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tat2trooper anovos shadow trooper build

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Just make sure there are no traces of acetone in anything as that'll melt the ABS, especially as thin as the Anovos armor is. I'd test whatever mineral spirits you are going to use on a scrap and see how it reacts over about an hour period. Mineral spirits should be safe.

I personally use Turtle Wax black vehicle stuff for cleaning/shine and haven't had issues.

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7 hours ago, IcyTrooper said:

Just make sure there are no traces of acetone in anything as that'll melt the ABS, especially as thin as the Anovos armor is. I'd test whatever mineral spirits you are going to use on a scrap and see how it reacts over about an hour period. Mineral spirits should be safe.

I personally use Turtle Wax black vehicle stuff for cleaning/shine and haven't had issues.

Ok bud thanks.

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13 hours ago, Tat2trooper said:

I try to be. 4 kids can slow you down some.

This is a good way to get some peace and quiet haha.

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