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Mobility Trimming

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I'm not the most savvy with forums and seem to have limited luck searching topics. I know I have seen a post or a picture here on recommendations for trimming shins and thighs for mobility. As is, my kit has me waddling if I try to move faster than a walk.


Just wanting to make it a tad easier to move around.



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Hey Lance!!! Hows it going? I recall talking about it too. Take a look at the CRL for the TK http://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TK_anh_stunt as Its easier to see since their armor is white.

But notice on the rear shins its curved down around the knee and lower thighs the same. Also, do you have any room to spare to pull the Thigh armor plates up a smidge? if so a half inch can make the difference of you being able to sit down in the armor and back up without it binding / pinching.


I recall hearing that you should be able to walk up a flight of stairs.

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Hey Lance!!! Hows it going? I recall talking about it too. Take a look at the CRL for the TK http://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TK_anh_stunt as Its easier to see since their armor is white.

But notice on the rear shins its curved down around the knee and lower thighs the same. Also, do you have any room to spare to pull the Thigh armor plates up a smidge? if so a half inch can make the difference of you being able to sit down in the armor and back up without it binding / pinching.


I recall hearing that you should be able to walk up a flight of stairs.


If I trim a by more of the return edge on top of thighs it will move up. I need to trim some off the bottom as the outsides are pinch points.


I only need to do a small amount of adjusting. I can walk, just not real fast. Hard to keep up with Lord Vader.



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Here is what I trimmed. I suited up the lower half of kit and went up and down my stairs in house. Will need just a tad more trimming to make perfect.




My other thigh has a clamp as I fixing a spot on the front shim.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank yal for posting this. This is some really good tips and I actually did that to my Magmatrooper this past friday. So far seems ok I will have more feedback once I do the Rays game this Saturday.

Thank you guys for all your hard work :D

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