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ShadowTrooper Armor purchase question

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Hello everyone!

I realize I am new here and this question may be asked a lot. (Sorry in advance!)


But where can I purchase (or is anyone here selling) a full Shadowtrooper armor set ready to wear WITHOUT the helmet? (I have a helmet!)

I know there are so many vendors and options out there and I am trying to go for as close to accurate as I can. I am larger more muscular built top heavy guy at 6'2 and 240lbs so it's actually been kind of difficult to find from some of the approved vendors I have asked.

So I was wondering if anyone had any good reasonable options.


I would like to keep it somewhat reasonably priced and trimmed so it's ready to wear out of the box. Good quality armor that will withstand costuming and possible strong enough to withstand trooping. Any recommendations or anyone selling? Thanks!

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Just curious, where is the helmet from? Reasonably priced and already assembled (commissioned) generally aren't synonymous with each other from what I've seen, as you are paying for the labor to put it together. I know that Crookknight (https://www.facebook.com/groups/679029939155041/) is now offering armor assembly services with measurements, but I'm not sure who else may do so. Walt's Trooper Factory has a great shadow stormtrooper set which is unassembled and Crookknight should be able to assemble with a cost. I think that RS Propmasters is still selling the fully commissioned shadow stormtrooper from the UK (http://www.rspropmasters.com/product/complete-shadowtrooper-commission/). I assembled mine myself, it came from Anovos, so I'm not too familiar with commission services.


Let us know if you have any other questions!

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