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First Piece Down, A Million To Go...

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I'd just like to say... I JUST PURCHASED MY HELMET!!!!




That is all. :)



But seriously, I'm beyond excited. With a diet of ramen and pb&j sammiches, I should be able to save up enough money to get the rest of the armor and soft parts by late July or early August. Armor should be assembled and ready for pictures sometime in winter. My gun(s) should be purchased around that time as well. My schedule is looking good and I will be proud to be an official Spec Ops member. Pics will be posted as soon as I think I look cool enough. You guys here and on facebook are incredible. Thank you to all the help and guidance for myself and others! *cries a happy tear*





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The helmet is always the best thing to purchase to keep the inspiration going!


Exactly. I started printing my helmet first so that it could stare me in the face and tell me to keep motivated.

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