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TX Bucket stripes

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Hey guys and gals, I am currently working on my TX build and was trying to decide which tube stripe color choice I will go with. I know I want the mirrored lenses with the silver frown. Does anyone have pictures of any TX buckets that have those color choices that I had mentioned above? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Jeff

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DE is correct. There have been troopers with blue stripes and some even with silver, but for 501st acceptance flat black or bust.

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Thanks a lot guys for the information. I forgot to look back at the CRL on the 501st main page. I see it plain as day right there....black tube stripes only. Duh! Anyways....thanks again!


No worries. That is we like to have members also participate in the detachment. There is a wealth of knowledge here to help out and never be afraid to ask a question; that is why we are here.

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Dizzy, I think you'd need to reference those pictures you speak of.


The joy of comic references is that specific colours cannot be adequately defined. Silvers for instance, can be depicted as grey or white. Contrasting shades of black, can be depicted as greys or blues.


Beyond the comics, you then need to take into consideration other source material, such as the Gentle Giant busts or other 'LFL Approved' merchandise.

It's only in conjunction with all those sources that a CRL gets put together.


We're always open to discussion, but we do need to go through all the source material.

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