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RobC_TX1138 Death Trooper WIP

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Well we're off!  I needed another project/hobby to go along with the others I tinker with so this is it:

Helmet - Fiberglass   Jim Tripon jimmiroquai@yahoo.com , www.facebook.com/jim.tripon 

Armor - Fiberglass    Jim Tripon jimmiroquai@yahoo.com , www.facebook.com/jim.tripon

Undersuit - Fitted   Jim Tripon jimmiroquai@yahoo.com , www.facebook.com/jim.tripon

Pouches, Pauldron, Specialist Vest and all the above on order from Jim


Belt -  Plastic Arms Dealer kit  <ordered> These things are like unicorns!

Gloves -   Endor's Finders <ordered>

Boots - Imperial Boots (Killer). Waiting for them to resume orders. They are pretty much the only source.


SE-14r-  TDK (Tom Campbell 3D Pint Files) Received!

E-11D Blaster Rifle - TDK (Tom Campbell 3D Pint Files) Received!

DLT-19D* - TDK (Tom Campbell 3D Pint Files)  Received!   (I almost pulled the trigger on  $550 MG34 replica... but decided a print build would be lighter for trooping.)

*I haven't decided which kit I'm going with - they're both nice, so I will probably print and build them both.

Holsters - Self build- but looking for pattern recommendations ( I saw one from @nanotek on here)

Things I want to add and open for suggestions:

DT voice box- I  would like to be able switch from the Death Trooper scrambled channel sound to a electronic "normal" TK sound .

Helmet fans-  Trooper Tronix?  Although I could probably hit Fry's Electronics and DIY

LED tusk lighting- Looking, but probably DIY courtesy of Fry's as well.  Same on customizing the E-11D.

I'm curious what strapping options you guys use? I've seen several people talk about harnesses? I'd like to see videos if possible.

PS: I learned this evening that Tom Campbell was the 1st Death Trooper and CRL model... that's kinda cool.

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1 hour ago, RobC_TX1138 said:

Belt -  These things are like unicorns! Still looking for a vendor with stock.  I may have to try to find the raw material and cut a length, then try to mod a Vader belt buckle to not have the circle on it.  (?)

I'm gonna be doing the belt myself. I bought the belt material from TrooperBay shops etsy and the belt buckle I have it made from metal from Phoenix Props on facebook along with metal rocket forearms. That way you don't have to modify a Vader belt buckle.

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1 minute ago, TheFireAwakens1807 said:

 Phoenix Props on facebook along with metal rocket forearms.

I'll have to check them out. I wound up ordering a full belt kit from Plastic Arms Dealers on Etsy. I'll add pics and review to the thread once it arrives. 

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Gio at Crowprops now makes larger sized boots for the DT. He listened to us when we told him he could get IBs business for larger sizes


He also makes the gloves, I just added him to the Vendor's list for boots and gloves.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


The body parts are all here!  Sorry- having trouble getting the insert image from URL to work...[Fixed it!!]


Can anyone recommend a good primer (lots of scratches to deal with) and paint? I have an airbrush and will be using Spray Max 2K high gloss topcoat.

Just waiting (forever) for the belt kit from Plastic Arms Dealer... TBH, I'm not impressed with their customer service. No acknowledgement of my order, and it took multiple Etsy and FB Messages to get a reply on the initial delay.

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4 hours ago, RAIDER said:

@RobC_TX1138 for the pic…after u insert link just click enter n it should pop up.

To piggy-back on this, make sure the Imgur link has an image extension at the end for it to work.

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On 8/19/2021 at 9:38 PM, IcyTrooper said:

To piggy-back on this, make sure the Imgur link has an image extension at the end for it to work.

<I fixed it. Thanks for the help!>

I'm wanting to prime and prep all the parts for painting, but I've never worked with fiberglass so I could use some advice on primer and fillers?. 

As for paint and such, there's lots of opinions out there (especially on the FB Death Trooper group), but for me I'm leaning towards an automotive finish that has some flex in base and clear coats. I think it will be more durable and not crack from bending while putting it on etc.  I also want as smooth and shiny of a finish as possible- not a fan of the weathering. MY personal opinion is that these guys were elite and took car of their gear.  One role they performed was bodyguard/security detail - I was selected and worked as a Protective Service Agent and can say from experience  that none of us were slobs. Gear, vehicles and equipment were kept in top condition.  That "battle worn" stuff didn't cut it.  At best, it only applies when one is camouflaging your gear, these guys aren't.  I also look to the screen images where the stuff is so glossy that water beads on it...

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2 hours ago, RobC_TX1138 said:

.............not a fan of the weathering. MY personal opinion is that these guys were elite and took care of their gear.

You got it Rob! That´s exactly my opinion and that´s why I love my clear coat glossy finish, BLINK?

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  • 2 months later...
On 10/28/2021 at 8:23 AM, Tiderion said:

What primer and paint did you decide to go with?  And did Jim's kit come with the armor plates for the backs of the gloves and if not, where did you end up getting those?

Yes it came with the backs. I got the belt kit from Andy McClary, but it was a bit of a wait and some lack of communication on his part. I haven't selected paint, but I'm using Duplicolor Hi-Build 2 in 1 for primer. It's been on hold for the past few months while I worked other projects.

My priority is to figure out a harness rig for wearing it.

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