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jc1327's DT WIP

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@jc1327 Justin,

Sorry it took me a few days, I am in the KSA working on a job, but I finally had a chance to take a look at your 850 back piece and compare it with a screen used back and the new CRL. I have attached a side by side comparison with things that you can fix with a dremel, auto bondo, or some ABS and ABS paste. (Sizes are approximate, I don't have my armor with me to measure exactly, maybe someone who has either Jimmi's, Denis's, Sean's or Andrew's kits can measure exactly for you.)

*upper left corner: there is a small circle approximately 2-3mm in radius (can be backed with auto bondo or ABS paste and then drilled about 1.5-2mm deep

*upper left center: there are two small squares the same size as the small circle and can be made the same way as the circle.

*top edges of each large square details have two raised rectangles, approximately 1.5x3-4mm, these can be made with ABS paste or bondo and then shaped to size. Make sure when you position them that they are as close to the screen's back location as possible.

*your COG has the correct number of spokes and has a good shape and detail, no worries with that.

*the two small vertical greeblies in the right hand large square need to be worked on, the lower portions have some ridges that are supposed to be flat, then on the upper portion of the rectangles, the raised horizontal ridges' detail needs to be sharpened. You can fix this by back filling with bondo or ABS paste and then taking a thin dremel cutting wheel and deepening the grooves between the raised ridges, not too much but just enough to make them more obvious.

*both large square's lower corners need a small angled 45 degree piece. This can be done with bondo or ABS paste and then shaped to match.

*center / center of the back piece, there needs to be a raised rectangle approx. 2mmx15-20mm center of the ridge and aligned along the lower side of the horizontal ridge. This can be made the same way as the above smaller raised rectangles.

*lower / center, the raise "bump" on your piece needs to have a smaller radius, should be approx. 2.5-3mm. You can back fill the dot with bondo or ABS paste and then add a smaller raised dot, this can be made with anything, a small piece of plastic dowel cut to about 2.5-3mm in height can be glued in place. ( Your GML might approve this as is.)

*right / lower along the right outer edge is a three sided rectangle which is cur into the back as if you were engraving a block letter "C". This can be done back back filling and then dremel-ing the proper shaped grove into the back piece. Make sure the lines are straight and the groove depth uniform. The "NEW and improved" 850 back has one on each side which is NOT correct, so even if you bought that one, the left hand detail would have to be filled in and sanded smooth.

I'm not too sure that the side "vents" details along the lower outside edges of the 850 piece are sharp enough but they can be sharpened just like the vertical rectangle raised ridges mentioned above. (Check with GML)

I HIGHLY recommend getting with one of your Garrison GML's and show them this fix and your current pieces to see if they would approve your armor with these modifications made. If they give you a thumbs up, then you will need to decide if the above fixes are worth doing yourself or spending the $190.

I can't remember if your version has the neck collar as 1/2 part of the front and 1/2 of the back or not. That would need to be a whole different undertaking. You might be better off getting someone with the collar files to print you one off and then you cut the 850 off and bond the printed collar to the back piece which is the correct way it is made.

Let me know if you have any questions.



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The collar is split between the back and chest piece. I had a feeling that this would need to be changed. Who else makes CRL compliant chest and back armor? The shins and forearms are done (although I don't know if my left forearm will pass since the 2 straps at the bottom don't go all the way around). If I can use some of my current kit with something that is more up to date with the CRL that would be a good option, I really don't want to have to get a whole new set of armor.

I should have just saved my money and bought a better quality kit. I know better, I took my time and bought top quality stuff for my fett.

About the collar, it is a single piece attached to the back plate correct? How does it connect to the chest piece, glue it down or use magnets? I tried on my chest piece and the opening for my head is pretty small, the update from 850 has an insert you put on after the chest and back are on.

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I have a 3d file for the neck/ collar piece, you could cut off yours and attach this one to your back piece. The front just lays over the front, on the screen used suits it has front tabs that slips into the chest to hold them in.

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