IcyTrooper[CMD-DWM] Posted August 31, 2019 Share Posted August 31, 2019 Placeholder for the First Order Jet Trooper (FOJT) CRL from The Rise of Skywalker (TROS). Helmet The helmet is gloss white with black trim. The lens is smoky gray in color and must be sufficiently dark enough to obscure the costumer's eyes. The brow of the helmet comes out creating a gap from the lenses. There is a straight recessed line at the brow of the helmet that slightly angles down near the corner of the eye slit and goes around the helmet. There is a recessed line at the corner of top edge of the eye slit that runs around the helmet. There is a recessed line that creates a half-circle "trap" detail on each side of the helmet which ends at the recessed line of the brow. On each side of the forehead there is a set of three recessed lines that are equally spaced and run parallel to each other and run from the top brow recessed line up over the top of the helmet and down the back to the top brow recessed line. There are four hollowed out "nose" vents: The two outermost vents feature a longer rectangular shape and the two inner vents are shorter and more of a square. Mesh must be used to obscure the wearer's face. The trim around the nose section extends to eye slit and goes down the cheek with raised sections where the front mandible pipe detail is. Underneath the nose section is a mouth detail with the following details from top to bottom: Four steps which go down into two mandible pipe details. The mandible pipe details go from the fourth step and curve out and upwards towards the corners of the eye view slit and then bend back down and close off facing outwards and down. There are three steps below the mandible pipe detail that go down towards the bottom of the helmet and end into a recessed triangle section. At the bottom of the recessed triangle section on the chin are five vertical lines. To the left and right of the chin detail on each inner part of the cheek there are recessed channels which have a raised greeblie just before a recessed channel that end with a hollowed square/half circle. Starting just at the end of the channel on each side of the cheeks there are fifteen vents that go back towards the side of the helmet. On the outer edge of each side of the cheeks there are three recessed lines that run the length of the cheek and around the helmet. On the front of each cheek piece there is a rounded section just underneath the front edge that runs into the center of the helmet/neck. On the outside of each cheek running around the helmet is a seam which connects the bottom of the helmet to the sides. The bottom of the helmet has a slight inward slope towards the neck of the wearer. OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable): The gap between the brow and the lenses has the proper details. Neckseal Black with horizontal ribs, fitted to the wearer, and extending from the base of the neck to conceal the entire neck. No hair or skin should be visible around the neck area. OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable): Neckseal shall have 11 ribs. Chest Plate Chest plate must overlap abdomen section. Overall shape of chest narrows as it goes towards the waist of the wearer and lines up with the inner recessed area of the square section of the abdomen section. The center of the chest plate remains flat and curves towards the sides of the wearer. Towards the top of the chest plate is black text that matches the reference photos. This text may be painted or a decal. To the right of the text is a red logo which is has a downward pointing red triangle with two wedges off the angular sides of the top triangle. This logo may be painted or a decal. At the top of the chest is a recessed oval with four separated sections is present at the top. The inner-most recessed sections are square in shape. The outer-most recessed sections are square towards the inner sections and rounded out towards the outside. At the top of the chest the plate is recessed in with two raised parts of the chest plate going towards the tops of the shoulders. At the shoulders/armpits the chest plate is recessed towards the biceps. The chest plate has two arms that extend over each shoulder with a half circle recessed area to allow for the connection of the chest plate to the back plate/backpack. OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable): Black text on the chest plate is painted on instead of a decal. The red logo is painted on instead of a decal. Recessed oval with four separated sections detail at the top of the chest is cut all the way through reveling the black undersuit/neck seal of the wearer. Back Plate / Jet Pack Back plate/jet pack connects to the chest plate via a screw on each shoulder. There is a seam just past the screws. The top of the jetpack is open to reveal a black accordion/exhaust fins. On the inner part of this open area closes to the back of the wearer are two hollow narrow slots. On each side in the corner of the open area is a smaller hollow narrow slots. There is a seam present where the top of the pack meets the middle part of the pack. In the middle part of the pack there is a red logo. Just under the red logo there are two hollowed vents with a wedge shaped detail just below them to blends into the middle part of the pack. On this wedge shaped detail there is a line in the middle and two lines at an approximate 70 degree angle from the bottom corners towards up towards the red logo. To the left and right of the red logo there is a set of three indentions/lines that are grouped together and run at an approximate 45 degrees angle around to the lower sides of the pack. From these three identions/lines there is another set of three identions/lines that are grouped together that also run at an approximate 45 degree angle from the midpoint of the previously mentioned lines down towards the middle bottom of the pack. On each side of the pack there is a small black circle located near the top closest to the back of the wearer, then another bigger black circle below and offset the smaller one followed by an oval detail at the bottom of the side just above the rocket nozzle. There is a recessed black area on each side where the rocket nozzle is. The rocket nozzle will be attached to the side via a white plate and will be painted a chrome color with an open end. It will also have a rounded seam at the midpoint of each nozzle around the entire nozzle. The lower part of the jetpack has two vertical seams that line up with the seems from the middle part of the pack. The lower part of the jetpack will also have a cutout oval section that is made from two pieces that create a seam on each side. Within this oval section are three cylindrical canisters which have a beveled edge at the end of each one with a recessed line in the middle and recessed circle on one of the halves of each canister. OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable): The red logo is painted on instead of a decal. Rocket nozzle will have a chrome paint that fades to a colored/black finish resembling metal. The canisters have the following alignments: Left canister has the seam at an approximate 30 degree angle going from lower left to upper right with the recessed circle on the upper half closes to the left shoulder. Center canister has the seam directly left to right with the recessed circle on the upper half closest to the helmet. Right canister has the seam pointing at a slight angle going from lower left to upper right with the recessed circle on the lower half closest to the ground. The canisters have a red line painted around them where they connect in the oval section to the jetpack. Abdomen Section There is a raised rectangular box/panel detail at the bottom center of the abdomen section which features the following details: A horizontal slot that runs the length of the box at the top that resembles a key. A recessed black large oval below the horizontal slot which has a rectangle indention below it to the right of the wearer. A vertical recessed line within this rectangular box to the left of the wearer that goes up into the horizontal slot. A recessed black small oval in the bottom corner of the box to the left of the wear. Above the raised rectangular box/panel detail is another recessed section with a slanted "shelf" inside it that angles up towards the chest. Beyond that shelf is horizontal grooved plastic ribbing that runs up to the top of the abdomen plate. To the left and right of the raised rectangular box/panel detail a raised teeth looking details which have a 45 degree indention up towards the hips. In the middle of the indention into the raised area the goes around the lower part of the abdomen and ends near the hinged boxes there is a indented half circle detail which points towards the hips. Above this raised detail with the half circle detail is another triangular raised section pointed up towards the shoulders. From the edges of the raised rectangular box/panel detail all the way around the sides of the wearer are grooved plastic ribbing which runs diagonally from the shoulder on each side to the codpiece. The ribbing runs all the way around to the back of the wearer stopping as it gets to the backpack jets. From there it is smooth plastic with no seam as it runs under the backpack. From the edge of the center wall indention underneath the chest plate are two triangular "fangs" which come out from under the chest plate and point down towards the wearer's hips. OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable): The grooved plastic ribbing and gasket ribbing on the upper chest into the shoulders line up. Shoulder Gaskets Gaskets shall be rubber or a shiny black material with ridges. The shoulder gaskets ridges run horizontally. The shoulder gaskets must cover all exposed areas under the shoulder bell, between the bicep and chest, and between bicep and back. Shoulder Bells One on each shoulder. The shoulders are considered effectively symmetrical. They may be worn interchangeably on the left and right shoulders. There are three vertical indented lines on each shoulder bell the start at the inside part of the shoulder bell and go vertical around the top of the shoulder bell to the back. Biceps Biceps have visible seams on the front and rear. Black material may be present between the seams. On the inner-arm front of each bicep is a seam that goes straight up a third of the way up and then changes to a 45 degree angle towards the chest. On the outer-arm front of each bicep is a steam that goes straight up two-thirds of the way up and then changes to a 45 degree angle towards the chest and lines up with a jut from the black seam. There is a greeblie that matches the reference photo on the inner part of each bicep where it juts out into the black seam. There are three recessed lines which run front to back towards the top of each bicep. Two of the lowest recessed lines stop just short of the back seam at the back of the shoulder bells into a square detail with a recessed line in the top left corner and a circle indent in the top right corner. Two black ovals are present on the outside facing side of the bicep. OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable): Two black ovals are present on the outside facing side of the bicep are hollow exposing the ribbed undersuit beneath. Elbow Gaskets Gaskets shall be rubber or a shiny black material with ridges. The elbow gaskets ridges run horizontally. The elbow gaskets must cover all exposed areas between the bicep and forearm. Forearms On the inside near the wrists there is a raised wedge shaped box. Following the wedge shaped box there is an indention/seam that runs length wise along the box and curves around it towards the inside of the arm. There is another indention/seam that runs from the wrist to the elbow on the top of the forearm. There is another indention/seam that runs from the wrist and curves into the elbow on the outside of the forearm. There is a fin on the back of the forearm closest to the wrist that points towards the elbow. Both the inside and outside of the forearm is connected with a recessed cover strip. The outside of the forearm rounds off into two peaks with a lower "U" shaped area. In both peaks there are two rectangular recessed details which point to the back and chest and end in each direction with a small black square. Gloves / Handplates All black. Extend underneath the forearm. Palm, thumb and forefinger area is made from leather or leather-like material. Handplates are rigid square boxes that are angled down on each side of the hand. On the outside of each handplate away from the thumb and just past the recessed vertical line is a fin/fan that is raised up and angled back. Handplates are mounted securely over the back of the glove. Codpiece The codpiece sits below the abdomen and under the belt. Posterior Armor The posterior armor sits below the abdomen and under the belt and has a rectangular recessed area along the top center. Belt The belt is made from rubber or rubber-like material with no visible buckle or fastening mechanism. The front of the belt features a horizontal box which is split with a channel into a square and rectangle box. The rectangle box has a recessed oval indention the longer rectangle box to the right of the wearer. On each side of the front belt horizontal box are two vertical boxes with rounded corners. Each box has recessed lines near the top that give them the appearance of being able to be opened or closed. Further along the belt on the hip of the wearer are hinged boxes with covers. The lower hinged box has two flat ends on each side at a 90 degree angle, which go into flat sides at a 45 degree angle towards the front of the box, to a flat front on the box. Similar if you were to cut an octagon in half. The lower hinged box has a lowered part as it connects into the top box cover which overhangs the lower box. The top box cover is similar in style to a scoop, with triangular edges on both sides which have points that point at the ground. The flat part of the scoop has 11 vertical recessed lines that run the length of the flat area. The back of the belt features a wedge shaped blast deflector that is black on all sides of the wedge except for the top. On the top there is a flat white piece of plastic with 14 raised sections. Undersuit An undergarment must be worn such that the space between the thighs and the belt shows a black material. The black material may be shiny or matte. The reference photo shows the type used on screen but is not required for basic approval. Thighs Both thighs have a indention/seam that runs on the outside and line with the seams on the outside of the shins. In between both of the outside seams of the thighs at the top there is a recessed area with a greeblie detail. The back of both thighs have a flat raised area that resembles a cover strip. The left thigh will have a raised flats area that runs the length of the front with two small black square details before it raises into a knee plate detail. The right thigh will have a raised flat area that runs the length of the front with two greeblie details near the bottom. There is then a seam that splits the front edge of the raised flat area and runs diagonally up to the first seam on the outside of the right thigh and to the middle of the inner side of the right thigh. Thigh Gaskets Gaskets shall be rubber or a shiny black material with ridges. The thigh gaskets ridges run vertically. The thigh gaskets must cover all exposed areas between the thigh, ab and cod pieces. Knee Gaskets Gaskets shall be rubber or a shiny black material with ridges. The knee gaskets ridges run horizontally. The knee gaskets must cover all exposed areas between the thigh and shin. Shins The left shin will have the following details: The front will have a flat edge that resembles a cover strip. There is an indention/seam that runs the length of the entire shin on the inside. The front will overlap the back and appear sealed, as the opening is on the inside. The back will have a flat edge. The outside will have two indentions/seams that run the length of the shin bowing towards the rear. Near the top there is a raised box detail. Above the raised box detail is a clip greeblie. The right shin will have the following details: The front will have a flat edge that resembles a cover strip. There is an indention/seam that runs the length of the entire shin on the inside. The front will overlap the back and appear sealed, as the opening is on the inside. The back will have a flat edge. The outside will have two indentions/seams that run the length of the shin bowing towards the rear. Near the top there are two vertical thin boxes that are seamless. Above the two vertical thin boxes is a clip greeblie. Spats The spats wrap around the lower ankle. The spats are enclosed on the outside of the ankle with a greeblie that overlaps the open side. There is a visible seam on the inside of the ankle. The back of the spats raise up into a fin. Boots The boots are above-ankle height, and made of white leather or leather-like material. There is a seam down both sides of the front that swoops out to the side of the foot. There is a vertical zipper on the inside that spans the height of the boot. There is a black flat sole with no heel. No buckles or laces. 1 Link to comment
heartstopper85[501st] Posted September 24, 2019 Share Posted September 24, 2019 is spec ops getting the white one, the red one or both? Link to comment
RAIDER[CMD-DCA] Posted September 24, 2019 Share Posted September 24, 2019 Just now, heartstopper85 said: is spec ops getting the white one, the red one or both? I was informed by the LMO team both. 2 Link to comment
Blackwatch[CMD-DCA] Posted September 29, 2019 Share Posted September 29, 2019 Are we going to create completely seperate CRLs, or tabbed variations? 1 Link to comment
RAIDER[CMD-DCA] Posted September 29, 2019 Share Posted September 29, 2019 2 hours ago, Blackwatch said: Are we going to create completely seperate CRLs, or tabbed variations? I think different...but we will see how they all fit I suppose. Obviously looks like just a red and white version...but thats what has separated CRLs between Spec Ops and other dets. 1 Link to comment
Mynock Posted December 3, 2019 Share Posted December 3, 2019 Following this, Going to join the KB Props run pretty keen on a First Order Jet Trooper 2 Link to comment
Devolver[501st] Posted December 4, 2019 Share Posted December 4, 2019 20 hours ago, Mynock said: Following this, Going to join the KB Props run pretty keen on a First Order Jet Trooper Also following. If I had the funds right now, I'd be all over that KB run. Maybe in the future. 1 Link to comment
Blackwatch[CMD-DCA] Posted December 23, 2019 Share Posted December 23, 2019 lets get rolling after the first of the year when we can have all our focus --focused. after seeing the show, all I can say is---THEY FLY NOW??!!!??? 1 Link to comment
IcyTrooper[CMD-DWM] Posted January 7, 2020 Author Share Posted January 7, 2020 I've been slowly moving along on this one, trying to add stuff each day. Link to comment
Supreme_Leader_66 Posted February 24, 2020 Share Posted February 24, 2020 I’ve got my KB props Bucket so far. They are working on the rest of the kit and it should be out in a month or so. I made a build thread with my updates. Can’t wait to start flying! 1 Link to comment
IcyTrooper[CMD-DWM] Posted February 24, 2020 Author Share Posted February 24, 2020 46 minutes ago, Supreme_Leader_66 said: I’ve got my KB props Bucket so far. They are working on the rest of the kit and it should be out in a month or so. I made a build thread with my updates. Can’t wait to start flying! Great! I will check it out. I'm still working on CRL and will call for updates amongst everyone. We are going to do the FO Jet Trooper first and then port the text over or vice versa. 1 Link to comment
Supreme_Leader_66 Posted February 24, 2020 Share Posted February 24, 2020 10 minutes ago, IcyTrooper said: Great! I will check it out. I'm still working on CRL and will call for updates amongst everyone. We are going to do the FO Jet Trooper first and then port the text over or vice versa. Awesome! Sounds good to me! Link to comment
IcyTrooper[CMD-DWM] Posted February 27, 2020 Author Share Posted February 27, 2020 First draft for this CRL finally completed. 2 Link to comment
Supreme_Leader_66 Posted February 28, 2020 Share Posted February 28, 2020 On 2/27/2020 at 12:46 AM, IcyTrooper said: First draft for this CRL finally completed. Is it fairly safe to assume this CRL can be used for my Sith jety? i know the mentioned "red' decals will be "yellow" on mine and obviously my armor wont be white, lol. But i have yet to see any differences besides color between the normal Jet and the Sith version. Good work on the CRL so far!! Link to comment
IcyTrooper[CMD-DWM] Posted February 29, 2020 Author Share Posted February 29, 2020 8 hours ago, Supreme_Leader_66 said: Is it fairly safe to assume this CRL can be used for my Sith jety? i know the mentioned "red' decals will be "yellow" on mine and obviously my armor wont be white, lol. But i have yet to see any differences besides color between the normal Jet and the Sith version. Good work on the CRL so far!! My plan, after review with the team of course, is to hopefully use the same CRL with color adaptations for the Sith Jet Trooper as well as you said. I haven't been able to take a look more into the red guys from what I can remember from the movie. I can't wait til the release on Blu-Ray comes out so that I can get another look at them because I can't remember much. Thanks for the kudos! We still have a ways to go with it since we also have to have an applicant to be a CRL model. Since you are going to do a Sith Jet Trooper I may port this over now after I talk to @Raider and make that the sole development and then copy whatever is finalized on the Sith to the FO one. 1 Link to comment
RAIDER[CMD-DCA] Posted March 1, 2020 Share Posted March 1, 2020 On 8/31/2019 at 12:36 AM, IcyTrooper said: Helmet The helmet is gloss white with black trim. The lens is smoky gray in color and must be sufficiently dark enough to obscure the costumer's eyes. There is a straight recessed line at the brow of the helmet that slightly angles down near the corner of the eye slit and goes around the helmet. There is a recessed line at the corner of top edge of the eye slit that runs around the helmet. There is a recessed line that creates a half-circle "trap" detail on each side of the helmet which ends at the recessed line of the brow. On each side of the forehead there is a set of three recessed lines that are equally spaced and run parallel to each other and run from the top brow recessed line up over the top of the helmet and down the back to the top brow recessed line. (Need to think on this line...feel like it needs to be more clear/less wordy if possible) There is a are four hollowed out "nose" section vents: on the front that is divided into four sections The two outermost sections vents feature a longer rectangular shape and the two inner sections vents are shorter and more of a square. Mesh must be used to obscure the wearer's face. The trim around the nose section extends to eye slit and goes down the cheek with raised sections where the front mandible pipe detail is. Underneath the nose section is a mouth detail with the following details from top to bottom: Four steps which go down into two mandible pipe details. The mandible pipe details go from the fourth step and curve out and upwards towards the corners of the eye view slit and then bend back down and close off facing outwards and down. There are three steps below the mandible pipe detail that go down towards the chest the bottom of the helmet and end into a recessed triangle section. At the bottom of the recessed triangle section on the chin are four (I count five on the LFL and TROS displays) vertical lines. To the left and right of the chin detail on each inner part of the cheek there are recessed channels which have a raised greeblie just before a recessed channel that end with a hollowed square/half circle. Starting just at the end of the channel on each side of the cheeks there are fifteen vents that go back towards the side of the helmet. On the outer edge of each side of the cheeks there are three recessed lines that run the length of the cheek and around the helmet. On the outside of each cheek running around the helmet is a seam which connects the bottom of the helmet to the sides. Ok...starting from the top...I did some strikethroughs and yellow for suggested cleanups. Points of concern in orange (I think lol). And finally: Do we need a line a bout the inward slope of the bottom edge of the helmet? Additionally the "gap" that should be created from the lens to the brow (the interior of that brow has a ridged detail similar to the Sith Trooper that should probably be a Level 2 requirement...may want to check Sith Trooper drafts to see how that was worded for consistency). The bottom cheek "circular parts" look to be tube-ish in shape extending/wrapping into the chin interior of the helmet. Some line there perhaps and potential for an L2 requirement there maybe? 1 Link to comment
IcyTrooper[CMD-DWM] Posted March 1, 2020 Author Share Posted March 1, 2020 Thank you for taking a look at the helmet! I felt like next to the backpack and chest, this was one of the hardest items to get described textually. Less wordy is definitely what we want and I felt it hard with the level of detail on these new costumes. The yellow stuff that you put in there I agree with! I'll look at that first orange text and see if I can clean it up. On the second orange text you are definitely right and I missed one! I can make the changes to my post with the changes you have presented later. I'll address the 3 points you raised below: I thought about that because it reminds me of clone helmets with the neck ring. However, I do believe that it is an integral part of the costume and don't think it would inhibit someone with a larger head from getting the helmet on if it is present so I will add a line about that. That gap from lens to the brow definitely needs to be present and I can add that. The details within the inner parts of it would I think be more suited for L2 as you have suggested and I'll consult the Sith Trooper helmet on it. I'll have to check out the reference pics for that. Are you talking about the part where the three lines are as they wrap around? Link to comment
IcyTrooper[CMD-DWM] Posted March 3, 2020 Author Share Posted March 3, 2020 On 3/1/2020 at 11:22 AM, Raider said: Ok...starting from the top...I did some strikethroughs and yellow for suggested cleanups. Points of concern in orange (I think lol). And finally: Do we need a line a bout the inward slope of the bottom edge of the helmet? Additionally the "gap" that should be created from the lens to the brow (the interior of that brow has a ridged detail similar to the Sith Trooper that should probably be a Level 2 requirement...may want to check Sith Trooper drafts to see how that was worded for consistency). The bottom cheek "circular parts" look to be tube-ish in shape extending/wrapping into the chin interior of the helmet. Some line there perhaps and potential for an L2 requirement there maybe? I did all of your yellow corrects. Made the text about the wordy part purple so we can check back on it. I also added the following for basic: The brow of the helmet comes out creating a gap from the lenses. On the front of each cheek piece there is a rounded section just underneath the front edge that runs into the center of the helmet/neck. The bottom of the helmet has a slight inward slope towards the neck of the wearer. I also added the following for L2 for the brow (we can revisit it later): The gap between the brow and the lenses has the proper details. Link to comment
Oldracer27[501st] Posted January 10 Share Posted January 10 Hello all in this tread. I have a full commissioned build starting for the red Sith Jet Trooper and just ran across this thread from 2020. I've passed all of this information along to my builder. He is using the Rise of Skywalker Jet Trooper Full Armor 3D print model from CG Trader. I assume this proposed CRL has not been approved yet as it does not show up in the 501st costume reference library. Has anyone done this suit yet? Thanks, Greg 42727 Link to comment
Chaos[CMD-DCA] Posted January 11 Share Posted January 11 @Oldracer27 Greg, the CRL has not been posted yet as no one has built any kits to the CRL. We require model photos of an actual built kit when submission is made to the Legion for approval. If your builder can build the suit to the CRL spec, you could provide a set of detail photos like the other CRLs. You would be the "model trooper" for the CRL @IcyTrooper 1 Link to comment
Oldracer27[501st] Posted January 11 Share Posted January 11 Okay, that will be my goal! I have sent my builder the last revision of the CRL posted in this thread. He has built many other suits to CRL specifications so he should be all good with this project. Thanks, Greg 1 Link to comment
IcyTrooper[CMD-DWM] Posted January 12 Author Share Posted January 12 What @Chaos said is correct! Once we get a model who has the parts put together/putting together with pics we press forward on getting the costume added to the official CRL. 1 Link to comment
Oldracer27[501st] Posted February 19 Share Posted February 19 Hey Ryan & Chris, the build of my red Sith Jet Trooper kit is moving along with the builder. He's actually started some of the paint work. For the gloves, he's suggesting the Rogue One Trooper gloves from Endor Finders. Rogue One Trooper Gloves — Endor Finders Also, the pre-CRL appears to be for the white version. Is this going to be a problem with my build in red? The only thing I see different between the two versions is the red kit has an armor piece on the top of the boots similar to the Sith Trooper CRL. 1 Link to comment
Oldracer27[501st] Posted February 19 Share Posted February 19 Here's an image from the Star Wars Fandom page. Note the tops of the boots. 1 Link to comment
IcyTrooper[CMD-DWM] Posted February 19 Author Share Posted February 19 8 hours ago, Oldracer27 said: Hey Ryan & Chris, the build of my red Sith Jet Trooper kit is moving along with the builder. He's actually started some of the paint work. For the gloves, he's suggesting the Rogue One Trooper gloves from Endor Finders. Rogue One Trooper Gloves — Endor Finders Also, the pre-CRL appears to be for the white version. Is this going to be a problem with my build in red? The only thing I see different between the two versions is the red kit has an armor piece on the top of the boots similar to the Sith Trooper CRL. Glad to see someone is working on it again! We can hopefully get it across the finish line. The CRL text here isn't finalized, so we did the best of what we could on a quick port over, but if the sources show what you are showing (plus the image you linked on another reply), we can still make adjustments and refine it. 1 Link to comment
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