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i will add that the lenses are permitted, but personally I dont want to make a real lens mandatory. If someone chooses they can cannibalize a real scope or binocular. I use door peep hole viewers on my own E11 scope. 

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Change log 1.1

Text changes in Green. 

New Text in Orange

Removals in red strikethrough. 

 A DLT-19x is an MG-34 with T-tracks on the barrel, a scope mounted on top of mag loader, red ring around the scope, ejection   port   cover added, and a small disk on left sided on a real or replica MG-34 machine gun.                                                                   Rifle is Scatch built or high end prop replica as shown in reference photos.                  


OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):

Accurate MG-34 replica base using correct size and proportions,  either cast or 3d printed from an original MG-34.                                                                                                                                      The scope has a design specific to the game's 3D model, and has a red ring which matches reference images for placement and size.                                                                                                  Scope should include real glass lenses.               



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Just a heads up. This spacing issue is absolitely driving me bat***T crazy.  I write it out in editor, get it perfectly aligned, then come in and hit save and all jacked up. Ive spent well over two hours trying to fix these issues.  The text above is not cut copy past. I wrote each line out individually.    

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16 minutes ago, Blackwatch said:

i will add that the lenses are permitted, but personally I dont want to make a real lens mandatory. If someone chooses they can cannibalize a real scope or binocular. I use door peep hole viewers on my own E11 scope. 

Yea I agree, it's really just a bonus and it was perfect for a L2 option :D

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2 minutes ago, Blackwatch said:

I would like to lock down the text on the Scope, finalize, and then regroup and consider our next move. 

Yes sir! Dew it ??

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Change Log 1.1 (Final text) 

A DLT-19x is an MG-34 with T-tracks on the barrel, a scope mounted on top of mag loader, red ring around the scope, ejection   port   cover added, and a small disk on the left side, on a real or cast replica of a MG-34 machine gun.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The DLTi19 rifle is scratch-built or is a high-end prop replica which matches reference images.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):

Accurate MG-34 replica base using correct size and proportions,  either cast or 3d printed from an original MG-34.                                                                                                                             The scope has a design specific to the game's 3D model, and has a red ring which matches reference images for placement and size.                                                                                          Scope should include real glass lenses.               

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we haven't talked about the demo charge yet.  this is from the Prop Arhive database. This is a rebel version, but essentially similar in construction with minor details (tank track not visible on Dels, vent greeblies, color and markings) http://theswca.com/index.php?action=disp_item&item_id=81151



Demolition Charge 

Thermal Detonator

A demolition charge and a thermal detonator were sometimes carried on the scout belt as seen in some reference images.  The demolition charge, also called a "detonite charge" in the game, is of the "bunker buster" variety.  The thermal detonator is the "grenade" style. Both have made multiple appearances in film , notably ROTJ, among others, and these two explosives are well-defined. 


Dtetonite Charge 

The Detonite charge is silver or grey in color and hangs from the scout belt with a fastener that is not seen.  

The Detonite Charge is a cylindrical explosive which has a flanged base extending outwards from the bottom of the cylinder. The base  stops 1/4 of the way up the cylinder. 

The cylinder hieight is (XXXXXX)  with the flange width (XXXXXX) . 

Mounted onto the cylindrical part of the charge are two square "vent" greeblies  which feature mounting tabs held on with four domed-head wood screws. 

The top of the charge is depressed 3/8" (9.5mm) and features various square greeblies mounted around a central core which rises above the top rim of the cylinder.  Inside the depressed area are several rectangular greeblies as well as two silver raised knurled thumbscrews. 

The "core" has a silver raised cylindrical "pipe" fitting with a groove running all the way around it.   

The flange around the base has a total of 36 depressions or holes in groups of 9 spaced equally around the diameter. 

The open area of the flanged base features various designs and greeblies which match screen references.

The detonite charge may be electrically lit and feature sound effects when 'activated".

The charge may be scratchbuilt, cast, or high end prop replica. 

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):

Detonite charge matches game references including color and markings. 



One thing I would like to add to the TD text is that the official SW Hot potato game TD should be allowed at the L2 level because it does what L2 requires and meets the visual specifications. 

Thermal Detonator
  • Detonator is a handheld sphere that is chrome silver in color.
  • Asymmetric latitudinal lines are etched into the reflective silver body of the detonator.
  • Detonator appears to be open like a puzzle, creating a trench around the circumference of the sphere.
  • Three front activation indicators are visible within center band.
  • A light grey ovular and contoured top thumb switch is seen with a raised grip surface.
  • Detonator has the appearance of an inset red arming indicator, functional or non-functional on top in front of the thumb switch.


OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Thumb switch activates the detonator.
    • Switch slides back to reveal a lit red arming light.
    • The three front activation indicators light up yellow and flash based closely on visual references.


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6 minutes ago, Blackwatch said:

The Detonite charge is silver or grey in color and hangs from the scout belt with a fastener that is not seen.  

I like the text i just would delete the silver colour. It can be grey or olive to grey. But silver?? nah




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1 hour ago, TX-20113 said:

I like the text i just would delete the silver colour. It can be grey or olive to grey. But silver?? nah

I agree with that ! It looks like a mate finish, not much reflections

The text looks good and it's well detailed, average measurements can be provided by checking 3d file maybe ? I really don't know if you can extract this specific item

Maybe I would leave electronics for L2 as an upgrade for perfectionists

Also for L2 our traditional " made from 3d file " for as close proportions as game's ones ( ONLY if we find the 3d file...)

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2 minutes ago, MahXPrime said:

I agree with that ! It looks like a mate finish, not much reflections

The text looks good and it's well detailed, average measurements can be provided by checking 3d file maybe ? I really don't know if you can extract this specific item

Maybe I would leave electronics for L2 as an upgrade for perfectionists

Also for L2 our traditional " made from 3d file " for as close proportions as game's ones ( ONLY if we find the 3d file...)

Agreement ??

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Okay guys I've some very cool HQ screens of the BF2 in game actual texture, so we know how to describe paint markings (edited a silly marking out. xD and obviously white texts are to be ignored)



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The model is there - needs some changes to make it printable because of all the odd overlapping details on the top. The colors here a little darker since it's not lit up.




also just for comparison these are props on the Smuggler's run ride at Galaxys Edge:


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5 minutes ago, areilly said:

The model is there - needs some changes to make it printable because of all the odd overlapping details on the top. The colors here a little darker since it's not lit up.




also just for comparison these are props on the Smuggler's run ride at Galaxys Edge:


Thats phantastic ?? thanks for sharing this

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Wow! that is so cool!!! I always wanted one of these. TK560 used to make these in resin.  

Ok ill make changes.  Are we keeping the text for the grenade style TD?  its already Legion approved. 

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6 hours ago, Blackwatch said:

we haven't talked about the demo charge yet.  this is from the Prop Arhive database. This is a rebel version, but essentially similar in construction with minor details (tank track not visible on Dels, vent greeblies, color and markings) http://theswca.com/index.php?action=disp_item&item_id=81151



Demolition Charge 

Thermal Detonator

A demolition charge and a thermal detonator were sometimes carried on the scout belt as seen in some reference images.  The demolition charge, also called a "detonite charge" in the game, is of the "bunker buster" variety.  The thermal detonator is the "grenade" style. Both have made multiple appearances in film , notably ROTJ, among others, and these two explosives are well-defined. 


Detonite Charge 

The Detonite charge is silver or grey  in color and hangs from the scout belt with a fastener that is not seen.  

The Detonite charge is a cylindrical explosive which has a flanged base extending outwards from the bottom of the cylinder. The base  stops 1/4 of the way up the cylinder. 

The cylinder hieight is (XXXXXX)  with the flange width (XXXXXX) . 

Mounted onto the cylindrical part of the charge are two square "vent" greeblies  which feature mounting tabs held on with four domed-head wood screws. The mounting tabs have the corners cut out.  (See reference images).  The vent greeblies are metallic grey. 

The top of the charge is depressed 3/8" (9.5mm) and features various square greeblies mounted around a central core which rises above the top rim of the cylinder.  Inside the depressed area are several rectangular greeblies as well as two silver raised knurled thumbscrews. 

The "core" has a silver raised cylindrical "pipe" fitting with a groove running all the way around it.   

The flange around the base has a total of 36 depressions or holes in groups of 9 spaced equally around the diameter. 

The open area of the flanged base features various designs and greeblies which match screen references.

The detonite charge may be electrically lit and feature sound effects when 'activated".

The charge may be scratchbuilt, cast, or high end prop replica. 

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):

Detonite charge matches game references including color and markings. 

Change Log 1.1 



Changes  in Green

Removals in Red Strikethrough

New text in Orange

Detonite Charge 

The Detonite charge is silver or grey or olive in color and hangs from the scout belt with a fastener that is not seen.  

The Detonite Charge is a cylindrical explosive which has a flanged base extending outwards from the bottom of the cylinder. The base  stops 1/4 of the way up the cylinder. 

The cylinder hieight is (XXXXXX)  with the flange width (XXXXXX) . 

Mounted onto the cylindrical part of the charge are two square "vent" greeblies  which feature mounting tabs held on with four domed-head wood screws. 

The top of the charge is depressed 3/8" (9.5mm) and features various square greeblies mounted around a central core which rises above the top rim of the cylinder.  Inside the depressed area are several rectangular greeblies as well as two silver raised knurled thumbscrews. 

The "core" has a silver raised cylindrical "pipe" fitting with a groove running all the way around it.   

The flange around the base has a total of 36 depressions or holes in groups of 9 spaced equally around the diameter. Hole diameter will not exceed 1/8" (3.175")

The open area of the flanged base features various designs and greeblies which match screen references.

The charge may be scratchbuilt, cast, or high end prop replica. 

There is a 1" (25mm) red or brown-red ring which runs around the charge where the flange meets the cylinder.  There are two yellow or ochre-colored rectangular stripes which divide the red ring into two segments.  These yellow stripes are situated between the middle of the cylinder height, and stop 1/4" (6.35mm) above the bottom of the flange.  There may be two different designs in the yellow stripes which match screen images. 

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):

Detonite charge is made from the games 3d model and matches game references including color and markings. 

The detonite charge is electrically lit and feature sound effects when 'activated'.

The black markings on the yellow stripes match the markings seen in game.  

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altight then guys, since I have your blessing Ill lock it down.  I went out and purchased a printed kit of this bunker charge last night. I have to have one now!

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9 minutes ago, Blackwatch said:

altight then guys, since I have your blessing Ill lock it down.  I went out and purchased a printed kit of this bunker charge last night. I have to have one now!

I want one too?

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Found it on Etsy.  I got this one of of Bulgaria, it just looked better as a print. Ill sill upgrade it to Del standards tho.  Carry it with my Sapper. 

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Change Log 1.2 (FINAL TEXT) 

Thermal Detonator

Detonator is a handheld sphere that is chrome silver in color.

The Detonator is worn on the right front of the Over Belt, and is worn to the right of the Detonite Charge if that is worn. 

Asymmetric latitudinal lines are etched into the reflective silver body of the detonator.

Detonator appears to be open like a puzzle, creating a trench around the circumference of the sphere.

Three front activation indicators are visible within center band.

A light grey ovular and contoured top thumb switch is seen with a raised grip surface.

Detonator has the appearance of an inset red arming indicator, functional or non-functional on top in front of the thumb switch.


OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
Thumb switch activates the detonator.

Switch slides back to reveal a lit red arming light.

The three front activation indicators light up and flash based on visual references.

The official Star Wars LFL licensed Thermal Detonator sold as the "hot potato" game should be allowed for Level 2 because it meets the criteria listed above. 


Detonite Charge 

The Detonite charge is grey , olive olive -grey or olive drab in color and hangs from the scout belt with a fastener that is not seen.

 The Detonite Charge  is worn on the right front of the Over Belt, and is worn to the left of the Thermal Detonator if that is worn.

The Detonite Charge is a cylindrical explosive which has a flanged base extending outwards from the bottom of the cylinder. The base  stops 1/4 of the way up the cylinder. 

Mounted onto the cylindrical part of the charge are two square "vent" greeblies  which feature mounting tabs held on with four domed-head wood screws. 

The top of the charge is depressed 3/8" (9.5mm) and features various greeblies mounted around a central core which rises above the top rim of the cylinder.  Inside the depressed area are several rectangular greeblies as well as two silver raised knurled thumbscrews. 

The "core" has a silver raised cylindrical "pipe" fitting with a groove running all the way around it.   

The flange around the base has a total of 36 depressions or holes in groups of 9 spaced equally around the diameter. Hole diameter will not exceed 1/8" (3.175mm).

The open area of the flanged base features various designs and greeblies which match screen references.

The charge may be scratch built, cast, printed or high end prop replica. 

There is a 1" (25mm) red or brown-red ring which runs around the charge where the flange meets the cylinder.  There are two yellow or ochre-colored rectangular stripes which divide the red ring into two segments.  These yellow stripes are situated between the middle of the cylinder height, and stop 1/4" (6.35mm) above the bottom of the flange.  There may be two different designs in the yellow stripes which match screen images. 

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):

Detonite charge is made from the games 3d model and matches game references including color and markings. 

The detonite charge is electrically lit and feature sound effects when 'activated'.

The black markings on the yellow stripes match the markings seen in game.

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  • 3 months later...

TIme  has passed now on th eproposal and a question was brought up regarding the actual size of the rectangle that composes the bulk of the vest.  As with so much of this costume, it will depend on the size of the wearer, since it will be made to size, and not purchased from a tactical store or site. fabric is seen above the top of the magazine pouches.  This should be sized to match the reference we see on the screen. I would like to add a line to the CRL proposal.


The tactical vest is a rectangle , correctly fitted to the wearer both in size and scale when compared to reference images from the game. The maximum height of the vest shall not rise more than 2" (50mm} above the top of the magazine pouches mounted to the vest.  The pouches will be mounted lower on the vest to accomodate the chestbox, when the chestbox is worn. 


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