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[MahXPrime] Del Meeko BUILD

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  On 1/6/2018 at 3:16 PM, DeathMOS30 said:

keep up the good work looking forward to this :D


Thank youu !! :D


Here is a little something already though as I'm dying myself waiting for my 5 boxes belt paint to cure at the moment xD..




TD (with invisible attachement system) / Thigh box are OK - Still need to weather the DLT scope/add silver details, I painted the red marking this morning :) (by the way, this part of the scope has been 3d-printed and so it's That part which needed that much "hand-work") - I should also correct a few "weathering" spots on the DLT + erase useless reference/part numbers engraved here and there.


Note : Concercing the scope, the part on the left is obviously a little "different" (but close !!) in shape from the on-sceen design BUT it's just because it's a real functional scope ^^ I will try to add a lense inside the 3d-printed part


And here is what I'm waiting for endlessly xD Silver coat before black to allow silver weathering as usual :) As I said earlier here, I did the same to the Chest Armor, Thigh box & TD sharing a pic also under that.. (couldn't do that process for helmet as it has been vacuum formed, but I still applied a light weathering to it)







When I'll be done I may write a laaaaarge post where I explain in depth everything I did and why some stuff took a lot of time :)


thanks for your support all ! :P


PS : Already trooped 3 days in a row (TLJ promotion) with the DLT and it's absolutely amazing ! The fact that it's a "real" MG-34 copy gives it a quite pleasing feeling :) ..even if it was still full-black/not weathered at this moment (just like the parts pic shown previously) :D


PSS : Concerning the DLT paint. I've decided to go for a regular RAL 9005 black. Why ? It indeed appears and, APPEARS dark grey in game but BUT. I have to say, when you compare the different "black" shades in game, you can see, when the character is "exposed to the sun" that there is no big difference between Armor / Riffle blacks.. DLT just matches the armor actually. And well, Battlefront II is still a game, it's our work to adapt its visual references to reality. I would say that, as a Spec-Op squad, it wouldn't be surprising that every single stuff they wear/carry with them is painted with the colour that will reflect the less light possible ! (stealth mission / camo)

I will certainly expose my point with screens a little later but well.. I think I shouldn't have to xD

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  On 1/7/2018 at 2:54 AM, kmart890 said:

My chest box has magnets in it so I can add/remove it from my armor based on situation. Active troops, no chest box. Promotional ones, yes chest box. Just some food for thought.


If I was about to add it I would definitely go for an easy-removeable system like that yea. I will probably make it someday with electronics/light (FUN just like my compad :D) and wear it sometimes (flexibility, choice.. that's cool indeed ^^) but it really doesn't feel like this is a " must have " item.. It may be the point for Del to carry Heavy-Heavy Gear but well.. I think it's also nice to draw a difference between JRS / Spec-Ops and see a voluntary no-chest box gear


Just like here on this very 1st trailer ! (And yea we all know it was still WIP and that they added stuff later in new trailers and in the game itself but that's not the point here sergeant :D )




In short, I mean this is just fine like that, pretty balanced/harmonious

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update !


Here is the DLT :




Weathering / resculpted scope + red stripe.. here we go !


I also ordered a small glass disk (68 mm diameter / 2mm thick) to "close" the scope on the red stripe side & make it all more realistic ;)



Still working on the belt ! Finally had to cut more. So now I'm back to sanding etc.. should apply final coats of paint very soon



Will also rework a little my com-pad, I spotted a few paint details I've apparently missed !

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It's definitely comiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggg..........! ^^


Posting very fresh updates so you can see how / why I've been busy. I think this pic will give you a pretty nice recap :




A total of 6 cut (3 left + right symetrically) that made the belt shortened of 12 cm. (actually 13 cm, forgot to mention that I cut 0.5 cm from the left and right edges of the belt) Why I did that ? ----------> Fitting + Accuracy. The belt was just too large. The BOXES were too large actually !!! I've naturally compared with Ingame Screens and I can only say that what I did is matching and totally makes sense. Now, as you can see on the next pic, the fitting is just correct !! I'm quitte happy with all that hard work because now it's definitely accurate. I'm not saying it's perfect as I know the special shaped boxes would have needed extra-sculpting work but I think now it just does the job..Can't wait to wear it and to make final adjustments !




Paint is OBVIOUSLY in progress, I should be able to wear it -->> DEFINITELY SOON <<---




PS :


For reference, this is how the belt was BEFORE modification



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Sorry for the flood but I forgot to add :




Thigh box with leather strips is naturally ready to mount on the belt system :D


Talking about that thigh box, it's coming from Studio creation, I just cut it horizontally as it was too wide, filled original "holes" that were meant for the webbing and drilled my own "holes" matching the In Game screen references. Then, painted it the same gloss black as everything else so there is no "black differences"


*belt paint is curing...*

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Well, did a quick fitting test yesterday, mainly for the 5 boxes belt. Won't post full body yet as pictures quality isn't really good (did it really fast and background is pretty messy ^^) but here are some In Game screens vs. my uniform pics :










Not saying it's all perfect


1) Still some work / adjustments to do : ammo vest webbing replacement, thigh box strapping adjustment, smaller emblems on the helmet, need to finish sewing the small side pocket on ammo vest, painting details on compad, grey teeth on helmet.. ETC

2) Hard to get a full accurate helmet when no one is making them full accurate

3) As I said earlier, special shaped boxes on the scout belt would have needed extra-sculpting work. Decided to leave it like that for several reasons.


BUT ! I think it will be a close enough version of what we can call screen-accurate.

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  • 2 weeks later...



As you know I planned to change the Ammo Vest webbing and replace it with accurate leather strapping. For that I needed also accurate greeblies / triglides.


I've been working on BFII 3D files and isolated the greeblies that I needed and scaled them to what IRL dimensions would be to make them printable :




And here we are now :


left = 1st solution I thought I'd use / right = **slightly** more **accurate** and **scaled** solution.









Got to admit the triglides could have been scaled like A BIT more but well, as it might also be an optical illusion I leave myself a margin of error.


So yea, the Ammo Vest accurate strapping construction shall now begin ;)

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Hellow !


So after getting my 68mm diameter / 2mm thickness glass disk, I was able to put it inside the big part of the scope.


Result :










+ happy coz the "depth" of the glass disk inside the scope is accurate :D


as you can see :



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  On 2/7/2018 at 11:47 PM, DeathMOS30 said:

wow that is legit looking :D the level of detail you are doing is outstanding love it :D keep up the good work.


Thankksss a lot :D !!!


Yay keeping it coming hehe !


Yesterday I also replaced the helmet stickers with much more scaled one :


So remember I had this :




Now I got this :




Difficult to get the perfect same camera angle to make a truly objective comp but I think you can see enough by yourself here :D


(Therefore, I think I'm pointing out a possible future change or add to the CRL as it says 2.75" for decals when 2.20" is apparently more accurate, worth posting it in CRL dev topic ?)

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  On 2/6/2018 at 11:49 AM, MahXPrime said:


As you know I planned to change the Ammo Vest webbing and replace it with accurate leather strapping. For that I needed also accurate greeblies / triglides.


I've been working on BFII 3D files and isolated the greeblies that I needed and scaled them to what IRL dimensions would be to make them printable :




And here we are now :


left = 1st solution I thought I'd use / right = **slightly** more **accurate** and **scaled** solution.









Got to admit the triglides could have been scaled like A BIT more but well, as it might also be an optical illusion I leave myself a margin of error.


So yea, the Ammo Vest accurate strapping construction shall now begin ;)

will you be offering these greebles or making the 3D file available? 😬


Thanks in advance!




Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 2/16/2018 at 3:35 AM, Marvzuno said:

will you be offering these greebles or making the 3D file available? ������


Thanks in advance!


I won't be making them for sure but I may share my files, still need to see if it fits correctly



Anyway ! Still didn't replace my Ammo Vest webbing but I got a pic I wanted to share :




Been parading this last week-end with a lot of friends ;)


Well, I SSSSwear I'll end my accuracy upgrades SOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNN.............. xD.............

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  On 2/26/2018 at 9:37 PM, nanotek said:

That's looking really good! Nice work! Is that a Rogue One bucket?


Thanks a lot Sir :D !! Yes it is, shorter trident and other "differences" between R1 and OT :) I don't say it's the perfect accurate sculpt but I did what was needed ^^

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Hello there !


After a nice trooping this last week-end with an almost completed uniform & several good pics showing an already satisfying render, 2 things :


1- Approval is in the process, should be soon & finally a TX ! Took way too much time with this as I was ready since a pretty long moment now..


2- Ammo Vest upgrade is really not far from completion


So, yea, very last straight lines... :D




Cut all what I needed and I now only need to assemble everything.


When I'll be done with it I still have several minor details to fix though:


- helmet : central teeth cut and rectified, now need to fill tiny empty space

- need to improve weathering on the armor so we don't think it's an "error" or an "accident"

- Need to improve belt system to make the scout belt lined up with the officer belt all the way


See you for next post !

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hello !




Well I'm a TX at last !!! :D


Been approved last week-end and just found out today so I'm sharing it with you :)


A good post to say also I didn't give up in any way my planned "finishing" accuracy work on my Del uniform.

Ammo Vest is almost done (yea it's taking weeks and months now but I'm doing the best I can.. Got a life too :) )

and so.. Almost ready for final full body shot :)


Hope to go back here very soon with some interesting pics !


Wanted to add also, I might have a couple of stuff to submit in the CRL thread such as helmet "mouth" color And helmet inferno & imperial decals size..


Here it is ! See you !

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