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Hoda's Trooper Build

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I've had the Imperial Army Trooper bookmarked for a while as one of my next builds. Comfortable, unique - why the heck not?

I love how detailed this "purchase list" has been. Huge kudos to the team - you don't see this level of detail with all costumes. Amazing stuff!

The goal is to of course, build to Specialist. I do think I can reuse some of my exiting items and get level 1 approved (e.g. officer hat, jackboots).

I will update the following posts with items I am collecting along the way and any questions I might have.

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Parts List - 

  • Helmet: Reached out to Jason at Intergalactic Supply for a helmet
  • Hat: CosplaySky officer hat
  • Goggles: Using the goggles from my AT-ST Driver
  • Flightsuit: Elbeco Transcon (LA Police Gear did not have my size, ended getting one from here. Hopefully it fits
  • Imperial Army Patch: From WTF a while back
  • Olive Gloves: I got a pair of the French army gloves from eBay
  • Web Harness: Going to follow instructions from the parts thread and make my own with parts from Strapworks
  • Belt: eBay - followed the parts thread
  • Pouches: eBay - followed the parts thread
  • Boots: Got a pair of the Denver Hayes Men's Midland Side Zip Winter Boot from eBay (these were hard to track down). For level 1 clearance, will use Tie Pilot jackboots
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Took the straps from Strapwork and did a quick sewing job. I added the hooks and triglides, though looking at the CRL for level 2, am guessing I actually didn't need the hooks for the back (can just loop around the belt and secure w/ triglides).


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Let's talk gloves for a second - 


I got the above pair like I mentioned, from eBay. Looking at  Specialists that have cleared and the CRL for level 2, it looks like there is a requirement for stitching on the glove. I can of course, sew lines in, but then I started asking myself, maybe there are more appropriate gloves out there I can just dye green with the Montana Gold Olive Green paint I have secured? I try to avoid sewing where possible, you see (will have to modify the coverall once I receive it later I guess ...)

What do you think of these other gloves? Maybe what we should be looking for are "driving gloves"?

@Blackwatchand others - would love your thoughts on the above!

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Hi Eric! Im right next door in BAG. Id love to meet up with you at a troop sometime!  Spread the green!

Thanks for the kind words.  I started the mentor corps over at the JRS a lifetime ago and I had a list just like that I tried to keep up, and posting it here really helps people source what is totally intended to be an easy to build, as well as accurate to source art, uniform.  

I took a look at all your links, and the one link to the gauntlet glove will not work, that's a RP style glove.  I still have my old TD560s, and they are identical. 

I never could find a glove that would work, but i Icheated. I attached a strip of stitching (green fabric, green thread), to the backs of my gloves with Barge cement. I had glued square handbacks on my black gloves originally as well.   I got those french army gloves on a bogo deal so I could not pass them up. 

My hooks are clipped into the inside of the belt, facing outward so you don't see the hooks.  I have my green belt filled up with pouches so you don't see much belt.  
If you are setting up to L2 make sure that the back strap sits level on your shoulderblades, and that your boots are tucked, not bloused, we are changing the terms (you can look at the proposal CRL).  

Best of luck! Reach out with any questions, and keep those photos coming! 

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Thank you sir! Hopefully the world gets back to normal in a bit and then I would love to do some troops w BAG!

The tips on the harness, pant legs, and belt are great - I was already monitoring the CRL updates so that's a good reminder.

I saw your Specialist thread and the gloves you used, I suspected that's how you added the lines as much ?. I might just get one of these other gloves and paint them green, I will come back and share with the group any findings.

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  • 1 month later...

Went silent on this WIP post for a bit because ... well, the pandemic! 

The Elbeco suit got here today! Shipping of items have been crazy. I just received the pouches I ordered way back in June. Boots I ordered back then finally made its way here from Poland  as well (looks like I'll be getting them on Monday/Tuesday). Helmet should arrive from Jason @ Intergalactic in the next week or so.

So, time to get back on this build! Going to spend some time tomorrow converting the collar to a chevron collar.




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yep its here:



but, for those following, the transcon suits only need a strap attached to the esisting collar. My collar is rolled down, stitched, and a slab of the lower leg cuff cut off and stitched on for the neck closure. SUPER simple. 


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Ugh, sewing machine out of commission. Going to have to go about fixing it this weekend.

In the meantime, I did a few things!

Removed the epaulets, which created a little gap that I will need to sew up, but has created the collar I am going to use for the tab :)



I took advantage of the lower temperature in Texas today to do some painting as well! I might hit it with another coat tomorrow morning, but right now it looks good in person!



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Thank you both! These boots took forever to get here but totally worth the wait. I also got lucky with this bottle of the Montana - last can I had kept dripping everywhere.

Hopefully more update soon! 

(Also - congrats on the Specialist, @Kessel! I have been following your threads there as well. Hopefully I can join you one of these days :) )

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  On 9/2/2020 at 1:52 AM, Hoda said:

Thank you both! These boots took forever to get here but totally worth the wait. I also got lucky with this bottle of the Montana - last can I had kept dripping everywhere.

Hopefully more update soon! 

(Also - congrats on the Specialist, @Kessel! I have been following your threads there as well. Hopefully I can join you one of these days :) )


Thank you so much @Hodafor your congratulations!!!

Shortly I will write a thread with the experience of creating my IAT costume and there may be something that can help you.

If I can help you with something, here I am.


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Ah yes, two more things tonight, before I forget. 

Added a snap onto the epaulet / collar


Gloves - I had mentioned I might take another pair of gloves and try painting it green. I found this pair of gloves cheap so decided to experiment with it. What do you think? These ones came with the stitching on the back. I know the paint job on the gloves wasn't the best, I think partly due to the material of the gloves.



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  On 9/2/2020 at 2:20 AM, Hoda said:

Ah yes, two more things tonight, before I forget. 

Added a snap onto the epaulet / collar


Gloves - I had mentioned I might take another pair of gloves and try painting it green. I found this pair of gloves cheap so decided to experiment with it. What do you think? These ones came with the stitching on the back. I know the paint job on the gloves wasn't the best, I think partly due to the material of the gloves.




Hi again @Hoda 

If you allow my opinion, I agree with @IcyTrooper : the gloves don't look bad, but maybe @Blackwatch thoughts are the most accurate.

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Like Krieger says, YUP YUP YUP~!  Gloves are fine! i used the french gloves that do not have any lines, so I ran about two feet of serger string off my serger, and cut that up into 6 pieces, glued it to the gloves, painted the MG OG, and then got my gloves dirty.    Go play in he cat litter box.  They will look great.  

Everything else is right on, just keep in mind when you do your straps depending on your build you want the straps t lay flat against your shoulders, and not stand up like what we used to call Commander Spock shoulderpads.  You can angle them inwards towards each other to achieve this. 


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Ho ho ho! I got my sewing machine squared away today in between work calls, and go to sewing!

First I did the collar. I took @Blackwatch's advice and folded in the collar to the same height as the collar/epaulet, and sewed


I then took the epaulet and sewed it to the collar. Don't look too close at the sewing job. My home ec teacher would not have been happy with what's going on here.


Picture is reversed but ... voila!


To make it stick better, I sewed on some hook/loop to the collar / chevron



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Now the collar is done, I got to work on attaching the Imperial Army patches. I estimated around 1 inch off the shoulder seam and sewed away. (Oh yes, I also closed the gap in the shoulder that happened when I removed the epaulets.)


I also hemmed the pant legs - this jumpsuit came unhemmed, so had to shorten it a bit. And now, it's done!


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