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Scubacat's Builds

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Thank you! When I first hit the kit I had no idea that it was a larger kit until I was halfway through the build. By that time I had already made a lot of mods to make it fit my frame. :) thank you! I can't wait for my approval. The only thing I am really hoping for is that I get the numbers of 17957. I accidentally switched the order of numbers I wanted in my application.

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If you work with your GML, he can ask Damian for that number. If it's available, it shouldn't be an issue if it's caught right away. I just had to do that with a new member in my garrison yesterday as she also mis-typed in her application.

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Thank you! I used a new method to shine it up. I used armor all glass wipes to try to get it super shiny! I am really hoping that it does get fixed so that I can get those numbers. I would hate to not get them. They have a special meaning to me as the first street address I have ever had. Basically the place I grew up. :)

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Ok, so I had wanted to sow more pics from the parade and from my approval pics but just when I was about to post them up they did not want to work so here they are!











One of the others in my garrison thought he could sneak up one me.



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Finally Torri, you have your numbers and are officially one of us. Giant congratulations!

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Thank you everyone! I am super excited to be a part if this detachment and the 501! I have worked very hard at this and now I can finally take a breather knowing that it all paid off. Now all I need to do is go for specialist, get a patch or two and a challenge coin :) Again thanks to everyone for the help and beleaving in me! Spec Ops for life!

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Thank you everyone! I am super excited to be a part if this detachment and the 501! I have worked very hard at this and now I can finally take a breather knowing that it all paid off. Now all I need to do is go for specialist, get a patch or two and a challenge coin :) Again thanks to everyone for the help and beleaving in me! Spec Ops for life!


Although you've been part of the family for a while, it is nice to get the digits and make it official. I have enjoyed watching your build and passion for the costume. I also look forward to seeing your Specialist app and trooping with you in the future! Well done all the way around trooper! :)

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Thanks Jim! This seriously means a lot to me to be able to do this and to be in this awesome and crazy family. :) I can't wait to finish the specialist touches to my costume. I already have the closed drop boxes.

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