Griffin-X[501st] Posted March 16, 2017 Share Posted March 16, 2017 The trick is to click the little button in the upper left corner. Then, you'll get the raw, un-formatted text and image links. That prevents any weird anomalies from changing the posting text. You'll just need to do the image tags manually. This is some text, random, etc. [img=] And the result is: This is some text, random, etc. Link to comment
ukswrath[TX] Posted March 16, 2017 Author Share Posted March 16, 2017 On 3/16/2017 at 7:20 PM, Griffin-X said: The trick is to click the little button in the upper left corner. Then, you'll get the raw, un-formatted text and image links. That prevents any weird anomalies from changing the posting text. You'll just need to do the image tags manually. This is some text, random, etc. [img=] And the result is: This is some text, random, etc. Thanks Chris I'll keep that in mind. It's just weird that it does it at times. Link to comment
ukswrath[TX] Posted March 21, 2017 Author Share Posted March 21, 2017 14. Strapping cont.... 14c. Nylon straps and snaps: Chest to Ab, Back to kidney, Kidney to Posterior In this section I'll be illustrating how to measure create the connecting straps between the above sections. By this time you should already have your mounts glued in place. Using a ruler measure and document the distance between each mounted snap center post. I've found this procedure though it may take a bit longer, the straps all come out tight so the armor stays together and uniform. Measure and document snap center distances. Using 1" nylon webbing measure and cut section 1"+ longer than the measured distance. Install female snaps (as illustrated previously) Install straps The goal is little to no gap between sections. Link to comment
ukswrath[TX] Posted March 21, 2017 Author Share Posted March 21, 2017 14.Strapping cont..... 14d. In this section I'll be illustrating how to create strong yet flexible Chest to Back plate connecting straps using 2" black elastic. This will require a sewing machine or hand stitching. If you can't do either I'll mention an alternative. Sewing or not: Start by measuring the distance between the chest and back snaps. Add 1-1/2" to overall length. In my case since I'll be sewing it was 8" If sewing or not fold the in half. If sewing, sew one end. Not sewing skip down to installing snaps. Invert material and sew the ends using a straight stitch. Once the ends are sewn, sew the full length using a cross stitch #3,4 or 5. I typically use #5. The cross stitch will allow the material to stretch length wise yet retain side pull strength needed for the shoulder bells. Using the measurements taken earlier mark and install the female snaps. NOTE: As mentioned earlier since I'm no longer shooting for OTTK complete accuracy I'm using snaps, If I was I would glue the left strap to the chest and back plates and the right strap would be glued to the back plate only with a snap at the chest plate. Just an FYI. I'll come back to the bell to shoulder connection in a later segment. Link to comment
ukswrath[TX] Posted March 21, 2017 Author Share Posted March 21, 2017 14. Strapping cont.... 14e. Ab to Kidney connection: In this section I'll illustrate how to install the left Ab to Kidney connection straps and Anovos supplied split rivets. Using this template locate, mark and drill holes for the rivets. 1) ALL the holes are to be 10mm from the edge of the Ab and Kidney sides that butt up against one another. 2) The upper holes are roughly 10mm from the top edges. 3) The lower Ab hole is roughly 10mm from the lower seam that travels across the Ab just under the center plates to the other side. NOTE:This does NOT have to be exact. 4) The lower Kidney rivet is located directly across from the lowest Ab rivet despite the distance between it and the lower return edge. 5) The center rivets on both place are centered between the upper and lower rivets. Measure, mark and drill holes. Test fit rivets Remove rivets and measure the distance from hole to hole from Ab to Kidney just in case measurements have changed. Add 1" to your measurement then cut out three strips of nylon. Measure, mark and punch holes. Starting with the Kidney or Ab, install rivets then connecting strips, and finally flat washers. Place the rivet head on a hard but forgiving surface. You want it strong enough to handle the hammering but not dent the head. Using a chisel split the rivet. Using a hammer flatten the remaining ends, like so. Install the other side Finished. Ready for paint Link to comment
ukswrath[TX] Posted March 21, 2017 Author Share Posted March 21, 2017 14. Strapping cont... 14f. Cod and Posterior connection: Snap and Split rivet mounts and connection strap. In this section I'll illustrate how to install the Posterior snaps, the Cod rivet and connecting elastic strap. Starting with the posterior, measure roughly 25mm from the end of the posterior edge to the first hole. From the first hole to the second hole is roughly 20mm. Drill holes for male snaps Install snaps. Cod: Measure roughly 25mm from the edge. Sorry I can't seem to find a photo. Drill hole and test fit the Anovos supplied rivet. At this point jump into your under suit. Install the core section of your armor. Have someone measure the distance from the Cod hole to the center of the closest posterior rivet we just install above. Since we're going to be using 1" elastic this does not have to be exact by any means. Using the measurements and 1" wide elastic (if you have any from the Anovos supplied, cut and use that) cut section adding 2". the extra 2" will be used to fold over the ends to give the snap and rivet mounting areas some strength. Fold over one end and punch a hole for the Cod rivet. Test fit On the opposite end of the elastic, using the measurements from the posterior snap centers punch holes and add female snaps. Technically there's only supposed to be one snap here but I use two for the "What If" scenario. The Two male snaps on the posterior are for adjustment or back up, maybe both. Back to the Cod. Install the rivet, elastic and flat washer. Split the rivet and flatten. Finished More finished photos coming up... 1 Link to comment
Griffin-X[501st] Posted March 21, 2017 Share Posted March 21, 2017 Love that technique...awesomeness. 1 Link to comment
ukswrath[TX] Posted March 21, 2017 Author Share Posted March 21, 2017 On 3/21/2017 at 6:22 PM, Griffin-X said: Love that technique...awesomeness. Thanks Jim Link to comment
ukswrath[TX] Posted March 22, 2017 Author Share Posted March 22, 2017 14. Strapping cont... 14g. Shoulder Bell to Chest/Back connecting strap In this section I'll illustrate how to install the strapping that secures the shoulder bells to the strap connecting the Chest and Back plates. Screen used armor Starting on the bell side and using 1" elastic supplied by Anovos OR 1" nylon webbing as I'll be using, cut 2x 6" sections. The reason I mention nylon webbing as it does not stretch which helps to keep the bell in place. While I'm in the area I'll also be installing the lower elastic strap the helps keep the bicep in place. Upper strap Glue roughly 3" to the bell as shown. While the upper strap is drying, using the Anovos supplied elastic (refer to your Anovos supplied chart), remove the velcro ends. Apply glue to bell and secure lower strap. This doesn't have to be perfect just make sure it's not too tight. Kind of like this. Let both areas dry for a day or so. Once dry let's install the upper bell strap to the shoulder strap. It's best if you have a 2nd person with you at this stage. By this time your entire ab section should almost be completed. Put on your under suit and install the core armor section. Starting with the left or right side (I went with the left) install the bell. Slide the upper strap under the shoulder strap centering the bell with your shoulder and armor. Using a silver sharpie or similar (you can always black sharpie it out later) mark the shoulder strap. NOTE: The left and right side locations will most likely NOT be in the same spot, that's ok, just make sure your armor and bells are uniform. Left Right Now remove the shoulder straps noting which side is L or R and which direction if forward. It's easy to get mixed up if you don't. Place the bell strap against the shoulder strap. The shoulder bell itself should be touching the shoulder strap, zero gap. Center it and measure in roughly 1-1/2" (note my thumb and the mark) NOTE: Keep in mind when finished the mounting snap will be closest to your neck. Mark location to punch hole. Punch hole between both pieces for material. While the punch is impeded (connected) mark the nylon to remove excess. Hole punched, excess trimmed. Install female snap on bell strap Install male snap on shoulder strap Test fit the straps to confirm proper fit. Install in armor and check fit Finished armor photos coming... Link to comment
ukswrath[TX] Posted March 23, 2017 Author Share Posted March 23, 2017 7. Back Pate (modification) 7d. Back plate modification (Hot water bath upper connecting tabs) I wanted to touch base on something really quick. If you're a shorter trooper this may not concern your but if you're a taller guy like me 6', then this may concern you. I seen this effect many taller Anovos armor owners, basically the Back plate upper connecting taps are almost at a 45 degree angle instead of sloping upward. This causes a few issues, #1 being armor fitment. The solution, give the tab and corner section a hot water bath. Let me illustrate. Here's the back plate before giving them a hot water bath. The problem with the shape is it doesn't follow the natural curvature of most individuals backs. Again, if you're taller you'll want this area to shaped differently or it may not fit correctly, dig into your back, eventually crack or all the above. What I did was take the return edge down to about 1/8". Wearing some heat resistant gloves bring a large pot of water to a boil. Place one corner into the water for 30 seconds. Remove and place the corner on a flat surface. Using the palm of your hand gently press on the area keeping a watchful eye on the return edge for any sings of cracking. Let cool for about 1 minute Reheat if necessary. Notice the difference between the left and right side which I just reshaped. Finished This is after shaping which changed the angle by at least 3/4" Link to comment
ukswrath[TX] Posted March 23, 2017 Author Share Posted March 23, 2017 12.Hand Guards cont... 12b. Hand Guards Specialist Jumping ahead a bit, in this section I'll illustrate how to assemble the black latex hand guards and gloves which I purchased a set from Justjoseph on the FISD. Install gloves. Line the finger side of the gloves at the knuckle edge (doesn't have to be perfect). Afterwards take a pencil and outline the guard. Left hand. Afterwards remove gloves and stuff with foam, pack, etc. The goal is to fill the glove with a nice smooth surface to glue the guards to. Using painters tape place a strip the back of the hand plate, long enough to go around the hand two or three times. Apply glue to the glove side. I personally use CA glue, works every time and lever lets go. Just preference. Install guard and let dry with the guard side down so that any excess glue drains away from the glove. DONE! Link to comment
ukswrath[TX] Posted March 23, 2017 Author Share Posted March 23, 2017 18. Hard Hat Accessories: 18a. Hard hat insert Skipping ahead some more, thought I'd illustrate how to install a hard hat insert. If you're using foam, well there's no need to read this unless you're just curious. Purchase a 3M $7 hard hat from Home Depot. I bought one that is adjustable but without the knob, why? Because it's cheap, I never have to adjust the strap after it been set and it increases more space and air flow. Install liner as per instructions (Generally the padding facing the brim side). Using a sharpie draw rectangles around the the insert mount areas. Using a dremel, hack saw or other cut out sections then sand edges smooth. Connect the insert and newly cut sections. Test fit lol Install industrial velcro (loop side) on helmet tabs Connect velcro (hook side) the loop side. Place insert in helmet. This takes a little practice and patience but basically the foam padding should reside just above the upper eye lid and centered with the nose. Using a sharpie trace out hook velcro. Remove liner Remove hook velcro from tabs, remove protective backing and install in helmet. Install liner. This system is completely adjustable btw. Done! 1 Link to comment
retrofire[501st] Posted March 24, 2017 Share Posted March 24, 2017 What a great idea with the Velcro. I ended up using hot glue for my scout lid but I like this idea so much better. Thanks for sharing this Tony. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Link to comment
ukswrath[TX] Posted March 24, 2017 Author Share Posted March 24, 2017 On 3/24/2017 at 4:55 AM, retrofire said: What a great idea with the Velcro. I ended up using hot glue for my scout lid but I like this idea so much better. Thanks for sharing this Tony. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk My pleasure Peter and thanks for the kudos Link to comment
ukswrath[TX] Posted March 24, 2017 Author Share Posted March 24, 2017 3. Shins/Calves 3e. Rear closure (Velcro) In this brief section I'll be installing velcro for the rear calf closure. In a nutshell, using black industrial strength velcro cut 1/2" wide x the length of the rear cover strip. Install the loop side on the cover strip and the hook side on the calf half. When finished Link to comment
Kylorick[501st] Posted March 24, 2017 Share Posted March 24, 2017 Love the helmet liner fitting. Still doing a great job on this thread mate. Link to comment
ukswrath[TX] Posted March 24, 2017 Author Share Posted March 24, 2017 14. Strapping cont... 14h. Bicep to Shoulder Bell and to Forearm strapping In this section I'll be connecting the bicep to the shoulder bell and forearm. For the record screen used armor didn't use a vertical connecting strap from the bicep to the shoulder bell, though looking at some screen shoots it would have been a good idea at the time. None the less I'll be connecting the two to maintain cover strip alignment and armor unity. Something that is screen accurate is the 2" (50mm) elastic bicep to forearm connections. This I'll be installing also. When finished we'll have two completely connected arm sets. If you want the Anovos kit has a couple sections of 2" elastic, just remove the velcro, or not, it's up to you. Reference photos Starting with the bicep to bell connection. NOTE: You can either use elastic or nylon webbing, I tend to use nylon because it prevents the armor from moving around as much. Cut a 6" section and glue half to the bicep. Now cut two 5" sections of 2" (or equivalent) elastic. Apply glue to one end and place it on the forward facing side of the bicep, just inside of the cover strip. Left bicep Let both areas dry. Afterwards perform a test fit of the bicep and shoulder bell. With the shoulder bell fully installed and tight against your arm and the bicep inside the bell the lower bicep return edge should roughly reside just above your inner elbow joint. (forgot to take a photo of this so I'll post one soon). Using painters tape mark the location of the bicep in relation to the bell. Remove armor sections. Apply glue to loose end of the bicep strap or the bell then secure the strap it to the bell. After drying. Final arm connection. Bicep to forearm. This part is a little tricky. Apply glue to opposite end of the 2" elastic coming off the bicep or inside the forearm. Remember the forearm front cover strip is roughly aligned with the bicep cover strip. There should also be roughly 1/2" gap between the bicep and forearm when finished. Place inside forearm. Left forearm drying Right side Finished Link to comment
ukswrath[TX] Posted March 24, 2017 Author Share Posted March 24, 2017 On 3/24/2017 at 1:23 PM, Kylorick said: Love the helmet liner fitting. Still doing a great job on this thread mate. Thanks for the Kudos Ricky Link to comment
Darth Emphatic[CMD-DWM] Posted March 24, 2017 Share Posted March 24, 2017 This is a reference build for the ages. Link to comment
ukswrath[TX] Posted March 27, 2017 Author Share Posted March 27, 2017 haha thanks Steve Link to comment
ukswrath[TX] Posted March 27, 2017 Author Share Posted March 27, 2017 14. Strapping cont... 14i. Thigh support In this section I'll be illustrating how to create and install a thigh support system using 3" (2" can be used) black elastic (connecting strap), velcro (industrial with self adhesive and sew in), and a 1-1/4" waist belt. In the original armor the elastic was glued to the armor, I'll be using velcro. NOTE: You'll need a sewing machine or some mad hand sewing skills. Reference photo Start by hopping into your under suit, then install a waist belt and thigh armor and position them where they would sit when fully dressed in armor. Next slide some connecting elastic into the thighs roughly 3". Run the remainder up and around the waist belt. Note the length. Give yourself some sewing and wiggle room, maybe 1". My strips ended roughly being 9" Whatever belt width you use give yourself about 1/2" for sewing and slack. Sew the ends Flip the connecting strap over so that the new belt loop is facing the table. Cut yourself a 2-1/2" section of sew-in velcro (hook side) the sew it to the opposite end of the elastic connecting strap. Cut a section of 2-1/2" industrial strength (loop) velcro. Attach it to the loop velcro. Install waist belt and connecting straps. Install thighs and mark the the strap where it and the top of the thigh meet. Remove thighs and connecting straps. Remove elastic protective backing. Install velcro in thigh. Finished Home stretch... next up and final section hand plates (Anovos supplied, non-specialist) 1 Link to comment
ukswrath[TX] Posted March 27, 2017 Author Share Posted March 27, 2017 Back tracking a little bit. 12. Hand Guards cont... 12c. Hand Guards Basic approval. In this section I'll be installing the Anovos supplied ABS hand guards with the Anovos supplied elastic and velcro. Using what's supplied by Anovos, install velcro to the underside of the plates. Then install the velcro and strap assemblies. Slide over the gloves Anovos has supplied and your done. Note: there is a left and right so install accordingly. Link to comment
ukswrath[TX] Posted March 27, 2017 Author Share Posted March 27, 2017 14. Strapping cont... 14j. Shoulder Cover retainer In this section I'll be creating the retainers used to hold down the shoulder covers. Using Dritz black oval elastic, wrap around the cover and chest to back plate strap. Tie a knot in the ends then rotate the knot under the back plate or connecting strap. Either location is fine. Next up 501st submission photos.... Link to comment
ukswrath[TX] Posted March 27, 2017 Author Share Posted March 27, 2017 8. Ab/Kidney plate 8b. Ab button installation. In this section I'll attach the Ab buttons. I always til last as they're more prone to get scratched. Simple instructions, apply glue, attach plates, let dry. Link to comment
ukswrath[TX] Posted March 27, 2017 Author Share Posted March 27, 2017 17. Final Pictures: 17a. 501st submission photos Happy Shadow "T" 3 Link to comment
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