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850 Armor Works DT kit (ABS)

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Hello fellow troopers,


Anyone having some experience with the DT kit from 850 Armor works? I really like working with ABS and iam looking into buying a raw kit from them.

Iam currently researching this costume and have no clue on how "accurate" their kit is. Iam hoping i can use it.


Also looking at buying a v3.0 DT helmet from ArmoryShop, they seem like great helmets. Any help would be greatly apprecited.




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My brother-in-law and I have 850 kits and it's been a lot of work to assemble them. Various issues with soft details and weak pulls. So much that we have modified or replaced most of the parts. Check out my thread for some examples, especially on the ab and back plates. Not a bad kit if you're just starting out but there are cleaner, more accurate kits available.


Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk



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I have a 850 kit approved if you need any help and questions. Friend me on face book under Greg Smith and I will link you to my Deathtrooper build page.


Awesome! I will send you a PM on Facebook

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