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Going Evo Shadow Style

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Looks like I am going to be able to make the Shadow Evo Trooper after all. It probably wont be finished until either the end of the year late January.

I am so stoked as this looked like it wasn't going to be a possibility. Oye guess I have caught the costume bug as I have a Deathwatch Torch costume that will be completed in June but I have too much love for Spec Ops to not get this done. YAY


Reference pictures




























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I am excited to see what you do with this Dorothy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I guess a small update, nothing super exciting yet.


I ordered the anovos kit so once that comes in winter i can get started on sanding and painting and adding the other parts.

I have commissioned wood chuck to make the FA-3 Fletchette which will probably be ready in June/July.

Will be ordering the add on parts from Fivezero sometime next week.

I already have the spray paint and tools ready to go so just have to be patient.

Will be working on the CRL either this week or sometime next week as well.

I also purchased TFU videogame :)


So yeah just wanted to update will post pictures once I have things in hand.

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Good news Dorothy. I've wanted to do this one myself, but it's been on the back burner for quite a while. I look forward to seeing what you do with it.

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Thats so cute I likey. :)


Minor update: Research on lens found this material called iridium and they have the exact color I need. So the question becomes should I light it up or not?

Example color:



And also trying to get just the visor of that color to fit in the helmet. It seems you cant see your eyes through it as per the picture and its used in sunglasses.


Ty is getting my helmet ready to ship out today and working on the add on parts :)

Spent some time reading his build thread the shadowtrooper from the force unleashed to get an insight on lighting. A good chunk of it is the same and the colors are the same so that shouldnt be too much of an issue. Just have to gather materials but that wont be until a bit later in the year.


Once I get those parts from TY I can start painting i planned on using rust oleum spray paint which is what i used on my deathwatch torch costume. I have a lot of spray paint as the color schemes are the same light, medium, dark greys and i have a matte black as well.

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The republic commando guys use EL Wire in their visors. You might investigate what they are using for visor material and how they illuminate them.

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Yeah, I would still throw some lights in the bucket. It's really easy! If you use an LED strip run it along the top of the visor (in front of the visor too) to get the effect. If you use EL wire, wrap it around the perimeter. I have no problems seeing at all in my TFU Shadow. :thumbsup:


Also the EVO visor is one single piece, be careful when looking at visors. But that metallicy blue looks good, been looking in to getting a new visor for my helmet to help the effect. :)


Anyway looking forward to this build Dorothy! Let me know when you need some help with the lights/EVO stuff/whatever!




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  On 5/20/2015 at 9:34 PM, Toddo said:

The republic commando guys use EL Wire in their visors. You might investigate what they are using for visor material and how they illuminate them.


It took me a moment to figure out which detachment that was lol. I will have to go check out thwa they have and see what they are using. Thanks for the tip. Hopefully its too my satisfaction :P

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  On 5/26/2015 at 7:19 AM, Master Tej said:

Seems to me that you two should network to essentially achieve the same look in making our two TFU Shadow costumes. Yunno, for consistency, and stuff.


- Master Tej -


Yeup Ty is definitely my go to go for sure :D

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  On 5/21/2015 at 12:13 AM, Fivezero said:

Yeah, I would still throw some lights in the bucket. It's really easy! If you use an LED strip run it along the top of the visor (in front of the visor too) to get the effect. If you use EL wire, wrap it around the perimeter. I have no problems seeing at all in my TFU Shadow. :thumbsup:


Also the EVO visor is one single piece, be careful when looking at visors. But that metallicy blue looks good, been looking in to getting a new visor for my helmet to help the effect. :)


Anyway looking forward to this build Dorothy! Let me know when you need some help with the lights/EVO stuff/whatever!





Indeed so lights are a go go. I am still going to see if I can find a blue one though. I think it would help the effect and make it more legit in my opinion. Considering I have quite a bit of time nothing wrong with doing some research and seeing if it lands me anywhere. if not then I will just have to settle for the other options.


I definitely will is there anything besides buying the actual lights that I can look into possibly purchasing light batteries etc?

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:) YAY!



I will be working on painting this, this weekend. I will also be researching a visor as I am not satisfied with what the republic commandos do for theirs.

I have plenty of time so I will be researching for a suitable blue visor. :D

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That's awesome Dorothy. I have one of Ty's buckets in my garage that I haven't gotten around to working on yet, so beat me to it and bring this thing to life!

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I finally got the correct spray paint and have been working with Ty to make sure the CRL is up to snuff.

So I will need to sand my helmet as the spray paint I used wasn't correct color lol.


Tip: to get The Force Unleashed game pop it in and check out exactly what the characters colors are. Its a bit hard to tell just from the pics so that was one of the set backs besides not remembering what some of the colors looked like that I used before on another projecting and assuming they could be used for this one.


:) Anyway I hope to do that possibly Saturday if not next week. I will post some pics once I get some more things going.


Still researching on the visor. Also starting to look for some boots. The pouches will also be made as I have the correct fabric color.

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Here is some work from today. I am going to wait until I get the other aluminum I ordered before doing any more work. I think it needs more silver though. Before I do any type of weathering and adding the detailed dark grey stuff, I want the base coat to be what it needs to. Also the brow trim I think it needs more grey its too black.










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Much cooler than the primer version I have sitting on my shelf. Keep going!

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