fisd has them in a post for public viewing and ours are all the same as theirs I don't think that really applies to this detachment.


We do this to protect the sellers and buyers alike. If a full name is mentioned in a post, the staff will edit it down to abbreviations. Most detachments and garrisons take this minor precaution and are even more likely to do so with the Mouse involved.

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Dont be scurd Brian, if you pm one of us, im sure we will send you in the right direction. Im almost done with mine and its a thing of beauty, THE SHADOW PROJECT. I only wish i went nova elite. Oh well maybe in the future. Have fun bro... :teehee::sweat:

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