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Where to find Shadow Stormtrooper Armor

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Hey guys, my names Carter and i currently own an ANH TK costume and have been quite interested in starting a TX build. Recently it has come to my attention that many reputable vendors no longer sell black ABS due to poor quality. I was wondering if anyone has some vendors that may be a good fit for me. I was going to go with ATA, but he no longer sells black. I’d appreciate any help. Thanks!

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Walt's Trooper Factory is one I am aware of. A buddy got his a couple years ago from AM. 

Paul Strength
Star Garrison| North Texas Squad | Trooper 31201 (TK/TX/DZ)
TFE | Command Staff | Merchandise/DXXO
501st Legion | Honorary Member Committee
Rebel Legion | Kessel Base | Anakin Skywalker (Clone Wars) / A'Sharad Hett
R2/AstroMech Builders | C2-B5

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1 hour ago, cartersachse2103 said:

Thanks for the quick response. AM offers a satin black suit but idk if that’s approvable. Definitely not matte but not shiny like my ANH kit

GML will ultimately make the decision on if you're shiny enough BUT the CRL does specifically say gloss black only and that technically would be all that's approvable.  Just a heads up on that.

Kit makers...state-side...WTF or if you can find a second-hand Anovos kit they are super glossy...I say second-hand because I would not recommend trying to deal w/ them directly.  Some non-US makers exist I believe.  @Janem in Germany may know of a few over in Europe.  Prices are normally within range...you just have to pay for shipping and possible customs charges (I had to do that w/ my scout kit which came from the UK).

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Wow this was super helpful. My TK kit is anovos and it’s spectacular. Are there any people i can contact who have one second hand? I understand not buying first hand because of the long shipping dates. When i purchased it i was the most impatient 14 year old you could imagine haha

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No off-hand I don't know anyone...sometimes in the Anovos FB builders group people post in there for sale or in our For Sale section here on the forums.

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Yeah I'd try the Anovos build group on FB, I think there was a guy selling a kit the other day for like $750 but I can't remember.

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  • 2 months later...
On 5/27/2019 at 6:32 PM, cartersachse2103 said:

Hey guys, my names Carter and i currently own an ANH TK costume and have been quite interested in starting a TX build. Recently it has come to my attention that many reputable vendors no longer sell black ABS due to poor quality. I was wondering if anyone has some vendors that may be a good fit for me. I was going to go with ATA, but he no longer sells black. I’d appreciate any help. Thanks!

Might of been the case at the time you spoke to him but I just got my kit from ATA.

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  • 2 months later...

Greetings TX,

i bought my shadowtrooper Armor at RS Prop Masters in the UK and there is also a Vendor called IronMotion in germany... 

RS props sells it in ABS, which is CRL like.

IronMotion sells it even with an kit called "high glossy", so you can choose between ABS gloss and high gloss.



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  • 1 year later...
11 hours ago, mikelh83 said:

Is the 850 Armor a kit that could be approved? Thanks for the help!

Mike, I sent you a PM response as well. Unless the 850 kit is ANH-style, it wouldn't be approvable under the Rogue One (RO)-style. I'd check Walt's Trooper Factory (WTF) on Facebook, RS Propmasters (UK), or MTK at Trooperbay.

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  • 2 months later...

Complete Rookie here so I apologize if I’m asking already asked questions. 

I have reached out to Walts Trooper Factory to try and get my first Armour set. Shadow Troopers for the win.


Does anyone have any advice or tips they wish they knew as a noob? 

I’m finally in a spot financially where I can treat myself but how much can I expect to spend on an full set?

Also I am 6ft but 310lb so not small. WilL this cause any issues?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/15/2019 at 3:51 AM, Halycon said:

Greetings TX,

i bought my shadowtrooper Armor at RS Prop Masters in the UK and there is also a Vendor called IronMotion in germany... 

RS props sells it in ABS, which is CRL like.

IronMotion sells it even with an kit called "high glossy", so you can choose between ABS gloss and high gloss.



@cartersachse21 also remember that rs does require extra work to gloss the armor up. It came very dull but it is still nice. But if you order then I recommend getting the red label bucket. The screen accurate helmet won’t get you to level 2 specialist unfortunately. 

Rs does have some deals on their website when they are doing black arbor orders. They also offer to build it for you so it’s completely ready to wear besides the helmet teeth mesh + glossing. 

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