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New source for black pauldrons?

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I also am looking for places to buy black pauldrons. I know for sure that TrooperBay has them but not sure how they are and they seem to be a little pricey. Does anyone have any of these and if so how are they? Thanks, Jeff / (GRAYSHEEL) / Jediberserker73

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I thought about buying from Trooperbay, but was turned off by his price. It's way too expensive. If you guys want to know where I got mine, I got it on eBay from a seller called "sitharmor" for about $15. I didn't consider being a TX back then, so I got the one with orange coloring. I recently sprayed the orange parts black. It works for me.

However, they're only $15 for a reason; there's better options out there. Like I said before, trooper1 on MEPD is your best bet at finding a decent pauldron, no matter what color you're looking for. You'll have to contact him yourself to get information on pricing, shipping, etc

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I went with the ebay pauldron:



For the money, it seemed like a decent option to start out with... funny thing is, the email address from the seller was the same as the guy from shoulderpauldrons.com, who told me they hadn't found a new supplier yet... is it possible what he's selling on ebay is overstock from an older run?


The pauldron looks great... doesn't seem like it's cheaply made or anything... I should be able to paint it and be good to go:



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