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Star Wars Battlefront: Phase 0 Darktrooper

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Hey all I am working on a phase 0 darktrooper suit from Battlefront 1 and 2. I've got a build thread on the rpf that I will be updating regularly. Anyone interested please have a look here:




I really like this design been wanting to make one for ages. What's not to like right? Cybernetic stormtroopers with jetpacks? I really like the helmet design too, especially the flare at the back of the bucket and pinched look of the faceplate.





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  On 6/27/2016 at 1:44 PM, Darth Emphatic said:

Oota, are you hoping to have it 50qst approved? If yes, I would highly encourage a parallel thread over here so we can help out and get the costume on our LMO representatives radar.


Hi Darth E yes I think so with this one. My last suit the femtrooper was never going to get approval but I reckon it's worth going for a crl with this because of the good reference material out there. I'd be happy to post pics here too no probs. I'll wait till I've got the prototype suit pieces done and rough trimmed and I'll post them up for critique :)


It's a really cool suit I've been hanging out to make this one for a while now wish me luck on the helmet!

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Okay so just to kick things off and before I have anything to show I wanted to post some of the key reference pics I've been using during the build. A couple shows the armour in-game and it gives the sense of the curvature of the armour which I have tried to follow as closely as I can. The other pics show the colour palette and the basic shapes used for the game figure. These were really useful as you can see clearly what is stormtrooper and what is clone trooper and what is a hybrid of both. I used these files heaps










Okay I hope to have some prototype pieces out this week stay tuned :)



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  On 7/1/2016 at 1:35 AM, Darth Emphatic said:

Looking forward to seeing this prototypes


I've started pulling a few pieces here and there. I'll take some better pics soon so you guys can have a look. Overall I'm pretty happy with how the forms are working so far!

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  On 7/1/2016 at 3:45 AM, retrofire said:

Maybe be a good time to begin generating the CRL as well. It can go hand in hand with the reference material. Just a thought.


Hey Retrofire I agree! I checked with my CO and he put me onto my GMO. So I've sent her my reference pics and brief description about my approach (eg converting a low polygon count game figure to a real suit). The only other thing I've done is a rough breakdown of the parts which I suppose could be the beginning of a crl. And here it is :)


Helmet - custom but retaining tk elements (eg traps, mic tips etc)

Shoulder bells - custom sitting high above shoulders but not fixed, they should move with the arms

Shoulder straps - Ep 1 Clone

Biceps - tk style but bigger

Forearms - tk style but bigger

Hand guards - custom

Chest - custom

Backpack - tk style but longer under the box

Abplate - ep 1 clone

lower back - tk style but wider

Butt - Ep 1 clone

Belt - tk with clone boxes

Thermal Det - Tk

Thighs - Ep 1 clone

Lower legs - tk style minus raised rim

Boots - Clone style

Jet pack - custom


I mainly refered to the pics I've posted here when I was unsure about which way to go with certain bits but any critique is welcome





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  On 7/1/2016 at 12:53 PM, Darth Emphatic said:

Absolutely. This one will be especially fun and unique



It's a really cool design and been a lot fun to make so far. The main challenge is ahead though in capturing the look of the helmet. It's key to making this armour work I reckon. I'll definitely be posting more WIP pics when I get to that bit cheers!


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Here's a good template for the CRL process http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/3867-crl-discussion-fo-elite-stormtrooper/. If the command staff agrees this can go before the detachment as a whole for review and input. The FO elite thread had a lot of positive input. If you would like I'm more than happy to help out where I can as I'd like to learn as much about this process as possible.

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  On 7/2/2016 at 4:06 PM, retrofire said:

Here's a good template for the CRL process http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/3867-crl-discussion-fo-elite-stormtrooper/. If the command staff agrees this can go before the detachment as a whole for review and input. The FO elite thread had a lot of positive input. If you would like I'm more than happy to help out where I can as I'd like to learn as much about this process as possible.


Sounds good Retro I no nothing about the crl process. I do need to keep my GMO in the loop so she will be my first port of call. Or perhaps I should link Darth Emphatic to her?


Ok more updates in a couple of days

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I would definitely keep your GMO in the loop on this. That will be the interface to the LMO who has the Legion CRL approval authority and has it posted to the CRL listing on the main site. It might also be a good idea to have the DL (Steve) touch base with your GMO as well as that shows that the SpecOps Command Staff has looked at this and supports it. I'll begin drafting the CRL but I'll need you to weigh in with the differences between the template and the darktrooper. Most notably around the area of the jetpack. It would also help to have front, back, and side views to help move the CRL along. Some of the other items I've learned is that you'll want to solid evidence as to the canon of this armor which it seems you already have. I'll post up the draft in a day or so as I'm going to keep a draft of it in Word. It's just easier to start it there than on the forum text editor.

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ok sounds cool! Yeah I'll talk with my GMO. I'm assuming a CRL is a fairly collaborative process involving a few different parties and a few drafts? :) Yeah for sure I'll input on any differences. It's mainly just curvature really but there's enough reference out there to justify it I think.


Once I've got more pieces I'll take front back and sides shots before I chuck it all into paint




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  On 7/6/2016 at 11:00 AM, oota goota said:

ok sounds cool! Yeah I'll talk with my GMO. I'm assuming a CRL is a fairly collaborative process involving a few different parties and a few drafts? :) Yeah for sure I'll input on any differences. It's mainly just curvature really but there's enough reference out there to justify it I think.


Once I've got more pieces I'll take front back and sides shots before I chuck it all into paint





I'll have the draft CRL posted today Jon that we can start working with.

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Yep, that will be the first step. I'd have your GML reach out t LMO to put it on his radar. He'll delegate it down to Steve, the LMO team member assigned to spec ops. I'll work with Steve to make sure the path we are on is correct so no time is wasted on building that might be wrong. There will be trial and error along the way, but by the end you'll have a killer costume!

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  On 7/6/2016 at 2:33 PM, retrofire said:



I'll have the draft CRL posted today Jon that we can start working with.


So I think it's good that we get a jump on the crl so it's ready-ish when we/if we get the green light :)

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  On 7/6/2016 at 10:37 PM, Darth Emphatic said:

Yep, that will be the first step. I'd have your GML reach out t LMO to put it on his radar. He'll delegate it down to Steve, the LMO team member assigned to spec ops. I'll work with Steve to make sure the path we are on is correct so no time is wasted on building that might be wrong. There will be trial and error along the way, but by the end you'll have a killer costume!


I think she's been in touch with the DL so far so I'll ask her to contact the LMO.


But yeah at this stage I need a prototype suit out to figure out where the changes might be and see how well it fits together. I'm hoping to start the faceplate next week which will be the last big piece to make

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I have to apologize folks. I meant to post the draft yesterday but as I was working on it I dropped my laptop and cracked the LCD thereby toasting it so I have to order a replacement. I'm using my kid's TV as a monitor while I wait for a replacement so I'll be able to get this posted up today. Sorry for the delay.

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  On 7/7/2016 at 3:40 PM, retrofire said:

I have to apologize folks. I meant to post the draft yesterday but as I was working on it I dropped my laptop and cracked the LCD thereby toasting it so I have to order a replacement. I'm using my kid's TV as a monitor while I wait for a replacement so I'll be able to get this posted up today. Sorry for the delay.


Sorry to hear that Peter! I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with but no pressure man I've still got a way to go :)

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