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Imperials Special Forces [Star Wars Battlefront 2]

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  On 4/17/2017 at 1:35 PM, blitz1027 said:

I'd like to point out that the chest armor they are wearing is TK chest armor not TIE chest armor. TK chest armor has a curve at the bottom while the TIE armor is flat along the bottom edge. Also the shoulder straps are TK shoulder straps. The connection for the straps on the back plate are the same as the TK connections from Rogue One.


Yeah after looking at the trailer again and then seeing a RO TK build thread on FISD it's a RO TK backplate and, I believe chest plate (going by the strap attachments), the backplate has that indent at the top edge of the box containing the "O & II" that the other TK's don't.

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Actually, lol, having a look at some reference pics over on JRS it may be a RO Pilot chest and back plate, they have the curved bottom to the chest plate and the O & II TK style backplate.

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I think the SWCO panel has some great insight into the game as well as the costume in question.

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  On 4/20/2017 at 2:28 PM, DeathMOS30 said:

I think the SWCO panel has some great insight into the game as well as the costume in question.


Thanks for the video, I know we have to be patient, but here's a quote quite interesting from the panel:


"This right group of people that had the skillsets that would make sense for a game that we wanted there to be aerial combat, ground combat. We wanted

this character to be able to be proficient at both. From a story perspective we were thinking: Who were the most devout, to what they're following

when it comes to leadership, who's somebody who can be fully invested in the Empire, who can sit there and watch something like the Death Star explode and

go: 'I'm going to double down on my commitment to this Empire. This strenghtens my belief in what the Empire stands for'. So all of that combined led to this

idea of Special Operatives. People who have that type of training and also have that type of belief in what they're doing and those skills to be able to

pull that off. And that narrowage of those two is where Inferno Squad came from."



Any thoughts on this?

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  On 4/20/2017 at 1:08 AM, MrShadow said:

I'm just curious as to which is actually the official procedure to decide in which detachment a new suit will be. I know some people are almost done building it, so what happens after? They have to wait until it is decided in which detachment i'll be? Or can it be approved before that decision is made?

I don't even have a full year as a member so... many gaps in my knowledge of how it all works in the Legion


The LMO can approve the costume without it having a detachment.

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  On 4/21/2017 at 5:21 AM, Darth Emphatic said:

The LMO can approve the costume without it having a detachment.




Also I think the variant with Scout belt doesn't actually have the TIE Pilot chest and box, but a standard TK chest.


  On 4/17/2017 at 8:25 AM, bell said:

At the moment we don't know a whole lot.

But it's safe to assume that they will be here. They are after all special forces.


So i would say they are tailor made for this detachment.


Costume doesn't look overcomplicated either which is nice.

So far there are three variations:


TK Belt.

Scout belt.


But the basic costume is more or less a tie pilot without the hoses. Armour appears to be more in line with Rogue One armour with the strap scoops that are seen on R! TK's and shoretroopers.

Looking at the trailer the flightsuit is the same, just need to have a red stripe along the right arm and down from under the armpit to the bottom of the right leg. Same pocket configuration.

Both imperial cogs are replaced with spec ops patches.

ROTJ blaster




Tie Pilot helmet

Tie chest and TK back

Tie pilot box



Shoulder pauldron

Gauntlet gloves

Crewman boots

TK belt with drop boxes and TD on the back.

E-11 holster on left side

Optional. That little droid. Looks like what the Seventh sister had in Rebels. Attaches to the back.


TK Belt:

Tie Pilot helmet

Tie chest and TK back

Tie pilot box



Imperial belt, used on crewman and officers

Gauntlet gloves

Crewman boots

E-11 holster on left side

TK belt to be worn slung over the top of chest


Scout belt:

Gauntlet gloves

Crewman boots

Tie Pilot helmet

Tie chest and TK back

Tie pilot box



E-11 holster on left side

Black MP40 pouch with added pocket

Scout trooper belt with drop boxes

Three boxes that sit below the pilot box




And, maybe I found another variant, or it's just a mistake they did when they made the trailer. But this guy with the TK belt crossed doesn't have the TIE pilot box.



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  On 4/20/2017 at 4:31 PM, MrShadow said:

Thanks for the video, I know we have to be patient, but here's a quote quite interesting from the panel:


"This right group of people that had the skillsets that would make sense for a game that we wanted there to be aerial combat, ground combat. We wanted

this character to be able to be proficient at both. From a story perspective we were thinking: Who were the most devout, to what they're following

when it comes to leadership, who's somebody who can be fully invested in the Empire, who can sit there and watch something like the Death Star explode and

go: 'I'm going to double down on my commitment to this Empire. This strenghtens my belief in what the Empire stands for'. So all of that combined led to this

idea of Special Operatives. People who have that type of training and also have that type of belief in what they're doing and those skills to be able to

pull that off. And that narrowage of those two is where Inferno Squad came from."



Any thoughts on this?


Described as special operatives, but also described as proficient in aerial combat in addition to ground. Aerial combat suggest they are also pilots as well.

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I understad, I mean it makes sense that they are able to pilot, given that it's going to be a Single Player campaign, and that they need to be proficient at space and ground, but everywhere they're described as:


"Elite commandos of the Imperial war machine"



"The Galactic Empire's elite special forces unit"



"Imperial special forces unit"



What do you think?

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looks like MrShadow caught it too ;)


Even though I had watched the trailer very closely about 30 times, I plan on doing one of these awesome guys, I just noticed something. The trooper that kicks the rebel scum doesn't have a pilot box on his chest. He is not the same guy that says "that's the point", but if he is the guy that says "Commander, what do we do?" than there is inconsistency in his attire. Or it's a 4th variant, or that chestbox is removable, which means it should be approavable with or without it right? Thoughts?

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  On 5/6/2017 at 1:18 PM, xtrachrispy said:

looks like MrShadow caught it too ;)


Even though I had watched the trailer very closely about 30 times, I plan on doing one of these awesome guys, I just noticed something. The trooper that kicks the rebel scum doesn't have a pilot box on his chest. He is not the same guy that says "that's the point", but if he is the guy that says "Commander, what do we do?" than there is inconsistency in his attire. Or it's a 4th variant, or that chestbox is removable, which means it should be approavable with or without it right? Thoughts?


I also have the same question, is it a new variant, or just a mistake on the trailer rendering? I'm not quite sure myself.


On other news... I was just scrolling through the JRS forum, and I found that someone posted this link to the official page, which confirms that Inferno Squad are both Spec Ops and Pilots!



It literally says: "Inferno Squad is an Imperial special-ops team, trained as both deadly starfighter pilots and elite commandos"

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I'm neck deep in the facebook Inferno Squad development group, which I THINK is mostly JRS folks.

I'm leaning toward Spec Ops being the correct place, but don't really care that much- as I want to be in both from other kits. Here is where I am at presently:


181st pilot (approved)

ANH pilot (just need to get images to get approved)

Baron Fel: In progress, based on 181st, with new straps/belt & helmet, plus alternate shoulder patches- waiting on parts to arrive



Shadow Scout: own all parts, partially completed, but misplaced the main box storing the biulk of thd armour parts.


Storm Commando: In planning stages, have mostly designed, just need to source/create shins & gaunlets (are NOT TK ones)


Detachment questionable:


Have: base flight suit & materials. Not done yet, as may be irreversible if use iron-on 1" grosgrain stripe. I have 3.25 & 3.5" patches, but think theh should be smaller, to fit the visuals

Belt: Need to complete TX/TB one from shadow scout, & waitng on a TK style.

Helmet- on 2 waiting lists, one will be Inferno, other will be my made-up 312th "Dirt Devils"

Boots/gloves- reuse my TI ones, though may buy a new glove pair for the split-bottom seen in trailer




The present sense is that it is R1 armour & helmet, mostly TI, with the heavy using TK

So, I can't simply mid what I've got ....

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Steve, any more news on how the division will work? Battlefront 2 opens up a whole new realm of variants that Spec Ops should be involved in.

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Nothing new - spec ops is getting the ground version and JRS the pilot. That is all confirmed through the LMO. In a few weeks the book comes out and we should have more info but it will really be once the game comes out that things can really move.

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