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W.I.P. Nova Elite from Germany !


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@JerryT: yes, i think we both have the same frame.

thanks for the pics !!!


here´s a pic of my new boxes:



like written before, they are 7cm less in the width to look better on a small Nova :D


more to come, stay tuned !!!




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hello my friends,


after posting the basement-boxes here´s a pic of the boxes which will be attached above .....



please feel free to tell my your opinions but i guess the measurements will fit this time....


thanks and stay tuned for more


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I love the McDonald's cup. Seriously, I applaud your scratch-building and bet you are having fun with it.

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hi my friends,


today i´ll post a pic of my finished backapck for my NOVA....

i know, the det-tube on the right is missing but the color didn´t came out like i wanted it too...

here´s the result:



hope you´ll like it !!!


@toddo: where´s the cup ? :D

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It's a cool mix of custom details. I look forward to seeing it completed and hanging on your back.

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  • 3 weeks later...

dear friends,


here are the new pics of my NOVA ELITE.....

( we took them on a TFA-Event at a cinema here).







It´s the "old" armor with a new backpack..... like toddo wrote:


It's a cool mix of custom details. I look forward to seeing it completed and hanging on your back.


i hope you´ll like it and it will be everything OK for approval.

if i get the OK from you, i´ll send the pics to my GMO´s.


Thanks and greetings


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Looks like a nova to me :) The pack looks much better and sits correctly on your frame now. The pouch is positioned correctly as well, so I think you are ready to talk to your GML. Nice work.

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@toddo: many many thanks for your words. i´m happy you like it !!!

the pics are on the way for approval.

i hope to get the Nova approved now, to present our detachment with a costume that looks like it should !!!


again many thanks to you all for all the time and patience to help me.


"black & white meeting" at a TFA-Event.....





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  • 1 month later...

five weeks ago i sent the pics to my GMO....

till today there´s no answer about i´m a approved NOVA or not .....


only three things were wrong i´ve been sending the pics the last time......and they are fixed now.


did the other NOVAs took also so long to get approved?




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i asked my GMO about 4 weeks ago if he received the new pics and he told me "one after the other".

i guess i have to wait till the newbies are appoved and then will be looked for old ones.......


i have to say that the GMO´s changed the last month and the GMO who first looked on my Nova isn´t GMO any more.

Now there´s a new one......


thanks for all your suggestions and our words.




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I was a GML for several years, and was able to give feedback within 24 hours much of the time. It never took more than a week to get an answer to a member or perspective member. On the other hand, I have dealt with GMLs who take two weeks to answer an email. Politely ping the GML, after all, that is their job.

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thanks for the words friends !!!


i decided to wait two more weeks and then i´ll write again to the GMO´s.

Not to make them angry and ´cause of this waiting more longer......

(the guy i wrote to and me are not really that kind of "friends" since we got a little quarrel at an event <_< )




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  On 1/30/2016 at 11:46 AM, trooper71 said:

thanks for the words friends !!!


i decided to wait two more weeks and then i´ll write again to the GMO´s.

Not to make them angry and ´cause of this waiting more longer......

(the guy i wrote to and me are not really that kind of "friends" since we got a little quarrel at an event <_>





Uh-oh. Better meet-up for some bratwurst or something to iron that out ;)

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got a Feedback from my GMO about my NOVA....


he wants to get new pics, ´cause on the pics he got (the same ones i posted here) he cannot see anything he told me !!!

Toddo, how did you see all ? *smile*


he also wants some pics of the belt and the helmet.


let´s see how this will end ....




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Some times it's like that. Some GMLs try to help people to get approved costumes, and some see it as a test to be passed. If you are dealing with the latter, just remember that you are worthy.

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the best help i got was here on the detachment !!!

you all wrote really great words and answers how to get there where i´m now !!




i´ll make the pics and send them.

i have nothing to hide about my NOVA .....




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You worked hard on your Nova even going back to the drawing board when needed. You should be proud of it, and I'm sure you will be able to achieve approval soon.

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dear friends,


today i got mail......

my NOVA won´t get approved !!!


this is what is wrong:

-ammo-pouches on the shoulder and on the belt are "far away from the CRL"- they are "selfmade"

-thights to big

-biceps to big

-tights fixed with rivets

-gloves are wrong

-ammo-belt on the right thight fixed in the middle not in the upper corners

-shoulder bells to big

-the covering of the biceps by the shoulderbells is not enough

-mic tips on the helmet are no hovimicstips...

-tube stripes are the wrong way (yes, that's right i guess *smile*)

and : the whole armor is pulled to soft... the whole pic of the armor is wrong....


so, what to say..... GOOD BY APPROVED NOVA !!!

all the work with cutting and painting again, especially the gold... there can´t be a new gold on some parts, i have to do ALL with new gold then.

even if i do all the changes, the armor is still pulled "Softly" so why doing all these. i guess i had to buy a new armor for this.


thanks for all your words and help, but.....




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Some of those items are true such as the thighs being too large, but many of these things are nit-picky for basic approval. I'm sorry to hear about this and wonder if your differences with the GML might be coloring the perception.

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