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All metal E11D build

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Although I enjoy my 3D printed E11D blaster, I felt it time to upgrade to an all aluminum build! I've accumulated most of the parts but still need a few more. I have enough to start though. Just to note, I chose not to use the Airsoft version as a base as 1: it is extremely heavy and 2: I want to do something different and all my own. I know there are some who are meticulous about the accuracy of their builds down to the screws and I respect those who do this but be forewarned that if you are one of those, you may not appreciate my build. But, I welcome your feedback! Below are the parts that I have thus far:


The magazine well, magazine, power cylinders, ranger finder, Hengstler counter, E11 stock and rear stock adapter are all from Field Marshal (AMAZING PARTS!)

I sourced the aluminum tube online and got really lucky in finding an airsoft retractable stock online as well (sadly sold out everywhere)


First things I'll be doing is working on the main body and cutting the standard E11 slot for the charging handle and ejection port then on to the front barrel slots. I'll need to find someone to mill down a portion of the front barrel where it attaches the back body to give the illusion that's it's 3 pieces rather than 2.


Parts I am missing are the entire handle and trigger housing / assembly and the rear site. If anyone has a lead in metal versions of these I'd be forever grateful!


So that's it for now. Will update once progress is made!




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Nick, just an idea Evike has an all metal airsoft Sterling SMG on ale for $250 plus they have a 25% off purchase if you give them your email. Might save you some time and $$. Also I have seen where people have been able to squeeze electronics in a hollowed out magazine. https://www.evike.com/products/50076/ or they have a normal E-11 https://www.evike.com/products/61969/

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Hey chaos ! Thanks for the reply! I have considered that airsoft version but the issue is that it is a full steel construction which would make it quite heavy. I like the idea of an aluminum version which will be considerably lighter. Wish it were aluminum like their Mauser as I would have jumped on it!



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Thanks sir. I know they used the airsoft model but I'm not looking for extreme accuracy though. It will look great when I'm done for sure but I just want something that is all metal but still not overweight. And I also want to be different than what else is out there. I'd bet I can get it pretty accurate though if I try. I've seen extremely accurate all aluminum E11 builds and this shouldn't be much much different. Any suggestions or input is welcome though!



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I've got the Sterling from Evike, solid gun and yes....very screen accurate. The one thing I have not figured out is how the heck to attach the barrel shroud to the Sterling frame. Any help / suggestions are welcome. Initial thoughts were to use lock washers and sheet metal nuts to secure the barrel shroud to the frame.

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Thanks so much for the lead on the rail mounts for the flashlight. that's a good find.


For the front barrel, I plan on using hex machine screws and drilling and tapping the main aluminum barrel that I have. Both barrels are with a friend who is machining the holes and slots. I'm kind of on hold now until I get those back and then the fun begins!





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Appreciate the feedback sir. I'm aware of the base gun and parts used. But I'm not the type of person looking for accuracy down to the screw or millimeter. Just want to make a great version of this and like to be different as well. It'll look great when done regardless of accuracy. It's gunna look great when done though, promise!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Making some progress. Have the two sections back. Have a couple additional small sections to cut out but done for the most part. Attached the mag well from Field Marshal which fits like a glove. May have a weld done additionally to add strength. 86cfe67d407e9434f6b301d96b139ad7.jpg1cc2088192b19bef13f5fe23ca66ce0f.jpg



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I'm curious to know how you solve the problem of covering the charging handle channel and ejection port. Myself and Henry we're discussing this in detail and if you look at the screen used prop, the charging handle channel and ejection port are completely closed off. Most likely to avoid any LED leak (this also assumes you will have functional LEDs as well). If not, disregard my comment.


Video link with screen used E-11D below. (Courtesy of Henry)


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That's a great vid! Great shots of those weapons! Makes you jealous!


To close the holes, I could consider sliding a smaller tube into the blaster of, cutting one into the required size pieces to JB weld behind the holes. Not sure yet which I'll use but it figure it shouldn't be a hard fix.



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  • 1 month later...

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