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Jump suit pockets

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That is a REALLY hard to see pic.


Are they on the sides of the legs? If so then it SHOULD follow the art.

The Engineer CRL is finishing up, and the coveralls should be the same other than color, based on the art. The Engineer CRM wants them stuffed to appear full


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You should be fine with the style of that jumpsuit if you change the collar. I can't really make out if the color is correct though. Not sure if it's my screen or their photograph.

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Dunno if this is any better... it's listed as OD, looks OD to me. The leg pockets are off to the side...

We can move em over is need be. Collar shouldn't be too hard to change. Looks the same as the

Galls jump suit under the parts list... If worse come to worse we can trim the collar down and add

the chevron strip. Mostly a matter of what fabric to use.


Of course I dunno what a mandarin collar is. >.> NM... I educated myself, shouldn't be too bad

to replace the collar... and anything we take off can make the chevron strap.


That is a REALLY hard to see pic.


Are they on the sides of the legs? If so then it SHOULD follow the art



The pockets are on the sides... Unfortunately the pic provided is not the best, website has no other views...




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So on the engineer, the update on 3/26 says 'removed large front pockets'.


Which pockets is that referring to, the top/shirt pockets or the cargo pockets?


The original CRL write up called for large pockets to be sitting under the waist of the jump suit. Many people were removing back pockets and putting them on the front at the hips. As there actually aren't any clear images that there are any pockets below the waist except for the cargo pockets on the legs, we removed that from being a requirement for approval.

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Speak to your GML first about it, but when Tarrif did his original suit he took come of the cuff off and made his collar. You have to look at the original CRL pic pretty close to see the seam since its on the side of the neck opposite the snap.

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