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Sithtrooper Biceps - Draft CRL Development Discussion

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Pending agreement


  • Finished in a high gloss deep red that matches the colors of the entire costume
  • One on each bicep and are mirror opposites of each other
  • The biceps are made up of two parts; inner and outer bicep
    • One seam that faces forward
    • Overlap towards the inner rear of the bicep
  • Clip greeblie is present low and overlaps the seam
    • There is a small rectangular recessed section just above the clip
  • Two black ovals are present on the outside facing side of the bicep
  • Larger vertical recess towards the rear outer section, intersects where the bicep angles down toward the rear
  • The rear of the bicep has an angular line that drops about 25mm to form a rectangular section when viewed from the rear
    • The rectangular sections have approximately 11 recesses on each bicep
    • The angular sections that meet to form the rectangular sections at the back are flat
    • At the bottom of the rear rectangular section is a black horizontal oblong shaped recess
  • There are vertical recessed lines in the front of the bicep
    • Start at the small rectangular recessed section above the clip greeblie
    • The recesses on the outer bicep terminate at a roughly 33 degree angle
    • The vertical recesses on the inner bicep are roughly angled at 45-47 degrees
    • There are 45-47 degree recessed lines that run around the inner bicep
      • terminate at the front seam and bottom of bicep
      • are overlapped at the inside-back by the rectangular section at the back

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):

  • Clip greeblie is the correct bicep greeblie as per diagram
  • The recessed section above the clip has two steps
  • There are a total of 32 vertical recessed lines at the front that start on the inside of the bicep and end on the outside forming a 'V' shape intersecting at the bicep clip
  • There are a total of 25-30 visible diagonal recessed lines that that start at the front seam and continue around the inside of each bicep disappearing behind the overlap on the inner rear

cFGHTRN - Imgur.jpglF4r3bW - Imgur.jpg
EpWUn7a - Imgur.pngFegcqe7 - Imgur.jpg

i-HcKr7Bp-X4.jpg  i-BSpFdGg-X4.jpg  i-Dtzj6WS-X4.jpg


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  • 5 months later...
  On 12/31/2019 at 8:02 PM, JoeShoe said:

are we going to specify methods of rigging?  
other than that, looks good 


Some of the rigging is visible in the Evolution of the Stormtrooper video, and there is a shot of a display where you can just see the rigging for the bicep. If we do include it, it will be for L2 for sure

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  • 4 months later...

one final pass we will need to double check punctuation and make sure all measurements are updated to the IN(mm) format  1" to form a rectangular section  

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  • 1 month later...
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