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2661 -Sith Trooper

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Greetings everyone,


i'm working now on this great costume from KOTOR era. As i posted on Eclipse detachment, i'm almost finished my helmet, hand armor, forearms and shoulders.


Next year i will working on another parts, waiting much cutting and bonding. Small problem is with agility vs. design (mold). :confused:


i make all parts from Fiberglass, same as my Revan's armor. This is quick and cheap way. I'll try give you more information and pictures.


On this two pics you can see my first color test








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  • 4 months later...

Yes, General Klytus, it was present for my best friend. This mask was a hard, almost 2 month modeling :)


Blackhole: I have now 4 problematic places on armor and no ideas how fix it. :( I'm trying some parts remodeling. After this, it will be 2 month work to the finish ;) (without weapon and boots)

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  • 5 weeks later...

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